

iTop Extensions

Data collector for vSphere

Data collector for vSphere
Synchronize a set of vSphere CIs into iTop
vSphere Data Collector
iTop Hub

This stand-alone application collects information about a whole data center from a vSphere server and synchronizes this information in iTop.

vSphere Data Collector


The Data collector for vSphere is a stand-alone PHP software that extracts from vSphere informations related to a set of CIs and synchronizes them with iTop's CMDB.

  • Collection of CI informations is done through a VMware / vSphere PHP library,
  • Synchronization follows iTop's built-in Data Synchronization mechanism.
This collector makes use of iTop's built-in Data Synchronization mechanism. For more information about how the data synchronization works, refer to Data Synchronization Overview and relies on Data collector Base mechanism

The collector currently focuses on the following classes of objects, for which collection can be activated or deactivated on an individual basis:

Starting with version 1.0.12 the collection mechanism is extensible.

Revision History

Release Date Version Comments
2024-09-10 1.3.0 * N°6052 - Add compatibility with PHP 8.2-8.3 to the VMware library
* N°7267 - Typo in port detection
2024-01-31 1.2.0 * Allow Hypervisors and VMs collection even if Farms are not collected
* Adapt collector to different TeemIp installation options
* IPv6 addresses can now be synchronized with iTop 3.1
* Fix EventIssue creation comment not interpreting variable
* N°1747 - Change VM's CPU attribute to more relevant VMware source
* N°5544 - Add a collection plan to the extension and adapt it to new collector base structure
* N°5937 - VSphere Collector - Datastore collect
* N°6044 - dump_tasks.php: Fix database_table_name option always dumped to empty string
* N°6226 - Synchronization of attributes marked as “Optional” is not properly configured by collector base
* N°6420 - dump_tasks.php: Improve dump log
* N°6726 - Add missing default config parameters in /conf/params.distrib.xml
* N°6727 - Fix config dump with special characters
* N°6773 - DEBUG log of the synchro error message (Thanks Hipska !)
* N°6888 - [ER] VSphere collector : manage the case when we do not have access to the network components
* N°6956 - Improve CollectionPlan PHPDoc to ease DX in IDE
* N°7028 - Add option to only consider the ESX as the VM's virtual host, even if the ESX belongs to a farm
2023-03-10 1.1.0 * Prevent a PHP Warning when there is no custom_synchro definition
* Trace the hypervisor software and API version (in DEBUG)
* Accept E1000E network devices (thanks to @rudnerbjoern)
* N°5067 - Cleanup RestClient::GetFullSynchroDataSource() (thanks to @Hipska)
* N°5707 - Contact to notify can also be a Team (thanks to @Hipska)
* N°5868 - Add PHP 8.0 / 8.1 compatibility (collector base)
* N°5868 - Add PHP 8.0 / 8.1 compatibility (vSphere collector)
* N°5884 - Missing attributes in aSkippedAttribute
* N°5950 - cleanup code and fix some futurs bugs in php 8.2
* N°5979 - Remove PHP warning and hide test data collectors in iTop setup
* N°5995 - Fix PHP warning on lookup when table is empty
* N°6093 - Remove friendlyname in JSON configuration as it is no longer returned by iTop
2020-12-21 1.0.16 Fix compatibility with SSO set as default connection mode
2020-10-20 1.0.14 - Fix PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class IOException not found
2020-07-07 1.0.13 - Differenciates error/logs between teemip NOT installed and itop REST API issue
- Multi configuration file
- New CSV collector
- Configurable timestamp added in the logs
- New option for usage: –help
2020-04-02 1.0.12 - Made the Server and Hypervisor collectors configurable
- Fix for a crash caused by a blank datastore name (thanks to David Wißen from ITOMIG for reporting it).
- Fix for some OpenVM Tools reporting IP addresses with a trailing space (thanks to Martin Raenker from ITOMIG).
2018-12-31 1.0.11 Corrects regression introduced by 1.0.10 :
- Improved support of iTop 2.4+ (obsolescence flag)
- Removed a debug trace
- Fix Virtual machines which “connectionState” is not “connected” are skipped
  2018-08-24 1.0.10 Handles TeemIp :
- Automatically detects if TeemIp (as an iTop module or as a standalone application) is present.
- Optional synchronization of IPv4 addresses
- Optional synchronisation of logical interfaces
2018-07-02 1.0.9 Robustness :
- more traces in debug mode (–console_log_level=9)
- skipping virtual machines which “connectionState” is not “connected”, since most of their properties are not accessible and would crash PHP/Soap (with a core dump !!)
2018-02-22 1.0.8 - The os_version_mapping was used only for Hypervisors, made it work for VirtualMachines also.
Proper support of UTF-8 characters in regular expressions (the code now always uses the u modifier)
2017-04-24 1.0.7 Fixed the value for the status of VMs: 'production' instead of 'active'.
2017-03-08 1.0.6 - Code cleanup.
- Data Synchro status and full_load_interval are now homogeneous and configurable parameters for all data sources.
- OS Version and OS Family have their own mapping table.
- Fix for the Hypervisor status value (now defaults to “production”).
- Addition of the check_soap.php script for troubleshooting.
- Protect against a PHP crash in case of a disconnected ESX.
- Do not collect an IPV6 as the management IP address of a virtual machine (since the field can only contain an IPV4). Many thanks to Andrew Armstrong for proposing this fix.
2016-12-08 1.0.5 New options to bypass SSL certificate validation and automatic detection of invalid certificates.
2015-11-16 1.0.4 Replace line-breaks by spaces inside the description of a VM. Fix the +1 on the number of vCPUs
2015-04-17 1.0.3 Added the collection of the “description” field for a VM
2015-02-23 1.0.2 Servers must be loaded before hypervisors
2015-01-07 1.0.1 Beta version
2014-05-13 1.0.0 First alpha version


Data-Collector-for-VSphere is not working on vCenter 7.0.0 if you are using php version lower than php-7.3.24 or php-7.4.12

The current version of the collector is designed to collect information from a single vSphere server. To collect and reconcile information from several vSphere servers into one iTop, check the section Collecting from several vSphere servers below.


Usage of the collector requires you to comply with a few points:

  • PHP Version 7.4.0 minimum
  • An access to the vSphere web services API
  • An access to the iTop web services
  • The vSphere objects synchronized by the collector must exist in iTop as CMDB CIs.
  • From a system standpoint, you'll need to comply with the requirements expressed in the Data collector Base documentation.


Do not install this extension in your webserver directories (like apache) otherwise your configuration files (with URLs, credentials) may be accessible from outside

Simply expand the content of the zip archive into a folder on the machine where the collector will be run.


The configuration of the application is built by concatenating 4 files:

  1. conf/params.distrib.xml that is provided by the collector framework, Data collector Base. It should not be modified.
  2. collectors/params.distrib.xml that holds the entries that are specific to the Data collector for Azure. It should not be modified.
  3. collectors/extensions/params.distrib.xml that holds entries that have been created and added by the customer to answer its specific needs. This file is optional.
  4. conf/params.local.xml where the collector can be adapted to the specific customer needs.
The Itop data collector documentation describes the configuration process in details

The collectors/params.distrib.xml configuration file holds parameters that must (for some) or can (for others) be changed when configuring the collector, which is done through the conf/params.local.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!-- Default values for parameters. Do NOT alter this file, use params.local.xml instead -->
        <!-- vSphere Parameters -->
           List of parameters to connect to the remote vSphere application
        <!-- Default values -->
           Default paramaters that drive the collect
        <!-- Class collection sequence -->
           List of classes to collect with the rank in the collection process
        <!-- Synchronization parameters -->
           Placeholders for the synchro data sources
        <!-- IPs and logical interfaces collection -->
           Parameters that dedicated to the collect of TeemIP objects
        <!-- Mapping tables -->
           Set of mapping tables

The collectors/extensions/params.distrib.xml configuration file holds parameters to collect additional classes required by a customer.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!-- Default values for parameters. Do NOT alter this file, use params.local.xml instead -->
        <!-- Default values -->
           List of default values for the additional classes to collect
        <!-- Class collection sequence -->
           List of additional classes to collect with the rank in the collection process

Connection parameters

This set of parameters is required to connect to the iTop application or the vSphere environment. Some of them must or may be adapted to meet customers' own environment.

Parameter Meaning Sample value
itop_url URL to the iTop Application https://localhost/myitop
itop_login Login (user account) for connecting to iTop. Must have admin rights with rest profile for executing the data synchro admin
itop_password Password for the iTop account admin_pwd
itop_token Token defined in iTop for a given user. Please, refer to the Authentication by Token extension
itop_login_mode Redefine the login_mode defined in URLs that access iTop
vsphere_uri Address/port to connect to vSphere. Format: <name>:<port> or <ip_address>:<port>
vsphere_login Login to connect to vSphere admin
vsphere_password Password corresponding to the vSphere login admin
vsphere_connection_options List of PHP Stream context options to pass to the VMWarephp library in order to tune the https connection.
To bypass SSL certificate validation (which is needed if your vSphere server runs with the default certificates installed by vSphere) add the following lines in the params.local.xml file:

Default values

The section defines a set of default general parameters for the collects.

  <!-- Default values -->
  <hypervisor type="hash">  
    <!-- Define what attribute to use as cpu attribute within iTop's datamodel.
     numCpuPackages was used before -->
  <virtual_machine type="hash">
    <!-- By default, a VM's virtual host points to the farm that the VM's hypervisor belongs to, if any.
        This option forces the VM's virtual host to point to the VM's hypervisor
     Allowed values: hypervisor, farm (default) -->
Parameter Meaning Sample value
default_org_id Name of the organization that the vSphere objects belong to Demo
cpu_attribute vSphere attribute to use for the iTop cpu attribute of a VM numCpuCores / numCpuPackages
virtual_host Lock the VM's virtual host to its hypervisor or allow it to be a farm, if any farm / hypervisor

Class collection sequence

This section defines the list of classes that will be collected and in which order. It enables as well the possibility to deactivate the collection of a class.

  <collectors_launch_sequence type="array">
    <!-- Brands -->
    <!-- Models -->
    <!-- OS Families -->
    <!-- OS Versions -->
    <!-- Farms -->
Parameter Meaning Sample value
name Name of the vSphere class collector vSphereVirtualMachineCollector
enable Enable or disable its collect yes / no
rank Relative rank in the collection 30

IPs and logical interfaces collection

The collector automatically detects if TeemIp is present on the remote iTop application (as a module or even as a stand-alone application). Should that be the case, then the following parameters may trigger IP addresses and logical interfaces collection.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <teemip_discovery type="hash">
Parameter Meaning Sample value
collect_ips Triggers IP addresses collection yes
default_ip_status Status of newly created IP addresses allocated
manage_ipv6 Triggers IPv6 collection no
manage_logical_interfaces Triggers logical interfaces collection as well as the addresses / interfaces links yes

Synchro data source parameters

These are dedicated to the synchronization data sources that the collector creates. Some of them must or may be adapted to meet customers' own environment.

Parameter Meaning Sample value
contact_to_notify The email address of an existing contact (person or team) in iTop to be notified of the results of the synchronization.
synchro_user If the user account used for running this synchronization is not an Administrator, then its login must be specified here, since iTop allows only the administrators and the specified user to run the synchronization.
prefix String used to prefix the name of all vSphere synchro data sources vSphere
full_load_interval The delay (expressed in seconds) between two complete imports of the data. The objects which have not been detected by the collector during a timespan longer than this interval will be considered as obsolete and marked as such in iTop. Adjust this value depending on the scheduling recurrence. 604800
synchro_status Default status for the synchro data source production

Mapping tables

This section groups the mapping tables used by the collector.

Parameter Meaning
brand_mapping Mapping table for brands
model_mapping Mapping table for models
os_family_mapping Mapping table for the OS Family
os_version_mapping Mapping table for the OS Version

Should you require further details on how mapping tables should be built and use, please refer to the Data mapping chapter of the Data collector Base documentation.

Configurable collectors

Starting with version 1.0.12 of the application, Server and Hypervisor collectors are configurable by adding extra definitions in the XML parameter file.

This configuration contains two parts:

  1. The first part (under the <json> tag) allows to alter the definition of the Synchro Data Source (normally fixed by the .json file associated with the collector class). This is useful to synchronise a new field which was not synchronized by default, or to change a reconciliation rule on a field, etc… Any field under the attribute_list part of the JSON file can be modified by specifying a new value in the configuration.
  2. The second part (the <source> tag) defines the way to collect the data for the attribute. This tag must contain a (partial) PHP expression relative to the Hypervisor object (which is actually a HostSystem in the vSphere model)

Both parts of the configuration can be used independently (one can alter only the JSON or only the collection, or both).

The example below configures the collection of the “Serial Number” on Servers (from the otherIdentifyingInfo[EnclosureSerialNumberTag]) and also uses the collected serial number as the reconciliation key between Hypervisors and physical Servers (the field server_id).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The special syntax with brackets in the <source> tag is currently only supported on the otherIdentifyingInfo property.


The launch of the vSphere collector will be driven by the command and parameters defined in the usage section of iTop Data collector base. Once launched, first action of the collector will be to define its collection plan, based on the list of classes that have been enabled in the configuration file. Then:

  • Configuration files will be consolidated,
  • Synchronisation data sources will be created or updated if required,
  • Collection of vSphere classes will be made and extracted data will be stored under the local “data” directory, in CSV format,
  • vSphere objects will be uploaded into iTop,
  • Synchronisation of the collected data with the existing iTop CIs will be made.

To launch the data collection and synchronization with iTop, run the following command (from the root directory where the application is installed):

php exec.php

The following (optional) command line options are available:

Option Meaning default value
--config_file Specify the full path to the configuration file. The file conf/params.local.xml is used by default if this parameter is omitted. empty
--console_log_level=<level> Level of ouput to the console. From -1 (none) to 9 (debug). 6 (info)
--eventissue_log_level=<level> Level threshold to create event issues. From -1 (none) to 9 (debug). 6 (info)
--collect_only Run only the data collection, but do not synchronize the data with iTop false
--synchro_only Synchronizes the data previously collected (stored in the data directory) with iTop. Do not run the collection. false
--configure_only Check (and update if necessary) the synchronization data sources in iTop and exit. Do NOT run the collection or the synchronization
--max_chunk_size=<size> Maximum number of items to process in one pass, for preserving the memory of the system. If there are more items to process, the application will iterate. 1000
--help Usage mode to display exec.php help.
Dates in source data must use this format YYYY-MM-DD (hh:mm:ss)


If you have troubles connecting to the vSphere server, try the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check that the connection from the system running PHP to the vSphere server is currently possible. Use a command line tool like wget to connect to the vSphere server. For example if your vsphere_uri is, try:
    wget --no-check-certificate -O -

    If the connection does not succeed, there may be a firewall blocking your requests, or that vSphere is configured to operate on a different port (for example 9443)… ask your IT department about it.

  2. Once the connection seems to go fine, configure the proper vsphere_uri value in conf/params.local.xml and, from the command line (in the collectors subdirectory) launch:
    php check_soap.php

    The expected output (with vsphere_uri = is:

    Connecting to
    Ok, the response looks like a valid SOAP response.
    --------------------- DEBUG ----------------
    The request returned:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenc=""
    <RetrieveServiceContentResponse xmlns="urn:vim25"><returnval><rootFolder type="Folder">group-d1</rootFolder><propertyCollector type="PropertyCollector">propertyCollector</propertyCollector><viewManager type="ViewManager">ViewManager</viewManager><about><name>VMware vCenter Server</name><fullName>VMware vCenter Server 4.1.0 build-345043</fullName><vendor>VMware, Inc.</vendor><version>4.1.0</version><build>345043</build><localeVersion>INTL</localeVersion><localeBuild>0</localeBuild><osType>win32-x86</osType><productLineId>vpx</productLineId><apiType>VirtualCenter</apiType><apiVersion>4.1</apiVersion></about><setting type="OptionManager">VpxSettings</setting><userDirectory type="UserDirectory">UserDirectory</userDirectory><sessionManager type="SessionManager">SessionManager</sessionManager><authorizationManager type="AuthorizationManager">AuthorizationManager</authorizationManager><perfManager type="PerformanceManager">PerfMgr</perfManager><scheduledTaskManager type="ScheduledTaskManager">ScheduledTaskManager</scheduledTaskManager><alarmManager type="AlarmManager">AlarmManager</alarmManager><eventManager type="EventManager">EventManager</eventManager><taskManager type="TaskManager">TaskManager</taskManager><extensionManager type="ExtensionManager">ExtensionManager</extensionManager><customizationSpecManager type="CustomizationSpecManager">CustomizationSpecManager</customizationSpecManager><customFieldsManager type="CustomFieldsManager">CustomFieldsManager</customFieldsManager><diagnosticManager type="DiagnosticManager">DiagMgr</diagnosticManager><licenseManager type="LicenseManager">LicenseManager</licenseManager><searchIndex type="SearchIndex">SearchIndex</searchIndex><fileManager type="FileManager">FileManager</fileManager><virtualDiskManager type="VirtualDiskManager">VirtualDiskManager</virtualDiskManager></returnval></RetrieveServiceContentResponse>

    If the result is not the expected one, check that your vSphere server is properly configured to run as HTTPS (which should be the default).

Data Collection Reference

Servers and Hypervisors

In the vSphere web services SDK, Hypervisors and physical Servers are represented by the same object HostSystem.

The information from the vSphere HostSystem object is imported in iTop into the Server object using the following mapping:

Field in iTop Source in vSphere
name HostSystem → name
org_id Constant value, supplied by the configuration file
brand_id The information from HostSystem → hardware → systemInfo → vendor is processed through the mapping table named brand_mapping
model_id The information from HostSystem → hardware → systemInfo → model is processed through the mapping table named model_mapping
cpu HostSystem → hardware → cpuInfo → <cpu_attribute> cpu_attribute being defined in the default configuration parameters
ram HostSystem → hardware → memorySize divided by (1024*1024)
osfamily_id The information from HostSystem → config → product → name is processed through the mapping table named os_family_mapping
osversion_id The information from HostSystem → config → product → fullName is processed through the mapping table named os_version_mapping
status Constant value: active
If extension Data model for vSphere IS used
hostid vSphere reference ID
If TeemIp is NOT used
managementip HostSystem → name if name corresponds to an IP
If TeemIp IS used and if IPs are collected
managementip_id Foreign key to an IPAddress object with ip set to HostSystem → name if name corresponds to an IP

The information from the vSphere HostSystem object is imported in iTop into the Hypervisor object using the following mapping:

Field in iTop Source in vSphere
name HostSystem → name
org_id Constant value, supplied by the configuration file
server_id HostSystem → name
If extension Data model for vSphere IS used
uuid HostSystem → hardware → systemInfo → uuid
hostid vSphere reference ID
The example used in the section Configurable Collectors shows how to collect the serial number of servers. Be aware that the information available in the property otherIdentifyingInfo seem to depend on the hardware manufacturer and/or the version of the hypervisor. Test on your systems before putting such a modification in production.


In the vSphere web services SDK, a Farm is represented by the object ClusterComputeResource.

The information from the vSphere ClusterComputeResource object is imported in iTop into the Farm object using the following mapping:

Field in iTop Source in vSphere
name ClusterComputeResource → name
org_id Constant value, supplied by the configuration file

The list of hypervisors belonging to a farm is collected via the property: ClusterComputeResource → host → name.

Virtual Machines

In the vSphere web services SDK, a Virtual Machine is represented by the object VirtualMachine. The information from the vSphere VirtualMachine object is imported in iTop into the VirtualMachine object using the following mapping:

Field in iTop Source in vSphere
name VirtualMachine → name
org_id Constant value, supplied by the configuration file
description VirtualMachine → config → annotation
cpu VirtualMachine → config → hardware → numCPU
ram VirtualMachine → config → hardware → memoryMB
virtualhost_id either the Farm (if not empty) or VirtualMachine → runtime → host → name
If extension Data model for vSphere is used
uuid VirtualMachine → config → uuid
If TeemIp is NOT used
managementip VirtualMachine → guest → ipAddress
If TeemIp IS used and if IPs are collected
managementip_id Foreign key to an IPAddress object with ip set to VirtualMachine → guest → ipAddress

IPv4 & IPv6 Addresses

If enabled (TeemIp / IPAM for iTop required), the information from the vSphere IPv4 and IPv6 addresses is imported in iTop into the IPv4Address or IPv6Address objects using the following mapping:

Field in iTop Source in vSphere
org_id Constant value, supplied by the configuration file
status Constant value, supplied by the configuration file
short_name VirtualMachine → guest → hostName
ip Virtual Machine: VirtualMachine → guest → ipAddress
Hypervisor: HostSystem → name

Regular expressions are used to discriminate between the two IP formats.

Logical Interfaces

If enabled (TeemIp / IPAM for iTop required), the collector may register the logical interfaces attached to virtual machines. These are imported in iTop into the LogicalInterface objects using the following mapping:

Field in iTop Source in vSphere
macaddress VirtualMachine → guest → net → macAddress
name VirtualMachine → config → hardware → device → backing →
* network → name or
* opaqueNetworkId or
* deviceName or
* port
virtualmachine_id VirtualMachine → name
ip_list List of IP addresses attached to the interface
The ip_list attribute is synchronized through the dedicated synchro data source vSphere:lnkIPInterfaceToIPAddress.


In the vSphere web services SDK, a Datastore is represented by the object Datastore. If enabled (Data model for vSphere extension required), the information from the vSphere Datastore object is imported in iTop into the Datastore object using the following mapping:

Field in iTop Source in vSphere
name Datastore → name
uuid vSphere reference ID
org_id Constant value, supplied by the configuration file
type Datastore → summary → type
capacity Datastore → summary → capacity (divided by 1G)
status production
mountingpoint Datastore → summary → url

Questions & Answers

Question: how can I add vSphere classes to the collection plan
Answer: Other classes than the ones listed by default in the collector can be added to it. For that purpose, we highly recommend to use the extensibility mechanism that is available since version 2 of the collector (version 1.3.0 of iTop Data Collector Base).

  • Make sure the class (MyNewClass) has been modelized in iTop (Through the Data model for vSphere extension for instance).
  • Within the <your_collector>/collectors/extensions/ directory:
    • Create a params.distrib.xml file
      • Add default parameter for MyNewClass, if needed,
      • Add a extensions_collectors_launch_sequence similarly to what is done in the Class Collection Sequence section,
    • Create the json/MyNewClassvSphereCollector.json file that describes the synchro data source of the new class,
    • Create the src/ file that contains the collector specificities for the class,
  • And that's it :-)
Collection rank defined in the extensions_collectors_launch_sequence of the extensions/params.distrib.xml file is important as collections will follow the order defined in the array.

You may refer to what already exists for other classes as examples.

extensions/vsphere-data-collector.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/04 15:32 by
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