Extensions compatibility with iTop 3.2

Last update February 2024.

You will find here is the 3.2 compatibility status for iTop extensions published by Combodo:

Some of the listed extensions are restricted to Combodo's customers.
Get in contact with Combodo if you are interested in them
Extensions which are not listed below, are compatible with iTop 3.2, at least their latest published version
Combodo's customers should only pay attention to extensions not included in Products
The others are automatically up to date

Upgrade to be 3.2 compatible

Upgrading is highly recommended, but older versions may work in your particular use case

You must install the latest version of these extensions before upgrading to iTop 3.2.0

Public In Products Extension Not fully compatible First iTop 3.2 compatible Version Risk
All Yes Approval process automation 2.3.1
All Yes Approval process light 2.2.1
All No Assign To Me 0.1.3 Not working on PHP 8.1+ when mandatory fields other than Teams and Agent are not filed before assignement
All Yes Calendar invitations 1.0.5
All Yes Calendar view 2.1.4
All No Chat integration with tawk.to
All No Chat integration with Intercom
All Yes Communications to the Customers 1.3.3 Not working on portal
All Yes Configurator for automatic object creation 1.2.3
All No Copy FAQ to Log 1.0.0 Not working
All No Data model for Microsoft Azure
All No Data synchronization dashboard 1.2.2
All No Enhanced global search 1.2.8
All No Embedded webpage in iTop portal 1.2.0 Not working
All No Follow-up forms (without authentication) 1.2.2
All No Gantt view 1.1.3
All Yes Mail to ticket automation
All No Personal data anonymizer
All Yes Predefined response models 1.2.3 Not working
All No Project Management Extended 1.1.4 Possible issues with object-copier
All No Project Management Light 1.1.3 Possible issues with object-copier
All Yes Send updates by email
All No Time Tracking 2.3.5
All Yes User actions configurator 1.4.4
All Yes Webhook integrations 1.3.2 1.4.0
Combodo's customer only No Advanced FAQ 1.0.1 Error when Mark this FAQ in iTop Portal
Combodo's customer only No Alarm Console
Combodo's customer only No Data Localizer
Combodo's customer only No Department silos
Combodo's customer only No Embedded webpage in iTop portal
Combodo's customer only No Global requests management
Combodo's customer only No iTop Bulk Event 1.1.1 Bulk Change on caselog not working
Combodo's customer only No OLA per team
Combodo's customer only No Kanban Board 1.1.1 Group by values not taken in account
Combodo's customer only No Portal for Business Partner
Combodo's customer only No Recurring Object
Combodo's customer only No combodo-release-mgmt 1.0.1 Possible issues with object-copier

Incompatibilities range from a simple warning in developer mode to a non working feature in some specific cases.

latest/release/extensions.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/06/20 17:28 (external edit)
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