

iTop Extensions

Authentication by Token

m( m( m( Included in iTop Community from 3.1.0 8-) 8-) 8-)

Authentication by Token
User and Application authentication using a token
PHP 8.1

This extension adds iTop authentication for web services via Personal tokens and Application token instead of login/password.


This module provides two ways to use authentication token for API calls:

  • An application token is a particular type of user in iTop.
    • It authenticates using a ~120 characters token
    • It has its own profiles and allowed organizations
    • It can access by default any iTop user interface (Console, portal …) but it can be restricted from iTop 3.2.0
    • It can access all APIs (REST, Synchro, Export ..) with no possible restriction
  • A personal token is linked to an iTop user
    • It authenticates using a token and cannot connect to the iTop user interface (Console, portal …)
    • It inherits the profiles and allowed organizations from its associated user
    • It can be restricted to some a subset of the APIs (for example only REST/SJON and Export)
    • Only users with a (configurable) set of profiles are allowed to create and manage personal tokens.

If your company security policy forces every user to authenticate through a SSO (SAML, OpenID…), then Personal Tokens are the solution to access the iTop APIs, since non-interactive scripts do not support SSO mechanisms.

Personal tokens can also be used for creating spreadsheet (like Excel) or PowerBI dynamic reports.

Revision History

Version Release Date Comments
2024-04-30 2.1.4 * N°7246 Fix dict files : translated keys with tildes
* N°7251 Add tests around usages of JS libs deprecated in iTop 3.2
* N°7424: Add opt-in for fallback token resolution
* N°7487 - Fail to connect with personal token on external users
2023-11-28 2.1.3 * N°6450 - Moving outside of “My account” page displays a useless warning
* N°6451 - Personal Token creation: not following standards
* N°6452 - Auto-lock: 2 regenerate buttons
* N°6800 - Security hardening
2023-07-13 2.1.1 * N°6521 - PHP 8.1: Fix deprecated notice for null value passed to string parameter of strlen()
2023-07-03 2.1.0 * N°6358 - Add support for login in REST API using tokens
* N°6449 - Add support for personal tokens on iTop 3.1+
* German translation from Lars Kaltefleiter
2023-07-23 2.0.0 * Personal tokens handled via scopes and expiration dates
* My account menu added to handle your personal tokens and also your current user/contact
* UserTokens renamed as ApplicationTokens
2023-01-23 1.0.0 * First version with application tokens called UserTokens (released as a module in combodo-intercom-integration/1.1.0)


authent-token v2.0.0 is compatible with below versions:

  • 2.7: Offers only Application token, no Personal token
  • 3.0: Personal token can't be used on IMPORT/EXPORT
  • Before 3.0: Application token cannot easily be prevented from accessing the Console



How to install your extension


Those features are not enabled by default. You have to some following parameters to activate it.

Enrich iTop core configuration, with additional value on existing parameter

Parameter Description Default
allowed_login_types To log in via PersonalToken you have to add token to allowed_login_types option (rest-token also accepted with the same meaning for backward compatibility). This will enable this authentication mode among others (like the classical form via login/password). token mode is not enabled by default
allow_rest_services_via_tokens You can allow anyone with a PersonalToken to use the REST APIs (or Data synchro CLI scripts), without the need for the RESTServices profile, by setting this configuration parameter to true. false

authent-token configuration

Parameter Description Default
enable_myaccount_menu To enable my account menu for everyone (by default invisible otherwise) You have to set enable_myaccount_menu to true. false
personal_tokens_allowed_profiles To define which iTop profiles are allowed to manage and use personal tokens to authenticate. With this option, users with listed profiles can manage their personal tokens from 'My Account' menu along with their current user/contact. By default no-one can do it none
application_token/allow_fallback_token Allow fallback token resolution when decrypting the token is not possible due to encryption library change false

Sample configuration

'allowed_login_types' => 'form|token|external|basic',
'allow_rest_services_via_tokens' => true,
'authent-token' => array (
        'personal_tokens_allowed_profiles' => array (
                 0 => 'Administrator',
                 1 => 'Configuration Manager',
        'enable_myaccount_menu ' => true,
        'application_token' => array(
            'allow_fallback_token' => false,


Managing Application Token

  • Application Token is a new type of User in iTop.
  • It is managed by the Administrator (or any user allowed to manage Users) via the User accounts menu
  • Such user is not identified by a login and a password but via a Token, which is automatically generated at User creation
  • Don't forget to add REST Service User profile if the scope contains REST/JSON

This user is linked to a Contact and identified by a name stored in Remote application field.

  • This name is used in the Change history of iTop when such user create or modify elements
  • This User must have profiles and can have Allowed organisations as any other user
  • This type of User is designed to access webservices pages (import and export), data synchronization and rest services
  • As any User, it requires REST Services profile to access the REST API when the scope contains REST/JSON
  • Token must be recorded after it as been generated as it cannot be displayed later
  • Token can be rebuild

Managing Personal Token

Personal Token is a separate object, automatically linked to an existing user.

  • Personal Token gets automatically the Profiles and the Allowed organizations of its associated User, and they cannot be different.
  • It allows connection to iTop Webservices (import and export), data synchro services and rest services
  • Personal token cannot be used to connect to the iTop UIs (console, portals)
  • If allow_rest_services_via_tokens is true, then all Personal Tokens can be used to access rest services, otherwise, rest is only accessible if the corresponding User has REST Services profile.
  • Token must be recorded after it as been generated as it cannot be displayed later
  • Token can be rebuild

They are two ways to manage personal token: either your allowed by your profil to manage the token by yourself, using the My Account Menu, or an Administrator will generate it for you.

Manage your own

To manage it by yourself, follow the my account menu, which is available as soon as you are allowed to manage Personal Tokens. If you don't have it, ask your iTop administrator either to give you a profile allowed to edit Personal tokens or ask him to create the token for you.

my account menu

This page contains 3 sections:

  • on the left : your current user (login/organization/profiles)
  • on the right: your current contact (email, name,…)
  • below: your personal tokens to authenticate as your current user under specified contexts (import, export, data synchro and rest)

my account page

In the token section you can:

  • add a new token via '+' button on the right
  • edit each existing token with pen button
  • refresh each existing token to generate another token for authentication, for eg. if you lost it or if it was compromised (previous one is no more usable)
  • delete any existing token with dustbin button

Personal Token fields

  • application: name of the token
  • scopes: context in which iTop authentication will work
  • expiration date: if set, date after which token will expire and will not work anymore
  • count: number of successful authentications with current token
  • use date: date of the last successful authentication

When you create or rebuild a Token, copy the generated token to be used by your script as it won't be display anymore. If you forgot to do so, just regenerate the token.

Manage others

As an administrator or with a profile allowed to edit PersonalToken class, you can manage all personal tokens.
For this uses below menu:

admin token menu

Then you can handle any token operation (add/modify/refresh/delete) for any User:

token management page

REST with token

If you use a Personal token:

  • the User must have REST Services profile or the configuration parameter allow_rest_services_via_tokens must be set to true
  • the personal token must have REST API in its scope

If you use an Application token, it must have REST Services profile.

To call the Rest API and provide the token, you can either put it in the header or in a post parameter.

  • in the header: 'Auth-Token: YOURTOKEN'
  • in a POST parameter: auth_token=YOURTOKEN
curl example with token provided in the header
curl --location -g --request POST 'https://localhost/itop/Develop/webservices/rest.php?version=1.3&json_data={
"operation": "core/get",
"class": "Person",
"key": "SELECT Person WHERE email LIKE '\'''\''",
"output_fields": "friendlyname, email"
}' \
--header 'Auth-Token: YOURTOKEN'
curl example with token provided in the query
curl --location -g --request POST 'https://localhost/itop/Develop/webservices/rest.php?version=1.3&auth_token=YOURTOKEN&json_data={
"operation": "core/get",
"class": "Person",
"key": "SELECT Person WHERE email LIKE '\'''\''",
"output_fields": "friendlyname, email"
Even if it is not recommended to provide the token via url (not using POST or Header) you can make it once you have enable the 'url' mode in the allowed_login_type' parameter. By this way you can directly test your API call via the web browser

Export-v2 with token

Limitation: Authentication with a Personal token on Import and Export can only be used since release 3.1 of iTop.

The export-v2.php API is useful to extract data that are stored in QueryPhrasebbok for eg.

  • With a Personal token, be sure that the Export is set in the Personal token scope.
  • With an Application token, this part is automatic.

Below examples on how to export iTop data using wget and curl:

export-v2.php with wget
wget -q --server-response --post-data='auth_token=YOURTOKEN' --no-check-certificate -O - "http://xxx/itop31/webservices/export-v2.php?format=csv&login_mode=token&date_format=Y-m-d+H%3Ai%3As&query=14"
export-v2.php with curl
curl -X POST -F 'auth_token=YOURTOKEN' "http://xxx/itop31/webservices/export-v2.php?format=csv&login_mode=token&date_format=Y-m-d+H%3Ai%3As&query=14"


This authentication can fail for below reasons:

  • token (credential) passed is not the write one
    • It can be due to a wrong copy-paste of the token
    • If someone refreshed the token object. Regenerate the token and copy-paste the new value before testing again
  • token object (Personal token and Application token) has been deleted in iTop
  • token (Personal token) has an expiration date and it is indeed expired
  • token (Personal token) does not have the proper scope to handle the ongoing operation
  • User associated with the Personal token is disabled in iTop
  • Application token is disabled in iTop

Other possible root cause

  • for a REST API call, Personal token does not have REST in its scope.
  • same for collector calls without Synchro in the Personal token scope.
  • For Personal token, maybe your user does not have the required profiles, check if you can query those objects in the console with your User.

Token handles authentication, authorizations uses iTop core mechanism based on Profiles.

  • The fact that you can log in via a token to call REST APIs, does not guarantee that you will get a result. For this you must be privileged enough to execute it.
With a Personal token, you can do on iTop objects as much, but nothing more than what you can do in UI
extensions/authent-token.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/14 18:14 by
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