

iTop Extensions

Copy FAQ to Log

m( m( m( Combodo's customers only 8-) 8-) 8-)

Copy FAQ description in the log
Allow to select a FAQ and copy quickly its description in the Log

Allow to easily copy a FAQ in the public log of a UserRequest


  • This extension add a FAQ button near the public log of a UserRequest.
  • This button open a search pop-up to retrieve and select one FAQ
  • On pressing the Ok button, the selected FAQ description field is copied into the log

Revision History

Date Version Description
2024-07-19 1.0.2 * Fix JS error when importing FAQ to log
* N°7421 - Correctly handle HTML editors in iTop 3.2
* N°7285 - Migrate deprecated code from iTop and Symfony
* N°4942 - Fix issues with iTop 3.1 and Personal Data Anonymizer
2022-12-15 1.0.0 First public version
2021-10-18 0.1.0 First draft


Limited to one single class (can be abstract) and one single Log


  • iTop version 3.0 and above
  • Require the FAQ to be activated on your iTop


Use the Standard installation process for this extension.


The FAQ description can be paste to a single Log of a single Class (which can be abstract)
In the iTop configuration file, you can define on which class the FAQ option will be proposed and in which CaseLog the FAQ description will be copied.

Configuration: Default
      'combodo-faq-to-log' => array (
                'target_class' => 'Ticket',
                'target_caselog' => 'public_log',

The search criteria prefilled in FAQ search pop-up, can be configured, overwriting the FAQ static method GetRelatedFaq($oObject, $oFilter) to modify the Filter.

  • If you have only installed the “Copy FAQ to log” module, no filtering is applied.
  • Within Advanced FAQ, an automatic filtering is applied, see the Usage part.


Within the details of a Ticket (usually a UserRequest), above the log (usually the public log), you will have a button FAQ to select a particular FAQ

Out of the box, all existing FAQs will be proposed, but if you combined this extension with Advanced FAQ then the FAQs will be filtered:

  1. You have linked FAQs to the Ticket, then those FAQs will be proposed, as long as not flagged as non applicable.
  2. Otherwise, if you have entered Key words on the Ticket, they will be used to filter the FAQs
  3. In last resort, all non-obsolete FAQs will be proposed

Once you have selected a FAQ and pressed the “Add” button, the content of the FAQ description is copied within the log.

You can still add / modify the text before submitting your entry

extensions/combodo-faq-to-log.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/14 11:59 by
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