

iTop Extensions

Nagios Integration

Nagios integration
Integration of a Nagios page in iTop and tickets creation from Nagios
nagios, monitoring
Combodo site
FIXME Under Construction

This page describes two topics:

  1. A small iTop extension to display (in a separate tab “Monitoring”) the monitoring status of a device in production (taken from an external monitoring system like Nagios, CheckMK, Zabbix, Shinken…).
  2. A simple command line script to create an incident ticket in iTop from a monitoring system

Monitoring Tab in iTop


Display an additional tab “Monitoring”, containing an IFRAME to the status of the device in the monitoring system (Nagios or equivalent). This extra tab is automatically displayed on all devices in production.

Revision History

Version Release Date Comments
1.0.0 2016-09-23 First version


Because of the browser's security rules, the content of the Monitoring iframe will not display at all in iTop if either:

  • iTop uses an https (secure) connection whereas the pages from the monitoring application are served in http (non-secure), or
  • the Nagios web server populates the HTTP X-Frame-Options header with either DENY or SAMEORIGIN (refer to X-Frame-Options definition for more information)

The integration does not take care of the authentication to the Monitoring system. Depending on the configuration of your monitoring system, you may need to authenticate in order to see the content of the “Monitoring” tab.


You must have an up and running monitoring system providing a status web page, per device, accessible via a “direct” URL with the name (or the IP address) of the monitored device as a parameter in the URL.


Put the content of the downloaded .zip into the extensions folder (check the rights !) and run the setup again to pick the new extension for installation.


This module has only two parameters nagios_url and target_classes.

Parameter Type Usage Default value
nagios_url String URL to display the nagios status web page for the device. The placeholder $this->name$ in the URL is replaced by name of the CI. https://nagios_server/cgi-bin/status.cgi?host=$this->name$
target_classes Array A list of classes for which to display the “Monitoring” tab. Child classes of the specificed classes also inherit the tab. array('ConnectableCI')
The target_classes must be classes derived from FunctionalCI, since the code looks for the status of the CI.


The following configuration:

        'itop-nagios-integration' => array (
                'nagios_url' => '$this->name$',

Will display the page at the location as an extra tab “Moniting” in the details of the Server


Navigate to a device in production (status == production) to see the extra “Monitoring” tab in the details of the device.

The “Monitoring” tab is not displayed when editing the properties of the device, since there is nothing to modify inside this tab.

Creating a ticket from the Nagios server

  1. Pick the create-ticket-script script in your favorite scripting language and install its dependencies on the Nagios server
  2. Copy this script in <yourDirectory> on the Nagios server. Don't forget to adjust the rights and mark the script as executable (chmod +x <create-ticket-script>)
  3. Define a new Nagios command by adding following to your Nagios command file (most of the time it is called commands.cfg)
# Create incident tickets in iTop command definition 
define command{ 
        command_name    create-iTop-ticket 
        command_line    <yourDirectory>/<create-ticket-script> \"$HOSTNAME$\" \"$SERVICEDESC$\" \"$SERVICESTATE$\" \"$SERVICESTATETYPE$\"

where <your_directory> is the path where you copied the script and <create-ticket-script> is either create-ticket.php,, or create-ticket.bash.

Step 4: Use this command in an event handler option for each host or service template that should trigger a ticket creation:

You can define it globally for all hosts and services using following options defined most of the time in nagios.cfg:

global_service_event_handler= create-iTop-ticket

Or for each host and services using following options:

event_handler   create-iTop-ticket
event_handler_enabled  1

if you choose the latter option, you will have to configure the handler for each host and service templates you create.

Once done, next time you will have a HARD alarm in Nagios it will create a ticket automatically in iTop !

extensions/nagios_integration.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/25 09:25 (external edit)
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