

iTop Extensions

Data collector for LDAP

Data collector for LDAP
Synchronization of Persons and Users from an Active Directory/LDAP Directory
Client Store, Combodo Site, iTop Hub
PHP 8.1

This stand-alone application collects information from a single LDAP Directory in order to automatically synchronize the persons and the users in iTop.

Data collector for LDAP


Main functions:

  • Automatic creation and update of Persons and Users in iTop based on LDAP data.
  • Automatic assignment of Profiles to Users based on LDAP groups (this is optional).

Technical aspects:

  • The collector can reside on any system with web access to iTop and LDAP access to the LDAP Directory
  • The collector is compatible with Windows Active Directory
  • The definition of the mapping between LDAP fields and iTop fields is fully configurable.
  • The creation of the Synchronization Data Sources in iTop is fully automated.
  • Starting with version 1.2.6, support of pagination for retrieving large sets of items when the LDAP server enforces a limit to the search results.
This collector makes use of iTop's built-in Data Synchronization mechanism. For more information about how the data synchronization works, refer to Data Synchronization Overview and relies on Data collector Base mechanism

Revision History

Version Release Date Comments
2023-03-10 1.3.0 * N°5067 - Cleanup RestClient::GetFullSynchroDataSource() (thanks to @Hipska)
* N°5707 - Contact to notify can also be a Team (thanks to @Hipska)
* N°5157 - Simplify main.php condition (thanks to @Hipska)
* N°5868 - Add PHP 8.0 / 8.1 compatibility (collector base)
* N°5869 - Add PHP 8.0 / 8.1 compatibility (LDAP collector)
* N°5950 - cleanup code and fix some futurs bugs in php 8.2
* N°5979 - Remove PHP warning and hide test data collectors in iTop setup
* N°5995 - Fix PHP warning on lookup when table is empty
* N°5996 - During creation of csv file, in function lookup remove warning if initial field is empty
* N°5749 - Improve feedback in case of synchro import issue
* N°6092 - Remove friendlyname in JSON configuration as it is no longer returned by iTop
2021-06-03 1.2.7 * Allow pagination when PHP >= 7.3
* Better logging of pagination status
2021-05-25 1.2.6 Added support of pagination for PHP >= 7.3
2020-12-21 1.2.5 Fix compatibility with SSO set as default connection mode
2020-10-20 1.2.3 Fix PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class IOException not found
2020-07-07 1.2.2 Support of LDAP URI scheme for the connection,
Better debug information via ldap-test.php,
Configurable target class to create either users of type UserLDAP or UserExternal for example.
Request only the needed attributes (and explicitely request memberof)
Additional command line parameters for ldap_test.php
Multi configuration file
New CSV collector
Configurable timestamp added in the logs
New option for usage: –help
2020-02-17 1.2.1 Never publicly released, only updates to data collector base.
Fix “undefined constant TABLENAME_PATTERN”
Reject invalid characters for database_table_name
Performance enhancement: retrieve only the needed fields when performing a lookup
Added the specific class MySQLCollector which forces the DB connection to use UTF-8 characters
2018-08-28 1.2.0 First public release on iTopHub, refactoring of the code and configuration parameters.
2017-06-22 1.1.1 Version to use latest version of collector-base
2015-05-29 1.1.0 Version to fix UTF8 encoding issue
2015-05-07 1.0.0 Initial version


  • The current version is synchronizing neither the Organizations nor the Locations.
  • The location of person and the manager of a person are not synchronized.
  • One collector is collecting data from one single LDAP directory instance only.
  • Date format of the source data must be YYYY-MM-DD (hh:mm:ss)
  • Support of pagination requires PHP 7.3.0 or newer.


  • PHP (command line interface), version 5.3.0 up to 7.4 with the php-ldap, php-dom and php-simplexml extensions installed. PHP 7.3 or newer is required for the support of pagination.
  • An LDAP access to the Enterprise directory and a read user to access the data.
  • An HTTP/HTTPS access to the iTop web services (REST + synchro_import.php and synchro_exec.php)
  • + Data collector Base requirements.


Do not install this extension in your webserver directories (like apache). otherwise your configuration files (with URLs, credentials) may be accessible from outside
  • Expand the content of the zip archive “ldap-data-collector” in a folder on the machine that will run the collector application. This machine must have an LDAP access to the Enterprise directory and a web access to the iTop server.
  • create the file conf/params.local.xml to suit your installation, supplying the appropriate credentials to connect to LDAP server and iTop.

By default this file should contains the values used to connect to the LDAP server and to the iTop server:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- conf/params.local.xml - your specific configuration parameters -->
    Set a non empty (and unique) prefix if you run several instances of the collector against the same iTop Server
    This is the recommended method to collect data from several LDAP servers. (assign a unique prefix to each "source" LDAP server)
    Note: this prefix can be set but do not touch the one inside json_placeholders
    <full_load_interval>604800</full_load_interval><!-- 7 days (in seconds): 7*24*60*60 -->
Parameter Meaning Sample value
itop_url URL to the iTop Application https://localhost/
itop_login Login (user account) for connecting to iTop. Must have rights for executing the data synchro, to create Persons and Users (and connect to REST services on iTop above 2.5.0) admin
itop_password Password for the iTop account.
contact_to_notify The email address of an existing contact in iTop, to be notified in case of error during the synchronization
synchro_user iTop user set as allowed to run synchronization. It is highly recommended to use the same as itop_login admin
ldaphost obsolete, Use ldapuri instead. localhost
ldapport obsoelete, use ldapuri instead. 389
ldapdn Company DN for LDAP DC=company,DC=com
ldaplogin Login to connect to LDAP server CN=ITOP-LDAP,DC=company,DC=com
ldappassword Password to connect to LDAP server
ldapuri The URI to connect to the LDAP server, either ldap://<host>:<port> or ldaps://<host>:<port>
page_size New in 1.2.6 A number. To activate the paginated search, set this number to a value greater than zero. 0
prefix A unique string for each LDAP server. MUST be non-empty if you run several instances of the collector against the same iTop instance. Can contain only [a-z0-9_] characters.
full_load_interval Duration (in seconds) for which to retain records not found in LDAP.
synchro_status For information: the status of the Synchronization Data Sources (production, implementation or obsolete) production
users_target_class The class of User objects to create in iTop when synchronizing users. Either UserLDAP or UserExternal UserLDAP
Starting with iTop version 2.5.0, the account used to connect to iTop must have the profile REST Services user in order to be allowed to use the web services.
Before iTop version 2.5.0, only Administrators users can create Users


The default values for the configuration of the data collection is defined in the file collectors/params.distrib.xml. This configuration defines which LDAP queries are executed on the LDAP server to retrieve the data, how to map the LDAP fields with the iTop fields and some default values for the iTop fields.

The configuration looks as follows:

        <!-- Parameters for Person synchronization -->
                <!--  Mapping between LDAP fields and iTop Person's object fields -->
                <!--  Default values for iTop Person's object fields -->
        <!-- Parameters for User synchronization -->
                <!--  Mapping between LDAP fields and iTop UserLDAP's object fields -->
                <!--  Default values for iTop UserLDAP's object fields -->
                <profile>Portal user</profile>
                <language>EN US</language>
Parameter Meaning Default value
ldappersonfilter The LDAP query used to retrieve the persons in LDAP/AD (objectClass=person)
person_fields The list of iTop fields of the Person object to populate from the LDAP data, and for each iTop field its mapping to the corresponding LDAP field
person_defaults The default values for some iTop fields for a Person. Used either when the LDAP query returns an empty value or if no mapping is defined for the field
collect_person_only Whether or not to synchronize users from LDAP (yes/no) no
ldapuserfilter The LDAP query to use to retrive user information in LDAP. Note: the ampersand character & is a special character in XML and must be written as &amp; (&amp;(objectClass=person)(mail=*))
synchronize_profiles Flag to activate or not synchronization of the user profiles based on defined LDAP groups. If set to yes, the synchronization of the profiles is using the itop_group_pattern to identify corresponding group. If set to no make sure that you specify a default profile, since users cannot be created without at least one profile. no
itop_group_pattern Regular expression pattern to retrieve list of LDAP group to map with iTop profils. The first capturing group (i.e. parentheses) must return the name of an existing iTop profile. The default regular expression looks for groups named itop-<iTop Profile Name> /^CN=itop-(.*),OU=.*/
user_fields The list of iTop fields for the LDAPUser object, to populate from the LDAP data, and for each iTop field its mapping to the corresponding LDAP field
user_defaults The default values for some iTop fields for a UserLDAP. Used either when the LDAP query returns an empty value or if no mapping is defined for the field.
  <profile>Portal user</profile>
  <language>EN US</language>

Those parameters can be redefined in the file conf/params.local.xml in order to take into account your specific needs. (For instance the mapping between iTop and LDAP attributes)

The expected value for person_defaults/org_id is an organization name, not an id
The expected value for user_fields/login can be UID, samaccountname, mail,… but the field must contain unique values
The expected value for user_fields/contactid is a field containing an email address
user_defaults/profile is a shortcut to fill the LDAP User field named profile_list with one unique profile.
If you want to assign several profiles to the LDAP Users, use the tag profile_list with this format:

Other optional parameters


The file params.distrib.xml contains the default values for the parameters. Both files (params.distrib.xml and params.local.xml) use exactly the same format, but params.distrib.xml is considered as the reference and should remain unmodified.
Should you need to change the value of a parameter, copy and modify its definition in params.local.xml. The values in params.local.xml have precedence over the ones in params.distrib.xml

Minimal configuration

params.local.xml is at minimum, the file to edit to configure a collector.

And the following parameters must be set in this file:

Parameter Meaning Sample value
itop_login Login (user account) for connecting to iTop. Must have admin rights for executing the data synchro. admin
itop_password Password for the iTop account.
itop_url URL to the iTop Application https://localhost/itop

Optional parameters

The following parameters can be redefined to alter the default behavior of the collector:

Parameter Meaning Default value
max_chunk_size Maximum number of elements to process in one iteration (for upload and synchro in iTop). If there are more elements than this number, the process will automatically iterate. 1000
itop_synchro_timeout Timeout for waiting for the execution of one data synchro task (in seconds)- requires php_curl 600
stop_on_synchro_error Whether or not to stop when an error occurs during a synchronization (yes or no). no
console_log_level Level of ouput to the console. From -1 (none) to 9 (debug). 6 (info)
console_log_dateformat Logger timestamp format [Y-m-d H:i:s]
eventissue_log_level Level threshold to create event issues on remote iTop. From -1 (none) to 9 (debug). -1 (none juste like before)
curl_options When using cUrl to connect to the iTop Webservices the cUrl options can be specified in this section. The syntax is <CURLOPT_NAME_OF_THE_OPTION1>VALUE 1</CURLOPT_NAME_OF_THE_OPTION1> where VALUE_x are either:
The numeric value of the option,
or the string representation of the corresponding PHP “define” (case sensitive).
It is possible to define several php_curl options like in the example below
data_path New in 1.1.4 The path where to store the temporary files generated by the collector. You can use the special placeholder %APPROOT% to specify a path relative to the root folder of the collector. %APPROOT%/data
The following options might help if you're connecting using HTTPS:
Collectors are using synchro_import, but does not propagate yet date_format

Configuration for a SQL collector

The configuration parameters for the SQL Collectors are:

Parameter Meaning Default Value
sql_engine The PDO driver/engine to use for the database connection. mysql
sql_host The name or IP address of the database server to connect to. localhost
sql_database The name of the database to connect to. empty
sql_login The login to use when connecting to the database root
sql_password The password to use when connecting to the database n/a
sql_connection_string New in 1.0.8 The format of the PDO connection string. 3 placeholders are available inside the format string: %1$s = sql_engine, %2$s= sql_database and %3$s = sql_host %1$s:dbname=%2$s;host=%3$s
collector_class_query The query to run for the collector which PHP class is collector_class. For example : MyCollectorClass_query
collector_class_ignored_attributes New in 1.0.6 To take into account the possible variations of the data model, without re-writing a collector each time, it is possible to mark some of the collected attributes as “optional” so that the collector can run even if the corresponding attribute does not exist in the data model. Supply an array of attribute codes to ignore, here.
To specify a port number (or any other driver specific options), change the format of the sql_connection_string. For example: %1$s:dbname=%2$s;host=%3$s;port=3307

For versions prior to 1.0.8, to specify a port number (other than the default port), use the syntax host;port=xxxx for the sql_host parameter. Example: localhost;port=3307

Starting with version 1.0.10, the framework provides a new class of collector: MySQLCollector. This class is identical to SQLCollector except that it forces the retrieved data to be encoded in UTF-8 by issuing the SQL command SET NAMES 'utf8' at the beginning of the each connection to the database. To avoid any problem with the character set of the data, it is recommended to use this new class for all connections to a MySQL/MariaDB database.

Configuration for a JSON collector

Parameter Meaning
jsonfile Define relative or absolute path to the json file to parse for the collector which PHP class is collector collector_class. This parameter or jsonurl is mandatory
jsonurl The URL of json file to parse for the collector which PHP class is. This parameter or jsonpath is mandatory
jsonpost Xml of params to post with the url in order to get Json file <name_of_param>value</name_of_param>
command The CLI command to execute BEFORE parsing json file for the collector which PHP class is collector_class. This parameter is optional
path path in order to find data to synchronize in json separator is / and * replace any word by example aa/bb for {“aa”:{“bb”:{mydata},“cc”:“xxx”} and aa/ * /bb for {“aa”:{cc“:{“bb”:{mydata1}},”dd“:{“bb”:{mydata2}}}
fields xml which describes connection between name in json and name in itop <name_in_itop>name_in_json</name_in_json>
It can be a path as the path parameter, so include level /, * and index (number), when the structure has no key
defaults allow to specify itop fields for which we want to set fixed values. It can be used in combination with a mapping, for the case where a particular Blabla Site has no value for this field.

Configuration for a CSV collector

Inside your collector configuration section you can set below parameters:

Parameter Meaning Default Value
csv_file The csv file to be parsed by the collector. You can specify an URL, the full path of this file (/tmp/myfile.csv) or a relative path to the collector collector_class. This parameter is mandatory
command The CLI command to execute BEFORE reading/parsing csv file. This parameter is optional
encoding The csv file encoding. This parameter is optional UTF-8
separator The separator to use for the csv file to parse. This parameter is optional. Note: you can use the literal string TAB to specify that the separator is the ASCII character tab (0x09). ;
defaults for each synchro field you can specify a default value to be used during synchro step
fields This is a mapping section between data synchro fields and the one found in the CSV file.
ignored_columns This section describes which CSV fields you decide to ignore.
has_header Indicates whether there is CSV header that describes your column names or not. true


Connection problems

To test and troubleshoot connection problems, use the script ldap-test.php located in the collector/bin folder. The script uses the same parameters as the normal collector, but produces more debug output.

So edit the configuration in the file conf/params.local.xml then launch the test script by typing the following command from the command prompt.

php collectors/bin/ldap-test.php

If you see a message like:

Error - ldap_bind('cn=admin,dc=combodo,dc=com', '*******') FAILED (Can't contact LDAP server).

then something is wrong with the connection to the LDAP server.

  1. Check that parameter <ldapuri> is correct. (protocol, host and port)
  2. Check that the connection to the server is not blocked by a firewall (You can use the command telnet <host> <port> and see if the connection is established).
  3. Check for TSL/SSL problems. If you see the following text in the output of the ldap-test.php script, then the problem is likely related to a TLS certificate:
attempting to connect: 
connect success
TLS: peer cert untrusted or revoked (0x402)
TLS: can't connect: (unknown error code).

The solution is to instruct LDAP to ignore this faulty certificate, by adding the following lines to the LDAP configuration file (see the note below).

# Ignore the server's certificate
On Linux systems; the OpenLDAP library used by PHP tries to load successively the following configuration files:
  1. /etc/ldap/ldap.conf
  2. /home/<current_user>/ldaprc
  3. /home/<current_user>/.ldaprc
  4. <current_folder>/ldaprc

You can put the above mentioned parameter in any of the files, but be aware that the first file (/etc/ldap/ldap.conf) affects the whole system, whereas the other configuration files affect scripts running under the current user, or only scripts ran from the current directory.

The syntax for all thoses files is the same. For more information, refer to: ldap.conf man page

Data collection problems

If the output of the ldap-test.php script contains:

Error - ldap_search('dc=combodo,dc=net', '(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)') FAILED (No such object).

Then check the LDAP query used for retrieving the “contacts”. This query is defined by the two parameters:

    <!-- Parameters for Person synchronization -->

If the LDAP query is correct, you should see an output similar to:

List of the attributes to retrieve (taken from the mapping):
Use --attributes=x,y,z to retrieve x, y and z instead. Use --attributes=* to retrieve all fields.
Debug - ldap_connect('ldaps://')...
Debug - ldap_bind('cn=admin,dc=combodo,dc=com', 'xxxxxxx')...
Debug - ldap_bind() Ok.
Debug - ldap_search('dc=combodo,dc=com', '(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)', ['uid', 'sn', 'givenname', 'mail', 'telephonenumber', 'mobile', 'title', 'employeenumber', 'memberof'])...
Debug - ldap_search() Ok.
The LDAP query '(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)' returned 13 elements.
Displaying only 10 elements (use --max-records=xx to change this limit).
LDAP Structure:
Info: when a field is empty on a given record, it is not returned by LDAP.
givenname : bruce
sn        : Lee
uid       : blee
mail      :
mobile    : 0608080808
givenname : chuck
mail      :
sn        : Norris
uid       : cnorris

The first column of the output is the name of the field in LDAP (all fields returned by the LDAP query are listed) and the second column shows the values of the first record found in LDAP. Based on the values displayed you can complete the configuration of the mapping in the configuration file conf/params.local.xml.

By default ldap_test.php only requests the attributes used in the Person's mapping. To request all the available LDAP attributes, add the parameter --attributes=* to the ldap_test.php command line
By default ldap_test.php dumps only the first 10 records of the results. You can adjust this number to xx records by specifying the parameter --max-records=xx on the command line.

Finally you can test your configuration without importing any data in iTop by running the following command from the command line:

php exec.php --console_log_level=9 --collect_only

This produces an output similar to the one shown below:

Debug - OK, the required PHP version to run this application is 5.3.0. The current PHP version is 7.2.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.2.
Debug - OK, the required extension 'simplexml' is installed (current version: 7.2.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.2 >= 0.1).
Debug - OK, the required extension 'dom' is installed (current version: 20031129 >= 1.0).
Debug - The following configuration files were loaded (in this order):

        1. /opt/dev/ldap-collector/conf/params.distrib.xml
        2. /opt/dev/ldap-collector/collectors/params.distrib.xml
        3. /opt/dev/ldap-collector/conf/params.local.xml

The resulting configuration is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <profile>Portal user</profile>
    <language>EN US</language>

Debug - Persons: Mapping of the fields:
   iTop 'primary_key' is filled from LDAP 'samaccountname' 
   iTop 'name' is filled from LDAP 'sn' 
   iTop 'first_name' is filled from LDAP 'givenname' 
   iTop 'email' is filled from LDAP 'mail' 
   iTop 'phone' is filled from LDAP 'telephonenumber' 
   iTop 'mobile_phone' is filled from LDAP 'mobile' 
   iTop 'function' is filled from LDAP 'title' 
   iTop 'employee_number' is filled from LDAP 'employeenumber' 
   iTop 'org_id' is filled with the constant value 'Demo'
   iTop 'status' is filled with the constant value 'active'

Debug - LDAPUsers: Mapping of the fields:
   iTop 'primary_key' is filled from LDAP 'samaccountname' 
   iTop 'login' is filled from LDAP 'samaccountname' 
   iTop 'contactid' is filled from LDAP 'mail' 
   iTop 'language' is filled with the constant value 'EN US'
   iTop 'profile_list' is filled with the constant value 'profileid->name:Portal user'

You can see the order in which the configuration files were loaded and the resulting configuration.

Truncated data

If the collector does not retrieve all the expected records, this may be due to the server enforcing a limit to the length of the search results. This limit can be overcome by setting the parameter page_size (in the configuration file params.local.xml) to activate the pagination. Set a value less than the maximum number of search results allowed by the LDAP server to ensure that the data will not be truncated.

The support of pagination requires PHP 7.3 (or newer) to run the collector.


To launch the data collection and synchronization with iTop, run the following command (from the root directory where the application is installed):

php exec.php

The following (optional) command line options are available:

Option Meaning default value
--config_file Specify the full path to the configuration file. The file conf/params.local.xml is used by default if this parameter is omitted. empty
--console_log_level=<level> Level of ouput to the console. From -1 (none) to 9 (debug). 6 (info)
--eventissue_log_level=<level> Level threshold to create event issues. From -1 (none) to 9 (debug). 6 (info)
--collect_only Run only the data collection, but do not synchronize the data with iTop false
--synchro_only Synchronizes the data previously collected (stored in the data directory) with iTop. Do not run the collection. false
--configure_only Check (and update if necessary) the synchronization data sources in iTop and exit. Do NOT run the collection or the synchronization
--max_chunk_size=<size> Maximum number of items to process in one pass, for preserving the memory of the system. If there are more items to process, the application will iterate. 1000
--help Usage mode to display exec.php help.
Dates in source data must use this format YYYY-MM-DD (hh:mm:ss)

The execution of the command line will:

  1. Connect to iTop to create the Synchronization Data Sources (or check their definition if they already exist, updating them if needed)
  2. Connect to the LDAP server to collect the information about the Persons and the Users
  3. Upload the collected data into iTop
  4. Synchronize the collected data with the existing iTop Person and Users.

When the collector is run, two Synchro Data Sources are created and used for synchrponizing Person and LDAPUser objects in iTop: Synchro Data Sources


Once you've run the data collector interactively, the next step is to schedule its execution so that the collection and import occurs automatically at regular intervals.

The data collector does not provide any specific scheduling mechanism, but the simple command line php exec.php can be scheduled with either cron (on Linux systems) or using the Task Scheduler on Windows.

For optimal results, don't forget to adjust the configuration parameter full_load_interval to make it consistent with the frequency of the scheduling.

Migrating from version 1.1.x to 1.2.x

Between version 1.1.1 and 1.2.0 the structure of the configuration has slightly changed:

  • The mapping of the fields between LDAP and iTop is now defined as an array <person_fields> for the Person object and <user_fields> for the LDAPUser object. The same applies to the default values for the fields which are respectively configured in the arrays <person_defaults> and <user_defaults>. If you changed the default configuration for these items, you'll have to adjust your configuration file accordingly.
  • The parameter synchro_profils has been renamed to synchro_profiles
  • The parameter synchronize_organization has been deprecated. If you don't want to synchronize the organizations, don't provide a mapping for the org_id field (in <person_fields>) and provide a default value for org_id in <person_defaults>.
  • Version 1.1 did not support to run several instances of the collector against the same iTop instance (for multiple LDAP servers), and thus the name of the SQL tables holding the synchro data was using a different scheme. To retain the same name of the SQL data tables, edit the configuration file and put the folling line in the <json_placeholders> section:

Synchronizing data with several LDAP servers

The current version of the Data collector for LDAP supports only one source LDAP server. However you can run several instances of the collector, each with a different configuration to connect to different LDAP servers but the to the same iTop instance.

In such a configuration, make sure that the <prefix> parameter is different for each LDAP server, since each collector needs to create its own set of the Synchro Data Sources in iTop.


Create two copies of the LDAP data collector: collector-ldap1 and collector-ldap2. In collector-ldap1/conf/params.local.xml put:

        <prefix>ldap1_</prefix> <!-- IMPORTANT to have a unique prefix, use only [a-z0-9_] characters -->

In collector-ldap2/conf/params.local.xml put:

        <prefix>ldap2_</prefix> <!-- IMPORTANT to have a unique prefix, use only [a-z0-9_] characters -->

This will create two independent sets of Synchronization Data Sources: Synchro Data Sources

Questions & Answers

Q: If I change the status field settings in the DataSynchro for User on iTop and the next collector run, does not restore the setting for that particular field, also it does it for others. Why?
A: LDAP does not have out of the box a simple active/unactive status for a person, so in general it is not provided by LDAP, so all User are expected to be created “active” and if no more present deleted, by the synchro. You can change that setting. One way is to change the Deletion policy, to update that status field. Another is to change the collector code source, also not sure of all the impacts of this change:

extensions/ldap-data-collector.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/07 12:30 (external edit)
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