

iTop Extensions

Project Management Light

Project Management Light
Manage your project describing actors and deliverables of your project
project, deliverable, stakeholder
Client Store, iTop Hub
PHP 8.1

If you need to manage projects for your company but don't want to invest yet in another tool, this extension will enrich your iTop with some Project Management capabilities.
This project management follows PMP guidelines. For more information about PMP : PMI

For even more possibilities, give a look at extended version


This simple version allows already project manager to manage:

  • Projects
  • Deliverables with a Gantt View.
  • Stakeholders involved on project

Project Manager will follow them through a dashboard providing at a glance projects status & costs.

Project Management capabilities can be limited to users needing it.

Revision History

Version Release Date Comments
1.1.3 2023-07-19 * N°5795 - Update german translations (thanks to @larhip!)
* N°6231 - Update menus OQL (my project, my deliverables) to exclude cancelled objects from list
* N°6440 - Fix empty “projects” tab on a Contact in iTop 3.1+
* N°6026 - Add labels and uniqueness rules on Link classes
1.1.2 2022-11-10 * Add compatibility with iTop 3.1 - remove deprecated imports
* Add compatibility with PHP 8.0
* N°5447 - Deprecate old unreferenced methods that are @deprecated : Object copier
* N°5711 - Wrong title for “Open project, I'm involved in” list in displaybare relations “Projects & deliverables” on contact provided by PMP
1.1.1 2022-02-17 Keep person and contact customization when installing PMP
1.1.0 2022-02-15 Compatibility with iTop 3.0
Remove deprecated function AddObject and GetExpectedAttributes
Fix redesign issue of presentation screen of Person and Contact class
Add view of all stakeholders on Summary tab (project's ones, deliverables's one, project manager and sponsor
Add project_completion field on Project class based on average of deliverables completion
1.0.5 2020-11-04 Fix installation issue
1.0.4 2020-10-20 Update DisplayBare calculations
Resolve issue on stimuli that Project manager could not see
Add method to duplicate project through object-copier
Increase project manager's id to avoid conflict with customers datamodel
1.0.0 2017-06-27 First version


  • At deliverable creation, we can just add parent deliverable (we hide child deliverable). We prevent modification of child deliverable, we can update parent deliverable only.


Requires at least iTop 2.7 for Gantt View.


Use the Standard installation process for this extension.


The extension is adding, at installation time, entries to the list of rules defined for the User actions configurator extension if you have this extension installed. Deliverable can be created from Project object within status other than “closed” or “monitored” and you can duplicate project (with all its objects linked like deliverables, contacts).

            array (
                    'source_scope' => 'SELECT Project WHERE status NOT IN (\'closed\',\'monitored\',\'cancelled\')',
                    'allowed_profiles' => 'Project Manager,Administrator',
                    'menu_label' => 'Créer un délivrable...',
                    'form_label' => 'Créer un délivrable pour %1$s',
                    'report_label' => 'Créée depuis %1$s',
                    'dest_class' => 'WBS',
                    'preset' => 
                    array (
                      0 => 'copy(id,project_id)',
                      1 => 'set(start_date,$current_date$ $current_time$)',
                      2 => 'copy(agent_id,wbs_owner_id)',
                    'retrofit' => 
                    array (
                  array (
                    'id' => 'CopyProjectExt',
                    'source_scope' => 'SELECT Project WHERE status NOT IN (\'closed\',\'monitored\')',
                    'allowed_profiles' => 'Project Manager,Administrator',
                    'menu_label' => 'Class:Project/DuplicateProject',
                    'form_label' => 'Class:Project/DuplicateProjectForm',
                    'report_label' => 'Créée depuis %1$s',
                    'dest_class' => 'Project',
                    'preset' => 
                    array (
                      0 => 'clone_scalars(*)',
                      1 => 'clone(contacts_list,functionalcis_list)',
                      2 => 'call_method(Copydeliverablestodeliverables)',
                    'retrofit' => 
                    array (
  • This extension brings a new profile named Project Manager
Users which need to be able to manage projects in iTop, must be given that Project Manager Profile


After installation, you will see Project Management group Menu as below

Project Management Menu

As Project Manager, you will

  1. create a project describing its goal, its scope, its constraints and its actors.
  2. then, you will start to divide your overall project on small deliverables.
  3. For each deliverable, you will assign a deliver owner who will define planning, costs, stakeholders.

Thanks to this work, you will have a more precise idea of costs and planning for your overall project.

New Project

Project properties

A Project has the following attributes:

Field Type Comment Mandatory ?
Project Name Alphanumeric string Yes
Project for Customer Foreign key to an Organization Project is related to an organization Yes
Status EnumList Possible values: Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring, Closing Yes
Project Description Text(HTML) description of project No
Project Requirements Text(HTML) What is absolutely required to be done for this project No
Project Constraints Text(HTML) Describe constraints that project will have to consider No
Project Exclusions Text(HTML) Describe what is out of scope of your project No
Project Sponsor Foreign key to a Person Authorizes the project No
Project Manager Foreign key to a Person Executes the project No
Estimated budget Decimal Amount of your budget to execute project No
Management reserve budget Decimal Financial reserve of Sponsor to manage escalations No
Deliverables costs Decimal Costs of all deliverables attached to this project (calculated) Read-only
Project start date Date (year-month-day ) Enter Start date of your project Yes
Project end date Date (year-month-day ) Enter planned end date of your project. This one can't be before start date Yes
Revised end date Date (year-month-day ) Enter revised end date of your project in case of rebaseline. This one can't be before latest date of deliverable end date. if no date is entered, latest end date of deliverable is copied No
Latest deliverable end date Date (year-month-day ) Consider the latest deliverable's end date attached to this project Read-only
Creation date Date (year-month-day ) creation date of Project's ticket Read-only
Last Update Date (year-month-day ) last update date of Project's ticket Read-only
Project completion Percentage Average of completion of all deliverables attached to project (Each deliverable weighted by time planed versus % of completion) (on 1.1.0 version) Read-only


Tab Description
Summary Calculated Summary in one page of your project
Deliverables All the deliverables belonging to this project
Stakeholders All the contacts linked to this project with their interest, power, allocation in % and allocation in days
CI All the CIs linked to this project, if applicable
Gantt Gantt View of all deliverables attached to this project
Attachments Documents related to this project

Project lifecyle

Project has lifecycle implemented to go through usual states of a project.

Lifecyle_deliverable tab

Project Summary

A calculated tab “Summary Project” is displayed near to properties tab. On this tab, you will find consolidated view:

  • Project dates information
  • Sum of all deliverables costs (even completed ones)
  • list of involved people (either directly on project level or on deliverable level)
  • list of opened deliverables
  • Gantt View of project's deliverables

Project Management Summary Project Management Summary _followup

Project Dashboard

Under Project Management Menu, you have dashboard that will present open project, deliverables.

Project Management Dashboard

Project Stakeholders

In this tab, you will link all actors of project (customers or doers). You can define for each of them their

Role Possible values: Customer, Resource
Influence Possible values: Partner, Objector
Influence Power Possible values: Low, Strong
% Allocation provide a % of time resource or customer is allocated on project
Day allocation provide number of days a resource or a customer is allocated on project

This information will describe how you must manage and communicate with these stakeholders and plan the load of your resources.

Stakeholders tab


To deliver medium to big project, you will split it in several deliverables which may have dependency between each others. Each deliverable will have costs, start date, end date and may be dependent between each others. In that case, you will declare parent deliverable.


Deliverable properties

Deliverable has following attributes

Field Type Comment Mandatory ?
Deliverable Name Alphanumeric string Name of deliverable Yes
Project name Foreign key to a Project Deliverable is linked to a project (directly or not)) Yes
Deliverable owner Foreign key to a Person Person who will execute the deliverable No
Status EnumList Possible values: Running, Pending parent deliverable, Cancelled, Completed No
Description of work Text(HTML) Describe the deliverable No
Acceptance criteria Text(HTML) Describe the Acceptance criteria for resolution of deliverable No
Technical information Text(HTML) Describe technical steps of the deliverable No
Deliverable Budget Decimal Total budget to execute this deliverable No
Labor cost Decimal Human and Software costs No
Material cost Decimal Hardware costs No
Deliverable Total cost Decimal Automatic sum of Labor and Material costs Read-only
Available budget Decimal Amount of available budget (Deliverable Budget -Deliverable Total cost). Calculated on creation or update of deliverable Read-only
Time planned Duration Effective time required for deliverable's execution No
% Complete Percentage % of completion of deliverable No
Requested start date Date (year-month-day ) initial requested start date of deliverable Yes
Requested end date Date (year-month-day ) initial requested end date of deliverable Yes
Planned start date Date (year-month-day ) Reviewed start date of deliverable - Can't be before end date of parent deliverable. if you put a start date before parent's end date, it will automatically postpone child's “Planned start date” when you save ticket. No
Planned end date Date (year-month-day ) Reviewed end date of deliverable. If “Planned start date” has been postponed, “Planned end date” will be automatically postponed, as well, including intial delay between start and end date. No
from Now to end date Duration Remaining time between now and re-estimated end date Read-only
From one deliverable, you can just add/remove parent deliverables. We hide child deliverable tab at creation and we prevent update of child deliverable tab. if you need to make any update, you have to do it in ascending way (on child, you can update its parents)
If Deliverable owner is not defined as Stakeholder on project related, you will have a warning message informing you to add this contact in Stakeholders tab of project.


Until iTop 2.7.1, you will have as such messages as deliverables updated. For example, you create new deliverable with an owner not defined in project as stakeholder, your end date's deliverable impacts 3 others already existing deliverables so you will receive 4 times warning message.

Deliverable automatic calculations

As soon as you update some attributes on deliverable, automatic calculations will run:

  • if costs have been updated, “Deliverable Total cost” and “Available budget” will be recalculated
  • if planned start or end date is updated, then all child deliverable's dates will be recalculated.


Tab Description
Child Deliverable Child deliverable - Child can't start before current deliverable's end date
Parent Deliverable Parent deliverable - current deliverable's can't start before end date of parents attached
Stakeholders involved All the contacts linked to this deliverable with their interest, power, allocation in % and allocation in days
Deliverable Stakeholders

In this tab, you will link all actors of project (customers or doers). You can define for each of them their

Role Possible values: Customer, Resource
Influence Possible values: Partner, Objector
Influence Power Possible values: Low, Strong
% Allocation provide a % of time resource or customer is allocated on project
Day allocation provide number of days a resource or a customer is allocated on project

This information will describe how you must manage and communicate with these stakeholders and plan the load of your resources.

Stakeholders tab

Deliverable lifecyle

Deliverable has a simple lifecycle implemented to manage dependency between parent and child deliverable (child deliverable can't start before its parents'end).

Lifecyle_deliverable tab

As soon as deliverable has a parent, it will be created in status “pending parent deliverable” and will be re-activated in “running” statuts, automatically, as soon as parent deliverable is “completed”.

Gantt View

In Gantt tab , you will see graphically all deliverables of your project.

In green, you will have the closed deliverables, in blue all running deliverables.

Gantt tab

Stakeholder view from Contact Class

As soon as an iTop contact is involved on a project or on a deliverable, you will see appearing tab “Project& deliverable”. This calculated tab will display all projects and deliverable, the contact is involved on.

contact_deliverable tab

Questions & Answers

Question: How can I link UserRequest to Project ?
Answer: Ticket class has an external key to Project class but as Ticket class has no presentation, you will have to display this field on child class ( ex. UseRequest class) modifying xml

    <class id="UserRequest" _created_in="itop-request-mgmt-itil">
            <item id="col:col3">
                <item id="fieldset:Ticket:relation">
                    <item id="related_project_id" _delta="define">
extensions/project_management.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/19 16:55 by
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