:: Version 3.2.0 ::
iTop Change Log
For users
N°5079 - Fix misleading “leave confirmation” alert after creating a Global Request
N°6613 - Save user image only when image is valid.
N°7219 - Fix broken dashboard having special caracters in their title
N°7633 - Fix object display slowness in case of long history
N°7639 - Switching tab without reloading the data table
N°7658 - Changed FR labels on date search by “Du” — “au” — to make them shorter
N°7746 - Disable the Case Log edition button when the user is not allowed to edit the object
N°7759 - Add EN/FR tooltips on Organization and Delivery Model classes
N°7774 - Improve in News center, the tooltip to navigate to Notification subscription
N°7792 - CAS : Fix white page when navigating after a long pause
N°7820 - Fix Newsroom Tooltips
N°7874 - Fix inline images deleted by garbage collector in some cases
N°7898 - Inserted precanned reply and FAQ advanced at the cursor position. Thanks to @jbostoen
N°7903 - Fix on-going demand brick broken with Global Demand 1.5+
N°8134 - Fix Portal user profil brick edition
N°8144 - Issue using Organization filtering box
For administrator
N°5039 - DataSynchro : Change column type to MEDIUMTEXT for importing linkset with the object
N°7111 - Removed misleading link presented at the end of the setup
N°7206 - Fix TriggerOnStateEnter not called on transition without change of state
N°7228 - Webhook JSON: Fix double quotes, new lines, tabs, etc in object data. Format without double-quotes is abandoned.
N°7664 - Add support for PowerAutomate
N°7721 - Add default configuration to authent-token module
N°7728 - Fix add_linked_script / add_linked_stylesheet flooding error.log
N°7750 - Display OQL shortcut page just like “run queries”.
N°7777 - Hide tab “Last executions” in Action creation
N°7803 - Fix installation issue (either an extension from iTop Hub or a new component from the Designer)
N°7852 - Class tree display in “User Rights” tab fixed for classes with non displayed parent.
N°7858 - Fix Backup not performed on first execution
N°7871 - Fix migration to itop3.2.1 with trigger “on object mention” without “mentioned filter”
N°7906 - UserPreference class: add list, search criteria and reconciliation
N°7916 - Fix missing charset when sending emails with attachments
N°7917 - Fix emails classified as spam due to incorrect `Message-ID` thanks to @vlk-charles
N°7925 - Fix incorrectly formatted In-Reply-To email header
N°7997 - Fix Sharing Base compatible with iTop >= 3.1+
N°8001 - Fix issue with TriggerOnObjectMention on News without icon
N°8008 - Webhooks: Fix update of triggering object on process response callback
N°8047 - New SuperUser iTop Profile, similar to an Administrator without Configuration and Backup
For iTop designers
N°1000 - Harmonize filters results in portal browse brick
N°5791 - Allow more syntaxes on obsolescence condition: IN, NOT IN, LIKE, NOT LIKE
N°7145 - Support XML default DateTime value. New default empty instead of now!
N°7383 - FilterBrick on ManageBrick: enable changing criteria even if nothing found
N°7756 - Allow AttributeClass to declare “class_category” empty in XML
N°7762 - Improved the feedback when a deprecated function of PHP is called
N°7845 - Preventive fix of wrong date computation with PHP 8.2+, but not an issue apparently
N°7847 - Fix regression preventing an extension to define an PHP interface
N°7873 - Fix brick visibility despite XML security tag “allowed profiles”
N°7886 - Remove deprecated datamodel methods (SetAssignmentDate)
N°7927 - Added context “Setup” to Hub connector, Designer connector and unattended install
N°7987 - Enable customization of manage brick page template
N°7995 - Allow to redefine portal twig template for all bricks in a portal
N°8019 - Enrich 4 events with transition information “stimulus_applied”
N°8031 - Make all portal bricks use custom templates for all templates
N°8050 - Allow any external libraries imported by composer in iTop extensions
N°8108 - EVENT_DB_AFTER_WRITE: add previous values in $oEventData→Get('changes')
N°8115 - Add TLS support in Unattended Install.
N°8129 - Dont crash if date/time default value has a bad format
N°8131 - Protect event DB_LINKS_CHANGED on deleted object
N°8139 - Avoid double writing in lifecycle action (DBUpdate in actions are no more executed)
N°7735 - Improve Spanish translations for iTop 3.2
N°7824 - Update czech translations for iTop3.2 thanks to @Stetinac
N°7859 - Add missing French translation on newsroom
N°7932 - Add english (GB) translation to iTop
N°7954 - Update Chinese translations
N°6282 - Fix XSS in Functions (snyk.io)
N°6283 - Fix XSS in webservice (snyk.io)
N°6284 - CVE-2025-24026 - Fix redos in regex (snyk.io)
N°6617 - Fix “Denial of Service” vulnerability
N°7730 - Fix XSS on parameters leading to CSRF breach
N°7770 - CVE-2024-52601 - Secure Direct Object Reference + prevent Mass Data Leak
N°7776 - CVE-2025-24021 - Prevent mass assignement of fields not present in form
N°7810 - CVE-2025-24022 - Prevent Portal code injection
N°7854 - Bump twig lib to version v3.16.0 for security
N°7980 - CVE-2024-56157 Fix self XSS in CSV Import
N°8007 - On OQL error (wrong class), list only allowed classes for the current user (read access).
N°8150 - Check if hash in URL is the same that one of the image
N°7801 - Fix erratic behavior on organization filter
N°7803 - Fix MTP from iTop Hub and Designer failing with warnings
For users
N°6218 - 1:n & n:n - Read mode: Refresh of tab count on Add/Remove in pop-up
N°6303 - Add a search brick on all Tickets of a User Portal
N°6555 - Add class description in tooltip of Dashlet badge
N°7157 - Allow users to unsubscribe from notification channels
N°7379 - Add search criterion to Workorder and 'status' to Contact search
N°7391 - Add color blind themes to iTop backoffice
N°7392 - Add high contrast theme to iTop backoffice
N°7484 - “solution” field of classes Incident and UserRequest is now an HTML field
N°7644 - Add Brand logo and Model picture
N°3767 - Impact analysis: Display filtering box on CIs list and groups
N°4494 - Fix auto-locking on log save and transition, by waiting
N°4511 - CKEditor : Fix links made on all the leading text in Firefox
N°4631 - Fix a display issue when description field is fullscreen while using vertical tabs
N°4894 - Improve AttributeDecimal validation during CSV import
N°5136 - Relations: Fix “Select All objects” adding obsolete objects even if “show obsolete data” param. not activated
N°5786 - Fix text color in public log and in AttributeHTML
N°6152 - Fix criteria & object list loaded twice
N°6438 - Fix expensive reloading of each displayed ticket when displaying a ticket list (no more highlight)
N°6847 - Position of label in configuration of pdf export
N°6861 - Display warning when creating/editing a mandatory blob in modal
N°6903 - Fix crash when emptying file attribute (eg. picture of a contact)
N°6993 - Fix bulk transition on object containing a null blob
N°7023 - Fix check to write error when adding an item on a n:n relation (eg. contact) on a new object (eg. user request) on the end-users portal
N°7047 - Fix unwanted Attachment on Unitary requests forms in Global Request management
N°7122 - Portal: Hide log off button when user can't actually log off (eg. SSO using SAML or other providers)
N°7163 - Avoid having an empty list when “items per page” set to 0
N°7232 - Run query : Clearer message when querying unknown class
N°7255 - Fix misc. stylesheets not working in portal since N°7047
N°7288 - Fix page crash due to unescaped characters in relations row actions
N°7292 - Improve Clear function in ExtKeyWidget
N°7302 - SetupUtils::HumanReadableSize : fix units returned
N°7313 - Fix bad display of single quotes in charts
N°7491 - Fix email-reply trigger not executed in some cases
N°938 - Improve print of portal object page and portal dashboard page
N°7397 - Update welcome popup content for iTop 3.2
For administrator
N°3465 - Fix attachment file name hardcoded to “uploaded-file” when imported from CSV import
N°5472 - Notification action : add a last executions tab
N°5775 - Allow configuration of OAuth client on MS Azure with single tenant
N°6619 - Attachment: changed contact_id from an ExternalField into an ExternalKey
N°7194 - Add link to datamodel class schema on object details
N°7425 - Add Warning when a user has no contact or no allow org
N°7447 - Ease User Dashboard clean-up for iTop administrator
N°2039 - Feed Newsroom from an Action
N°7298 - Allow each Action to be asynchronous or not
N°7533 - Warning at setup if installed on Galera clusters
N°1112 - DataSynchro: Replica failing to synchronize says 'Organization' instead of 'undefined' ???
N°2572 - Improve error message “Nowhere to go??” with root cause
N°2732 - DataSynchro: cap memory peak value to 2Gb before storing it in priv_sync_log field
N°3062 - Update SetupCssIntegrityChecklistTest to fail build if setup.css wasn't recompiled
N°3677 - Fix AttributeImage.default_image URLs not up to date after app_root_url change
N°3715 - Export above 1000 entries ignore obsolete data from user preference
N°4342 - Improve generic bulk deletion function with memory limit handling
N°5194 - Enable webhook actions to be asynchronous in order to save response callback value
N°5218 - Fix toolkit error on enum since 3.0.0
N°6086 - CSV import: Treat first line as a header
N°6361 - Change query examples order to highlight the one working on an empty iTop
N°6618 - Fix crash due to router's cache containing an integer instead of an array
N°6659 - Ticket: attribut “team_name” now contains the name, “team_email” attribut added.
N°6808 - Rank management (order) in iTop actions
N°6826 - Fix error on file attribute of DocumentFile class in Designer (No SQL value)
N°6852 - Missing configuration 'forgot_password_from'
N°6874 - Fix encoding issue in out-going emails
N°6887 - Fix excessive OQL requests to display user's grant matrix
N°6889 - MariaDB >= 10.6.1 since iTop 2.7.9 Backup mysqldump call : restore ability to connect on localhost using the socket protocol
N°7017 - Fix with a lock the fatal error occuring when rebuilding expression-cache
N°7021 - Fix error log and useless compilation time due to SCSS file unnecessary compilation
N°7039 - Fix regression: placeholder :current_contact→id not working in OQL in iTop 3.1
N°7052 - Fix PHP notices in synchro_import.php (3.0.1 regression) (thanks to Gilbert Breton !)
N°7082 - Allow to force asynchronous send of emails
N°7085 - Fix infinite loop in login page until fatal error occurs
N°7130 - Allows to ignore existing column field in setup's data migration method
N°7212 - PHP 8.1: Migrate remaining usages of strlen() with null value
N°7213 - PHP 8.1: Migrate remaining usages of md5() with null value
N°7217 - Fix link creation between “Audit Domain” and “Audit category” with an “Audit Manager” profile
N°7231 - PHP 8.1: Migrate deprecated usages of rawurlencode() with null value
N°7244 - Fix ContextTag init in setup
N°7245 - Better log error occuring in RunTimeEnvironment::CallInstallerHandlers
N°7312 - Fix JS crash on Windows server when creating a custom version of 'UserRequest Overview' Dashboard
N°7336 - Fix warning from \DeprecatedCallsLog::NotifyDeprecatedPhpMethod with PHP 8.3
N°7343 - Better error message when compiling a PHP invalid dict file during setup
N°7416 - Setup: Add warning for optionnal PHP extension “APCu”
N°7474 - Fix setup crash when the last profile of a user is removed from the datamodel
N°7477 - Fix DataSynchro made without administrator profile to create SynchroLog
N°7480 - Fix test-red and light-grey css related setup warning
N°797 - DataSynchro deletion includes replica cleaning
For iTop designers
N°2443 - Fix AttributBoolean doesn't accept yes/no value
N°2909 - Fix search on Enum, Date, TagSet,… with index
N°3236 - Fix trackinfo in CMDBChange when using core/update with REST
N°3363 - Add three favicons in branding
N°4314 - Uniqueness rules can report duplicates that user cannot see due to Silo
N°6228 - Prevent removing last user Profil: AttributLinkSet property “with_php_constraint” allows to propagate CheckToWrite() to target object.
N°6695 - Allow multilines dict entries in portal tooltips
N°6964 - Add API to allow modules to register files to include in the backup
N°7067 - Add setting to change the default “password change” URL
N°7136 - Portal: Add JS API to enable attachments IDs retrieval in an object form
N°7242 - Allow to mention new user IDs in Slack messages
N°7243 - Add non blocking feedback/notifications (toasts) API
N°7294 - Events when adding or removing an attachment are sent on the object instead of on the attachment
N°7310 - New event to conditionally remove transitions on an object
N°7345 - Allow to use a DateTime php object on Set() call on an AttributeDateTime
N°7410 - Introduce API for Welcome Popup in the backoffice
N°5145 - Fix attachments missing in new ticket when clone from an old ticket with object copier
N°5170 - Fix case where in a transition DoCheckToWrite returned error
N°5547 - Fix object deletion failing when friendlyname was too long
N°6543 - Fix display of AttributeText with width parameter
N°6643 - Fix \CMDBSource::LogDeadLock generating a TypeError
N°6647 - Fix JSON validation only accepting arrays as result + replace params done after validation
N°6660 - Fix define_if_not_exists flag not working on class nodes
N°6733 - Fix prompting of mandatory AttributeDateTime in transition forms
N°6766 - Fix dependent fields not updated due to WizardHelper.UpdateFields() being triggered too early
N°6767 - Fix error in ajax request when there's dict to load and no onready scripts
N°6960 - Fix “Unknown class XXX” when clicking on a class external key or n:n linkset
N°7008 - Fix missing background tasks in CRON when autoloaded and not in “developer_mode”
N°7042 - Fix check to write error when setting a ext. key programatically on the end-users portal
N°7046 - Fix “CAS_ServiceBaseUrl_Static” not found
N°7055 - Apply better default value for portal copy object link
N°7068 - Add emulation for apc_exists function
N°7079 - Fix event not fired when creating/updating a user with profiles
N°7133 - Fix linkset displayed as property, failing when OQL filter contains single quote or new line
N°7134 - Fix retrieving list of changes when editing URP_UserProfile
N°7268 - Fix method SetComputedDate failling on Date only attribute
N°7279 - Fix compilation issue with AttributeClass field defined in XML
N°7344 - rest.php : better error message when cannot execute OQL query (key param for core/get verb)
N°7399 - Remove deprecated Ticket methods from iTop Datamodel
N°7417 - Improve logged message when a Root Menu is not a MenuGroup
N°7693 - Update polish translations thanks to @DudekArtur
N°7687 - Update german translations thanks to @Attila0428
N°7686 - Update dutch translations thanks to @Hipska
N°7652 - Update italian translations thanks to @DarkNight97boss
Technical changes
N°4897 - Add method to improve deprecated PHP API logs (eg. for \iPageUIExtension)
N°5298 - Upgrade CKEditor to version 5
N°5580 - Audit JS libs and see if they are available on NPM
N°5621 - Add not managed JS dependencies to NPM to get updates on vulnerabilities
N°5808 - Update symfony version to next Symfony LTS 6.4
N°5809 - Update PHP libraries versions
N°5810 - Update JS librairies (iTop 3.2)
N°6050 - Add compatibility with MariaDB 10.11
N°6097 - Enable PHP unit tests on a custom DataModel
N°6103 - Remove jQuery Hotkeys plugin
N°6558 - Add test to check iTopDesignFormat::$aVersions consistency
N°6599 - Update moment.js (known vulnerabilities with high CVSS scores)
N°6632 - ItopDataTestCase : replace annotations by setting options in PHP
N°6658 - Boost PHPUnit tests execution
N°6752 - PHP unit tests: Migrate usages of unitestautoload.php to composer autoloader in the core
N°6754 - PHP unit tests: Add local PHPUnit XML files to .gitignore
N°6805 - Add reference to classes implementing \iWorkingTimeComputer in the datamodel (meta tag)
N°6886 - Add OAuth tests folder to removable directories list
N°6937 - Symfony 6.4 - Handle Symfony configuration files
N°6967 - Deprecated \cmdbAbstractObject::DBDeleteTracked_Internal
N°7044 - Move language attribute from ActionEmail to ActionNotification
N°7054 - Rework the UpdateImpactedItems calls on Tickets
N°7062 - Add unit test to ensure that setup SCSS is compiled correctly
N°7170 - PHP 8.3: Fix usages of get_class() without argument
N°7179 - Remove unused code in Action
N°7246 - New dict tests on duplicate definitions in same file + translated keys with tildes
N°7251 - Deprecate unused JS libs (iTop 3.2)
N°7264 - Update unmaintained JS libs to their latest versions (iTop 3.2)
N°7297 - Doing npm install removes web.config file and changes package name
N°7314 - Add Symfony Response alternative to Webpage::output()
N°7315 - Add new predictible API to add JS / CSS files to a \WebPage
N°7328 - Deprecate js/jquery.autocomplete.js
N°7331 - Add cleanup script for NPM dependencies
N°7355 - Update JS libraries managed via NPM (iTop 3.2)
N°7407 - Ease iTop installation via unattended CLI by using installation.xml choices
N°7494 - Select languages that “highlightjs” supports
N°7697 - Add method to rename DB table during setup
N°7619 - Restore cascading in object deletion for legacy extensions
N°7588 - Fix .env.local not working for the portal since Symfony 5.4 migration
N°7146 - Fix style not applied in list in the end-users portal in iTop 3.0+
N°7142 - Compiler issue - enum value modification : …DOMNode::removeChild() …
N°7131 - Changing the Org of a Person having User with Allowed Orgs, breaks with Synchro LDAP
N°7127 - Upgrade handlebars.js to v4.7.8
N°7024 - Fix opening an object with abstract class indirect linked set in Portal
N°6992 - Fix “add lnk” popup title: replaced class name by its label
N°4342 - Improve generic bulk deletion function with memory limit handling
N°7410 - Introduce a new welcome popup API
N°7423 - Align UserTokens to PersonalToken with allowed contexts
N°7075 - Add check for Content Security Policies (CSP) in the setup
N°7364 - Full path disclosure when graphviz is not installed
N°4368 - iTop pages include security X-Content-Type-Options HTTP header
N°6455 - Update JQuery UI from 1.12.1 to 1.13.2 (fixes vulnerabilities)
N°6600 - Portal attachment download : whole SQL query displayed on non existing attachment id error
N°6777 - Fix XSS vulnerability in dashboard title
N°6948 - CVE-2023-46734: Potential XSS vulnerabilities in TWIG CodeExtension filters
N°6458 - CVE-2023-45808 Can create objects in non allowed org by forging http query in both Console and Portal
N°6560 - CVE-2023-43790 XSS in friendlyname in object details
N°6606 - CVE-2023-44396 XSS vulnerabilities in dashlet ajax operations
N°6800 - CVE-2023-47626 Fix stored XSS in authent token
N°6951 - CVE-2023-48709 Fix CSV injection in Excel from an iTop CSV export file
N°6989 - CVE-2023-48710 Limit pages/exec.php script to PHP files
N°7124 - Applied OWASP recommendations on Ajax calls against CSRF
N°7374 - CVE-2024-31448 - Fix XSS vulnerability in link CSV import
N°7448 - Forbid user enumeration through Rest API
N°7449 - CVE-2024-32870 - itop hub connector Information disclosure
N°7455 - Fix SSRF through arbitrary PHP class instantiation
N°7542 - Security hardening: only route if no operation is present.
N°7603 - Fix XSS injection in run queries page
N°6641 - Update czech translations (thanks to @Stetinac !)
N°6869 - Update chinese translations for ProfilesMenu thanks to @chileeb
N°6954 - Update english translations thanks to @jkoch22
N°7077 - iTop hungarian translations
N°7143 - Fix inconsistencies in datamodels/2.x dictionaries
N°7247 - Update italian translations thanks to @DarkNight97boss
N°7428 - Fix spelling typo in FR dictionary on lnkxxxToFunctionalCI classes
This branch is about to enter Security fixes only. Version 3.1.3 could be the last one in this branch
For Users
N°7219 - Fix broken dashboard having special caracters in their title
N°8134 - Fix Portal user profil brick edition
For Administrators
N°7916 - Fix missing charset when sending emails with attachments
N°7917 - Fix emails classified as spam due to incorrect `Message-ID` thanks to @vlk-charles
N°7925 - Fix incorrectly formatted In-Reply-To email header
For iTop designers
N°8131 - Protect event DB_LINKS_CHANGED on deleted object
N°7770 - CVE-2024-52601 - Secure Direct Object Reference + prevent Mass Data Leak
N°7776 - CVE-2025-24021 - Prevent mass assignement of fields not present in form
N°7810 - CVE-2025-24022 - Prevent Portal code injection
N°7980 - CVE-2024-56157 Fix self XSS in CSV Import
N°7310 - New EVENT_ENUM_TRANSITIONS to hide on the fly some Transitions
N°7294 - Send EVENT_XXX_ATTACHMENT_TO_OBJECT on the target object instead of the attachment object
N°7217 - Fix user rights to create a link between “Audit Domain” and “Audit category” with an “Audit Manager” profile
N°7137 - DataSynchro: Remove “Organization” as default value for SynchroReplica→dest_class
N°7122 - Portal: Hide log off button when user can't actually log off (eg. SSO using SAML or other providers)
N°4314 - Fix Uniqueness rules not working with Silo
N°6993 - Fix bulk transition on object containing a blob
N°7491 - Fix Email-reply trigger is not executed in some cases
N°7645 - PHP 8.1: Fix usage of strpos() & str_replace() with null value when compiling empty dictionary entries
N°7619 - Fix object deletion not cascaded for legacy extensions: OnDelete() called again
N°7526 - Fix profile input: persistent filters even after blur
N°7405 - Cache files access is more protected against concurrent access
N°7344 - rest.php : better message when cannot execute OQL query
N°7343 - Better error message when compiling a PHP invalid dict file during setup
N°7336 - Fix warning in \DeprecatedCallsLog::NotifyDeprecatedPhpMethod with PHP 8.3
N°7302 - Fix wrong unit name in \SetupUtils::HumanReadableSize
N°7288 - Fix page crash due to unescaped characters in relations row actions
N°7268 - Fix method SetComputedDate failling on Date only attribute
N°7255 - Fix misc. stylesheets not working in portal since N°7047
N°7245 - Bettor logs on RunTimeEnvironment::CallInstallerHandlers exceptions
N°7232 - Fix UI:RunQuery:Error containing a placeholder
N°7231 - PHP 8.1: Migrate deprecated usages of rawurlencode() with null value
N°7213 - PHP 8.1: Migrate remaining usages of md5() with null value
N°7212 - PHP 8.1: Migrate remaining usages of strlen() with null value
N°7172 - Adding HTML markup for n:n set properties in 3.1 (for Behat)
N°7147 - Fix error HTTP 500 due to access_token not URL decoded
N°7143 - Fix inconsistencies in datamodels/2.x dictionaries
N°7142 - Fix compiler issue - enum value modification : …DOMNode::removeChild() …
N°7134 - Fix list of changes for class URP_UserProfile
N°7133 - Fix Linkset displayed as property failling when filter contains single quote or new line
N°7127 - Upgrade handlebars.js to v4.7.8
N°7118 - Act on guaranteed object deletion, with the object still accessible
N°7085 - Fix infinite loop in login page until fatal error occurs
N°7080 - Fix EVENT_DB_LINKS_CHANGED not fired when deleting a user
N°7079 - Fix EVENT_DB_LINKS_CHANGED not fired when creating/updating a user with profiles
N°7077 - iTop hungarian translations
N°7052 - Fix PHP notices in synchro_import.php (3.0.1 regression) (thanks to Gilbert Breton !)
N°7047 - Fix unwanted Attachment fields on Unitary requests forms in Global Request management
N°7042 - Fix check to write error when setting a ext. key programatically on the end-users portal
N°7039 - Fix placeholder :current_contact→id not working in OQL in iTop 3.1
N°7024 - Fix opening an object with abstract class indirect linked set in Portal
N°7021 - Fix error log and useless compilation time due to SCSS file unnecessary compilation
N°7017 - Fix rebuilding expression-cache causing a PHP fatal error
N°6968 - Improve audit performance
N°6889 - Fix backup on localhost with MariaDB >= 10.6.1 since iTop 2.7.9
N°6826 - Fix sql value on file attribute of DocumentFile class
N°6660 - Fix define_if_not_exists flag not working on class nodes
N°6543 - Fix display of AttributeText with width parameter
N°5775 - Allow configuration of OAuth client on MS Azure with single tenant
N°5547 - Fix object deletion failling if friendlyname too long
N°4631 - Fix display issue when description field is totally open in vertical layout
N°4164 - SAML - Hide logoff from portal
N°3448 - Framework field size check not correctly implemented for multibytes languages/strings
N°4368 - iTop now sends the X-Content-Type-Options HTTP header (See wiki)
N°6455 - Update JQuery UI from 1.12.1 to 1.13.2 (fixes vulnerabilities)
N°7075 - Add check for Content Security Policies (CSP) in the setup
N°7603 - Fix XSS injection in run queries page
N°7548 - Fix Stored Self XSS in preferences
N°7545 - Fix Self XSS in portal picture upload by following owasp recommendations
N°7455 - Fix SSRF through arbitrary PHP class instantiation
N°7449 - CVE-2024-32870 - itop hub connector Information disclosure
N°7448 - Forbid user enumeration through Rest API
N°7375 - CVE-2024-31998 - Fix XSS and CSRF combined security issue on CSV import
N°7374 - CVE-2024-31448 - Fix XSS vulnerability in link CSV import
N°7364 - Full path disclosure when graphviz is not installed
N°7124 - Following the OWASP recommendations about Ajax calls to secure them against CSRF attack
3.1.1-1 : Fix regression from 3.0.0 in CAS authentication: class ServiceBaseUrl missing
For users
N°938 - Improve print of portal object page and portal dashboard page
N°6555 - Add class description in tooltip of Dashlet badge
N°6861 - Display warning when creating/editing a mandatory blob in modal
N°5145 - Object-copier : Fix attachments missing in new ticket when clone from an old ticket with object copier
N°5786 - Restore color on bold text in logs and description (HTML fields)
N°3767 - Impact analysis: Display filtering box on CIs list and groups
N°3715 - Export above 1000 entries takes into account obsolete data user preference
N°6557 - Fix adding a contact to ticket on ticket creation in portal with PHP 8.1
N°5136 - Fix object selection ignoring “show obsolete data” user parameter
N°6903 - Fix crash when emptying file attribute (eg. picture of a contact)
N°7005 - Fix portal stylesheets not being re-compiled when outdated
N°6766 - Fix dependent fields not updated while editing an object
N°6734 - Fix “Unable to render this dashlet.” when adding a new dashlet on a dashboard
N°6733 - Restore prompting of mandatory AttributeDateTime in transition
N°6421 - [iTop 3.0.3] Flag mandatory and read_only is prompted
N°6651 - Fix bulk modify of objects with an n:n displayed as property (3.1.0)
N°6452 - Improve Personal Token to avoid auto-lock
N°6451 - Improve Personal Token creation to align to iTop standards
N°6450 - Fix useless message when moving outside of “My account” page
N°6152 - Fix criteria & object list loaded twice in object search
N°5948 - Fix dashlet list crashing when User set a “number of objects per page” which is not a number
N°4494 - Fix auto-locking when combining a log save and a transition (Firefox?)
N°3441 - Portal: Fix failure to open an object containing a link to an archived object
N°6905 - Typo on EN User deletion feedback
N°6706 - Wrong dictionary entry for FR - Lnk Provider Contract / Service
N°6646 - Wrong dictionary entry for FR - Lnk Contact / Contrat
N°6598 - Improve ZH-CN translations
N°5491 - Fix inconsistent dictionary entries regarding arguments to pass to Dict::Format
For administrators
N°6531 - Trigger on Update on LinkedSet attributes, activated as soon as a remote object is added, updated or removed
N°6133 - Allow to add extra files to backup and restore
N°6436 - Add performance Audit probes and reports download capability
N°6901 - Monitoring: Enable tracking of iTop active sessions
N°6831 - Prevent links modification when locked by a synchro data source
N°6874 - Fix encoding issue in out-going emails
N°6340 - Fix permission refused when sending an email and renewing Auth token in synchronous mode
N°6677 - Fix notification in test status send only to test recipient and no more all mail addresses
N°6824 - Fix notification with current_contact placeholder trigger hundred of email sent
N°3465 - Fix attachment file name hardcoded to “uploaded-file” when imported from CSV import
N°6123 - Add warning when launching a backup on MariaDB > v10.6.1 with localhost
N°6963 - Setup: Add warning: “PHP min 8.1 required for iTop version 3.2.0”
N°6887 - Fix excessive OQL requests to display user's grant matrix
For customization
N°3506 - Creation in pop-up from external key widget, allowed to users with write access and no more bulk write.
N°6546 - XML filter is taken into account by n:n displayed as property (tagset widget)
N°6385 - Allow to disable LinkedSet (1:n & n:n) edition by XML
N°6228 - Prevent 1:n and n:n edition on host constrains (eg. Prevent removal of last User Profile,…)
N°6547 - Prevent n-n link edition if read-only in a lifecycle state
N°6228 - Allow easy LinkedSet computation (count, sum,…) on the fly, as soon as a remote object is added, modified or removed
N°6667 - Trigger Apply stimulus filter is executed on resulting object after update
N°6849 - Setup: improved message in case of unmet module dependencies
N°6815 - DataModel: change attribute type of SLA.customercontracts_list
N°6814 - Datamodel: remove lnkConnectableCIToNetworkDevice uniqueness rule
N°6747 - Fix presentation error in Designer during MTP after UserLDAP customization
N°6682 - Allow delegation of Audit Domain, Category and Rule classes access
N°6695 - Support multi-lines dictionary entries in portal tooltips
N°6810 - Cautious: semantic attributes are visible by design to anyone, as friendlyname on relations.
N°6774 - Fix display n:n relations in portal when no remote object fields is requested
N°6866 - Fix display issue when defining fields with apostrophe in their label
N°2909 - Fix search on Enum, Date, TagSet,… with index
N°6795 - Fix GetOriginal API broken from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0 when used in AfterUpdate / OnDBUpdate
N°6647 - Fix JSON validation only accepting arrays as result + replace params done after validation
N°6767 - Fix ajax request error when there's dict to load and no onready scripts
N°6976 - Restore log of \DeprecatedCallsLog::ENUM_CHANNEL_PHP_LIBMETHOD
N°6967 - Deprecates \cmdbAbstractObject::DBDeleteTracked_Internal
N°6966 - Deprecates cmdbAbstractObject::DBCloneTracked_Internal
N°6989 - CVE-2023-48710 Restrict pages/exec.php to PHP files
N°6951 - CVE-2023-48709 Fix CSV injection in Excel from an iTop CSV export file
N°6948 - CVE-2023-46734 Fix potential XSS vulnerabilities in TWIG CodeExtension filters
N°6917 - CVE-2023-47123 Fix XSS vulnerability in n:n relations “tagset” widget
N°6908 - CVE-2023-47622 Fix XSS vulnerabilities in ajax operations
N°6801 - Fix access to backup file without authentication
N°6800 - CVE-2023-47626 Fix XSS vulnerabilities in authent token
N°6778 - Fix XSS vulnerability in shortcut creation
N°6777 - Fix XSS vulnerability in dashboard title
N°6618 - Fix crash due to router's cache containing an integer instead of an array
N°6614 - XML ENTITY EXPANSION - Deny of Service attack not exploitable
N°6606 - CVE-2023-44396 Fix XSS vulnerabilities in dashlet ajax operations
N°6600 - Portal attachment download : remove SQL query display on non existing attachment id error
N°6581 - Dashboard: Use relative path when editing to avoid full path disclosure vulnerability
N°6560 - CVE-2023-43790 Fix XSS vulnerabilities in friendlyname in object details
N°6552 - CVE-2023-38511 Fix dashboard allowing to load multiple files and urls
N°6548 - Hide DBHost and DBUser in log
N°6458 - CVE-2023-45808 Fix object creation in non allowed org by forging http query in both Console and Portal
N°6457 - Fix possibility for attackers to upload files to any organization
3.1.0-3 : N°6710 - 6716 - Performance issue and high memory consumption on operation on Persons and Ticket classes (ex data synchronisation)
3.1.0-2 : N°6618 - Fix crash due to router's cache containing an integer instead of an array
3.1.0-1 : official release number, 3.1.0 was never published.
For users
N°3200 - New “Filter list…” icon on datatables widgets
N°6147 - Filter list : tooltip and new action
N°3190 - Edit n:n LinkedSetIndirect in object details using a tagset-like widget
N°1212 - Bulk actions on links attributes of an n:n relation
N°803 - Allow display & edition of attributes on n:n relations on Portal
N°6398 - Portal: Allow linkset visible attributes to be limited to attributes defined in a zlist
N°5972 - Allow User creation in Pop-up from details of a Person
N°6347 - 1:n Add nice french dico entry on standard 1:n relationship
N°6339 - n:n Add nice french dico entry on standard lnk
N°6223 - 1:n & n:n - Pop-up creation/edit: set key to host in read-only
N°6219 - 1:n Read: tooltip, modal title and message on Add-Edit-Remove-Delete
N°6212 - Report Target class info on Trigger, so it can be displayed in complementary_name
N°6154 - n:n Read - tooltip, confirmation title and message on Add-Edit-Remove
N°6153 - n:n - Polish edition in Tagset
N°5976 - Add modal creation for linksets displayed with tagset-like widget
N°6148 - Add icon on Ticket class standard datamodel and other classes
N°5920 - Add linkset's description as corresponding tab's tooltip in object details
N°3213 - Order transition attributes as in the “details”
N°6200 - Harmonize menu entries
N°5042 - “Problem” tickets display is inconsistent with other types of tickets
N°6392 - New icon for adding a search criteria
N°6203 - Improve standard DM to use overcard and complementary name
N°6159 - Improve Mail Notification display (columns, status, fieldset, tooltips)
N°5908 - Add a description on “known error” tab on UserRequest and Incident
N°6357 - Prevent entering same password on change user password
N°4838 - Redirect to login page automatically on logoff
N°6240 - Improve display of picture in read or edit mode
N°5971 - Prevent changing the Org of a Person having Portal User with Allowed Orgs
N°6338 - Add organization and location on standard classes: all Interfaces, LogicalVolume & NASFileSystem
N°6331 - Add Service tab in Provider Contract
N°4703 - Add “chat” / “in person” as possible “origin” value for tickets
N°3889 - Add default search criterion on SLA and SLT
N°4702 - DataModel : fix attribute type for SLA.customercontracts_list
N°5822 - Do not display the tab separator in scroll mode when there is only one tab
N°5335 - Inactive hyperlink attributs on list with radio or checkbox displayed within an object in edition
N°681 - Fix multi-lines attribut not supported in n:n edition
N°3067 - LinkedSet multilines attributes are editable in pop-up
N°6188 - Fix cancellation of creation in pop-up from parent object edition, no more returns to object list
N°6169 - Prevent Profile creation from Link object
N°5923 - Align panel's header within another panel when it has no icon
N°5529 - Fixed notification on object creation with $this→xxxx_list$ placeholders
N°4148 & N°5350 - Fix in 1:n in place edition, deleted object re-appears
N°2250 - Fix DisplayObject with ormLinkSet ignoring Removed
N°2212 - Fix tracking level on AttributeLinkedSetIndirect (probably fixed in 2.7.x)
N°6054 - Fix display of LinkedSet indirect with an UNION OQL using different aliases
N°5609 - Fix regression when displaying a list in a transition
N°1876 - Fix regression on LinkedSet, new object and prefill of read_only attribute
N°5906 - Fix Impact Analys not updated after link class modification in details mode (EVENT_DB_LINKS_CHANGED)
N°5825 - Add label, friendlyname, details view, uniqueness rules on Link classes
N°5871 - Navigation menu: Show ellipsis on long menu group labels
N°5872 - Navigation menu: Wrap menu group label instead of ellipsis in drawer
N°5681 - Add support for “Ctrl + Enter” and “Meta (Cmd) + Enter” submit on multi-line fields
N°5575 - Mouseover Tooltips for tabs
N°4852 - iTop menu : use “+” dict entries
N°4737 - Adjust button position in iTop hub connector
N°4798 - Change attribute “description” of Service class, from string to text
N°5124 - Fix edition of relation between a NetworkDevice and a ConnectableCI
N°5703 - Fix navigation menu drawer under dashlets on Safari
N°5174 - Fix tagset edition on small window & too many tags
N°6174 - Fix download from the portal of attachments on objects without org_id
N°6250 - Fix PHP 8 issue on datatable when one or more column are before the friendlyname
N°6216 - Fix line-height being too big in the attachments table
N°5423 - Fix invalid value on AttributeURL with custom validation pattern
N°1608 - Fix organization attachments not visible for some users
N°5671 - Fix Excel export of query phrase
N°5834 - Fix activity panel disappearing when creating a Ticket in 'resolved' state
N°6077 - Attachments: set values for creation_date and user_id fields if not provided
For Administrators
N°5960 - Configurable Login Screen
N°6370 - Replace Audit Category menu by a dashboard
N°1350 - Audit: Introduce audit domains and ability to choose one before running the audit
N°918 - Translate placeholder in notifications
N°6320 - Add Password Expiration Enforcement and User authentication by token
N°5873 - Audit : Set threshold level and colors by Rule
N°2199 - Request history tables without the Admin profile
N°5559 - Enable User anonymization created then obsoleted by a DataSynchro
N°4010 - MTT: prevent production configuration file overwritte with test version
N°2889 - Add counter & triggers on file attributes / attachments downloads
N°6311 - User management, add a Caselog on User class
N°5993 - Add purge mechanism for log files
N°2639 - Improve tooltips dictionnary entries and details of technical classes
N°4921 - Add support for attcode & attvalue parameters in URL to access an object
N°4454 - Measuring the use of the query phrase book
N°5915 - Display n:n in Trigger and Action using tagset widget
N°5841 - Non-admin managing User can't see Administrator Users
N°5106 - New Users tab on Person, visible to User manager only
N°4919 - Application upgrade: new 'Launch iTop setup“ button
N°6305 - Fix export of RemoteApplicationConnection and ActionWebhook classes
N°5897 - Improve deprecated logs relevance for PHP “trigger_deprecation”
N°2013 - Setup: Cannot execute if existing config file contains an inaccessible MySQL server
N°6198 - Trigger OnObjectUpdate is not executed when attribute is updated via OnUpdate
N°6009 - Fix click twice to restore a backup
For customization
N°6213 - Enable iTop User to suscribe or unsuscribe to a Ticket Notifications
N°3191 - Introduce summary cards for objects hyperlinks
N°6381 - Add rank on Enums of default DataModel
N°5968 - Add structural data for Brand, OSFamily and OSVersion
N°6236 - Read Request template data though the REST/JSON API
N°5368 - Allow all HTTP methods (not just GET / POST)
N°5366 - Add “path” field to ActionWebhook
N°1646 - Add possibility to sort Attribute[Meta]Enum either by code (default), rank or label
N°1345 - Add possibility to sort transitions automatically
N°4756 - Ease extensibility for CRUD operations : Event Service
N°6324 - CRUD Event for one time treatment before creation and before update
N°5916 - Generic message on Link Uniqueness rules
N°6385 - New optional “edit_mode” XML tag on AttributeLinkedSet (n:n) actions/none defaut action
N°6384 - Flag LinkedSet (Indirect) when the attribute is concerned by CheckToWrite
Technical bugs
N°2883 - Improve XML compiler robustness on branding logos
N°3070 - Menu creation fails when parent menu has also a parent menu
N°3141 - Deprecate legacy SQL build
N°3769 - Add missing HTML meta data on attributes in transition forms
N°3824 - History: Remove deprecated APIs from 2.7 and older
N°4280 - Fix module loading crash when 'datamodel' file doesn't exists (model.*.php)
N°4287 - Portal: Factorize TWIG extensions between portal and backoffice
N°4527 - Cleanup utils::GetImageSize()
N°4577 - Move service dependencies from “itop-bridge-cmdb-ticket” to another module
N°4621 - Fix naming inconsistencies of dirs inside /sources
N°4837 - Fix wrong date conversion in approval base on reject messages
N°4875 - Compiler : do not force the model.*.php file to be present in the module.*.php file ('datamodel' key)
N°4978 - Check incorrect condition in Action class
N°5066 - Clean CMDBSource methods
N°5072 - Fix default priority to undefined (not fixed if ComputePriority is overloaded)
N°5073 - Implements line actions in a datatable
N°5085 - Fix moving menu - compilation handle parent menu hierarchy
N°5172 - Add internal helpers to keep usage of null value in native PHP methods
N°5367 - Fix non-string values (boolean, null) converted into empty string
N°5369 - Fix BrowseBrick tree “opening_target” mode for “self” and “new” values
N°5391 - Incoherent UTF8 data length control
N°5410 - Handle non existing auloader files
N°5473 - Better logs when invalid JSON
N°5496 - Add <constants/> in itop-structure
N°5522 - Fix session storage (breadcrumbs) not cleared on logout
N°5551 - System information database size is way off
N°5622 - Fix backup cannot be done if TLS enabled with no CA
N°5659 - Introduce modal helper for the backoffice
N°5766 - Fix linkset not iterable as intended in DBObject::AfterUpdate
N°5779 - update-xml : ease XML migrations
N°5793 - HTML Sanitizer: Allow 'start', 'type', 'reversed' attributes in 'ol' tag and 'value' attribute in 'li' tag
N°5796 - Fix typo in method name
N°5944 - Fix new install error: Event APPLICATION_EVENT_METAMODEL_STARTED is not registered
N°6040 - Extensibility: Add prerequisites for future attribute type - Compilation & Designer extensibility
N°6041 - Extensibility: Add prerequisites for future attribute type - Portal extensibility
N°6042 - Extensibility: Add prerequisites for future attribute type - Console extensibility
N°6055 - Fix undefined offset error in synchro_exec.php
N°6100 - ObjectFormManager::OnSubmit : better log for DBWrite exceptions
N°6104 - Fix exception when silo attcode is not 'org_id'
N°6105 - Cleanup unnecessary use of dirname(FILE)
N°6125 - Issue with GetAttributeFlags and GetInitialStateAttributeFlags within iTop 3.0.2
N°6131 - Improve robustness of tooltips helper when no DOM element passed to CombodoTooltip::InitTooltipFromMarkup()
N°6139 - Add HTML metadata on activity panel to be aligned with regular fields
N°6140 - Add HTML metadata on custom fields to be aligned with regular fields
N°6172 - Remove fallback when no curl available
N°6179 - Tooltip attribute in field component (in Twig)
N°6265 - Improve performance due to too many call to current person in DB
Deprecation and libraries upgrade
N°3717 - History API : allow to set a non persisted current change
N°6388 - Fix MetaModel::IsValidClass on classes without fields and a php parent
N°6135 - Booking : hide / display on conditions
N°6132 - Add capability to disable/enable tabs dynamically
N°2783 - Add support for custom zlists
N°6261 - Deprecate \DataTableUIBlockFactory::MakeForRenderingObject() method
N°6102 - Deprecate JQuery Hotkeys plugin
N°5311 - Deprecate old backoffice stylesheets
N°5302 - Replace deprecated php strlen usages
N°5232 - Deprecate \CMDBObject::DBCloneTracked
N°4690 - Deprecate “FilterCodes” and remove some unused methods
N°4415 - Remove SetupPage::log*
N°3607 - Improve SCSS compiler method to include current variables so they can be used by extension's stylesheets
N°3357 - Deprecate core/expression.class.inc.php
N°2779 - Introduce auto-routing mechanism for backoffice pages
N°2363 - API : deprecate old linkedset update pattern
N°5412 - Upgrade to PHPUnit 9 to fix PHPUnit 8.5 error with PHP 8.1
N°5618 - Setup : Compatibility PHP 8.1
N°6101 - run_query : change ctrl+enter shortcut detection
N°3795 - Replace JS alert native calls with centralized informative modals
N°5985 - PHP 8.1: Fix FunctionExpression::Evaluate() “TO_DAYS” misalignment due to PHP 8.1 bug fix
N°4985 - Bugs PHP 8.0 on support/2.7 branch
N°4307 - Replace SwiftMailer by laminas-mail
N°4224 - Handle phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects E_DEPRECATED notices
N°5281 - Symfony 5.4 extensions controllers registration
N°3091 - Update unmaintained PHPUnit 6 to PHPUnit 8.5
N°5651 - Fix GetAbsoluteUrlModulePage() JS method not reporting parameters values
N°5279 - PHP 8.1: Migrate usages of deprecated strftime() function
N°5270 - Move “apereo/phpcas” lib from “authent-cas” module to core composer.json
N°5108 - Update embedded libs for PHP 8.0 (3.0 branch)
N°4822 - unattended_install : warning thrown in PHP 8.1
N°4628 - Upgrade bulma lib to avoid hack from N°4481
N°4517 - PHP 8.1 compatibility
N°4072 - Deprecate ajax.render.php xlsx_* operations
N°4034 - Deprecate duplicated TWIG extensions class
N°3950 - Deprecate old unreferenced methods that are @deprecated
N°3895 - Remove tests on “apc_xxx” methods presence
N°3390 - Upgrade from Symfony 3.4 to Symfony 5.4
N°2743 - Upgrade libraries
N°5947 - Error in a french translation - incident status
N°5946 - Error in a french translation - user preference
N°5792 - Update dutch translations thanks to @jbostoen
N°5625 - Dict error when opening a DocumentFile with the ES language
N°5571 - Fix some unused translations
N°5550 - Add missing french translation for “Other Transitions” button
N°5507 - Impact analysis: title of pages that display the dependencies is wrong
N°6419 - Update hungarian translations thanks to @tacsaby
N°6417 - Update chinese translations thanks to @purplegrape
N°6376 - Portal french menu naming (Requête ⇒ Demande)
N°6121 - Update hungarian translations (thanks to @tacsaby)
N°6013 - Update hungarian translations thanks to @tacsaby
N°5929 - Update hungarian translations thanks to @tacsaby
N°5706 - Update polish translations thanks to @DudekArtur !
N°4765 - Update brazilian translations thanks to @eduardomozart
N°6418 - Fix dutch translations on impact relation view
N°6396 - CVE-2023-34443 CSRF vulnerability in the run_query.php page
N°6359 - Cross-site Scripting (XSS) - DOM XSS in activity panel
N°6358 - CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery).on API Rest
N°6350 - CVE-2023-34445 XSS vulnerability on pages/ajax.render.php
N°6349 - CVE-2023-34446 XSS vulnerability on pages/preferences.php
N°6348 - CVE-2023-34447 XSS vulnerability on pages/UI.php
N°6002 - CVE-2022-24894 Prevent storing cookie headers in HttpCache (Symfony framework vulnerability)
N°5722 - CVE-2022-31402 XSS vulnerability via /itop/webservices/export-v2.php
N°5564 - CVE-2022-39261 Twig lib vulnerability
N°6238 - guzzlehttp/psr7 vulnerability
N°3863 - exec.php : security eforcementr
This branch is no more maintained. Version 3.0.4 is the last one in this branch
N°7077 - Add hungarian translations, many thanks Csaba TARJÁNYI (@tacsaby)
N°7062 - Add unit test to ensure that setup SCSS is compiled correctly
N°7042 - Fix check to write error when setting a ext. key programatically on the end-users portal
N°7023 - Fix check to write error when adding an item on a n:n relation (eg. contact) on a new object (eg. user request) on the end-users portal
N°7005 - Fix portal stylesheets not being re-compiled when outdated
N°6989 - CVE-2023-48710 Limit pages/exec.php script to PHP files
N°6976 - No more log of \DeprecatedCallsLog::ENUM_CHANNEL_PHP_LIBMETHOD
N°6951 - CVE-2023-48709 Fix CSV injection in Excel from an iTop CSV export file
N°6908 - CVE-2023-47622 Fix XSS vulnerabilities in ajax operations
N°6889 - Backup mysqldump call : restore ability to connect on localhost using the socket protocol
N°6887 - Fix excessive OQL requests to display user's grant matrix
N°6886 - Add OAuth tests folder to removable directories list
N°6878 - Modifications of core code for unit tests optimizations
N°6866 - Fix issue when creating new fields with apostrophe in label
N°6810 - Fix IDOR vulnerability in portal
N°6801 - Fix access to backup file without authentication
N°6791 - Remove setup/install directory from iTop package
N°6778 - Fix XSS vulnerability in shortcut creation
N°6777 - Fix XSS vulnerability in dashboard title
N°6766 - Fix dependent fields not updated due to WizardHelper.UpdateFields() being triggered too early
N°6765 - Behat : loading issue on UserRequest ReOpen transition in portal modal
N°6754 - PHP unit tests: Add local PHPUnit XML files to .gitignore
N°6738 - UI:RunQuery:Error uses inconsistencies with Dict::Format
N°6658 - Boost PHPUnit tests execution
N°6643 - Fix CMDBSource::LogDeadLock generates an error
N°6606 - CVE-2023-44396 XSS vulnerabilities in dashlet ajax operations
N°6600 - Portal attachment download : whole SQL query displayed on non existing attachment id error
N°6581 - Dashboard: Use relative path when editing to avoid full path disclosure vulnerability
N°6560 - CVE-2023-43790 XSS in friendlyname in object details
N°6552 - CVE-2023-38511 Dashboard: Fix editor allowing to load multiple files and urls
N°6548 - Hide DBHost and DBUser in log
N°6532 - TemplateFieldValueTest crashing on iTop 3.0.0+
N°6483 - XSS in search criterions when values displayed have an additional field
N°6458 - CVE-2023-45808 Can create objects in non allowed org by forging http query in both Console and Portal
N°6436 - Integrate Performance Audit pre requisite in iTop Pro 2.7.9
N°6431 - CSV bulk export text delimiter option not initialized correctly
N°6427 - PHPMail can misfunction in function of SMTP software used
N°6396 - CVE-2023-34443 CSRF vulnerability in the run_query.php page
N°6359 - Cross-site Scripting (XSS) - DOM XSS in activity panel
N°6358 - CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery).on API Rest
N°6351 - CVE-2023-34444 XSS vulnerability on pages/ajax.searchform.php
N°6350 - CVE-2023-34445 XSS vulnerability on pages/ajax.render.php
N°6349 - CVE-2023-34446 XSS vulnerability on pages/preferences.php
N°6348 - CVE-2023-34447 XSS vulnerability on pages/UI.php
N°6340 - Permission refused on class OAuthClientAzure when update renewal token
N°6330 - PHP 8.0 compatibility in combodo-saml : Update librairie one-login/php-saml
N°6274 - PHPUnit : test throwing PHP warnings not failing in PHPStorm, though failing on Jenkins
N°6254 - ItopDataTestCase::CreateUserRequest : specify fields as an array
N°6247 - Add accessibility meta data for title on “Actions” and “Toolkit” menus
N°6238 - Fix guzzlehttp/psr7 vulnerability
N°6216 - Fix line-height being too big in the attachments table
N°6204 - Fix REST/JSON API crash when using JSON-P and iBackofficeDictXXX interfaces
N°6139 - Add HTML metadata on activity panel to be aligned with regular fields
N°6131 - Improve robustness of tooltips helper when no DOM element passed to CombodoTooltip::InitTooltipFromMarkup()
N°6125 - Issue with GetAttributeFlags and GetInitialStateAttributeFlags within iTop 3.0.2
N°6123 - Fix warnings when launching a backup on MariaDB >= v10.6.1 with localhost
N°6112 - Dashboard: Improve robustness by trimming dashlet ID returned by server
N°6100 - ObjectFormManager::OnSubmit : better log for DBWrite exceptions
N°6099 - DeadLockLog : improve documentation
N°6098 - updateLicenses.php : check requirements before launch
N°6097 - Enable PHP unit tests on a custom DataModel
N°6009 - Fix restore backup button needs to be clicked twice
N°5647 - Dashboard : dynamic dashlet total counter not updated when user filter on an organization
N°5621 - Add not managed JS dependencies to NPM to get updates on vulnerabilities
N°5491 - Fix UI crash in case of missing placeholders in dictionaries entries
N°5136 - Relations: Fix “Select All objects” adding obsolete objects even if “show obsolete data” param. not activated
N°4698 - setup/phpinfo.php : handle iTop not yet installed
N°4368 - Send security HTTP headers
N°3715 - Export above 1000 entries ignore obsolete data from user preference
N°2909 - Search on Enum, Date, TagSet,… with index fails
N°541 - Dashlets: Improve readability when to much labels (pie chart) or too long labels (bar chart)
N°6124 - Workaround performance problem on the modification of an object with an n:n relation having a large volume
N°6085 - Fix UNION not supported in UserRightsProfile::GetSelectFilter
For users
N°5919 - Add missing linkset descriptions in french and other languages
N°5849 - Fix wrong encoding of external keys in “Header with statstics” dashlet
N°5317 - Handle overlapping tables when table cells have fixed widths
N°6068 - Setup : restore formatting of error messages
N°6023 - Restore upload of SVG file in AttributeImage
N°5918 - Restore activity panel display when DoCheckToWrite fails
N°5865 - Restore DoCheckToWrite error messages in portal
N°5834 - Restore activity panel display when creating a Ticket in 'resolved' state
N°5784 - PHP 8.0: restore mandatory attribute in transition form, fixing emptiness test
N°5729 - Fix disabled button in bulk update/transition when picking a value in a drop-down list
N°5603 - Restore autocomplete for an external key pointing to an abstract class with no friendlyname
N°5530 - Fix list of impacted elements (Impact Analysis) due to mixup in async JS files loading
N°5922 - Ext. key widget: Add class selection on ”+“ button if child classes exist
N°2916 - Fix CSV import of IPv6 addresses failing when reconciliation is done on the IP
N°5428 - Request template: fix autocomplete fields, which could not be master field
N°6014 - AttributeURL : default validation pattern not handling PRTG URL (containing commas)
N°5423 - Fix AttributeURL when changing the validation pattern, with a not compliant old value
N°5625 - Fix dict error when opening a DocumentFile with the ES language
N°2244 - Fix image attributes not being visible in PDF exports
N°5588 - Improve PDF export robustness when AttributeImage dimensions cannot be determined
For administrators
N°5553 - OAuth 2 : secure Client Secret in DB and any change force token regeneration
N°5430 - OAuth authentication : customize redirect landing URL
N°5333 - OAuth2: Redirect URL, Client ID or Client Secret changes trigger a message as the token must be regenerated
N°5867 - Display binary data size in SynchroReplica details
N°5727 - Fix REST API/get_related when using [impacts, up] with [redundancy: true]
N°6019 - Increase PHP min version to 7.1.3 to enable dependencies update
N°5535 - Fix PHP 8.0.x wrongly repported as not supported in iTop 3.0.2+
N°5490 - PHP 8.0: Fix crash of bulk modify with email notification / email approval request
N°5216 - Error “Invalid ID given” when sending ActionEmail using cron on a system with french locale
N°4974 - Avoid session fixation in login
N°5414 - Log invalid placeholders in Notification
N°5893 - Log more information when a trigger fails and raises an exception
N°5897 - Improve deprecated logs relevance for PHP “trigger_deprecation”
N°5611 - Fix missing composer files in itop-oauth-client
N°3805 - Fix collectors not working on itop 3.0 in seldom situations
N°5944 - Fix error on fresh install: APPLICATION_EVENT_METAMODEL_STARTED not registered
N°5765 - Setup: Never cache folder permissions test response
N°6016 - Setup : improve missing dependencies log
N°5235 - Setup : check temp dir permissions
N°5758 - Change setup test for GDPR consent
N°5523 - Setup wizard : use the ITOP_APPLICATION constant instead of hardcoded “iTop” string
N°5543 - Fix Warning on empty case log
N°5901 - Fix warnings in file system tab
N°5797 - Use LoadConfig method in all Email children classes
N°6020 - Decode method for \utils::EscapeHtml
N°5608 - Reorganize tests folders for better maintenance and contribution
N°5496 - Add <constants/> in itop-structure
N°4660 - Fix data synchro unit test failure due to another setting incorrect permissions on iTop conf file
WebHook 1.2.0
N°5368 - Allow all HTTP methods (not just GET / POST)
N°5589 - Fix sent request incorrect HTTP method due to new cURL options
N°5366 - Add “path” attribute in generic “ActionWebhook” for better compatibility with third-party webservices
N°5796 - Fix typo in ActionWebhook::GetRemoteApplicationConnectionFromActionWebhok()
N°5774 - De-hardcode webhooks configuration rights
N°5252 - Added Other/Generic type of Remote Application Connection
N°5367 - Fix non-string values (boolean, null) converted into empty string
N°5179 - Add chinese translations (thanks to @bdejin)
N°5266 - Add dutch translations (thanks to @jbostoen)
N°5050 - Add spanish translations (thanks to Miguel Turrubiates)
N°5473 - On JSON format exception, more context log and specific Exception impl (InvalidJsonValueException)
N°6017 - CVE-2021-46743: Firebase PHP-JWT key/algorithm type confusion
N°5741 - Deny use of get_config_parameter in Twigs
N°5725 - Prevent Twig privilege elevation to run system commands
N°5724 - CVE-2022-31403 : XSS vulnerability via /itop/pages/ajax.render.php
N°5722 - CVE-2022-31402 : XSS vulnerability via /itop/webservices/export-v2.php
N°5685 - Upgrade apereo/phpcas lib to fix vulnerability
For developers
N°3769 - Add missing HTML meta data on attributes in transition forms
N°4947 - Fix Email always picking “production” env config file
N°4449 - Console dashboard export : use relative path (full path disclosure)
N°5394 - CVE-2022-39214 Authenticated users can takeover any account
For users
N°5138 - Fix not being able to click on hyperlinks in tooltips
N°5408 - Enable mentions on classes with no image attribute
N°4834 - Mentions works with any alphabet (cyrillic, asian, corean…) thanks to Vladimir Kunin
N°5192 - Restore Green color to highlight OK objects
N°5071 - Fix properties tab on objects popup hiding in ”…“ overflowing button. Fix objects popup shrinking when scrolling.
N°4966 - Refresh the page after dashboard creation, to display the switch button
N°4927 - Hide date picker widget displayed in a new temporary column on the right
N°4918 - Fix “other tabs” pop-up menu displayed behind some others elements and so not readable
N°4739 - Add semantic on state for User classes (class icon, state)
N°5198 - Fix external key combo-box behavior when more than 150 results
N°5088 - Fix audit displaying only 10 rules per category
N°5060 - Fix long history display. “max_history_length” moved from 50 to 200.
N°5027 - Fix AttributeUrl default validation pattern not handling anchors starting with a digit
N°5024 - Fix missing entries in object search banner for external key criteria
N°4792 - Improve performance when editing an external key
N°5397 - Update Dutch translations
N°5050 - Update Spanish translations for 3.0 (thanks to Miguel Turrubiates)
N°5179 - Add Chinese translations thanks to @bdejin
N°5266 - Dutch translations for the webhooks extension
For administrators
N°5315 - Support of OAuth2 authentication protocol to send and receive emails
N°5373 - PHP 8.0 compatibility for iTop Community - Be cautious extensions might not be compatible
N°5395 - OAuthServer error messages, added to iTop error log
N°5389 - Restore linkset placeholder in notification (3.0.0 regression)
N°4888 - New url() placeholder in Notification, similar to hyperlink() but not clickable
N°5341 - Add tool to repair misalignment between Caselog and caselog index
N°3024 - Any class can be archive (no more limited to Ticket, Contact and FunctionalCI)
N°5318 - Fix error messages being HTML encoded when not necessary
N°5462 - Setup warning if the web server allows unauthenticated user to browse restricted folders
N°5393 - CVE-2022-39216 - Security hardening against brute force attacks
N°4975 - Security hardening against server files read access
For developers
N°5389 - TriggerOnObjectUpdate has been moved after the reload, done if a linkset is modified
N°5383 - DBObject::EnumTransitions() is now an “overwritable hook”
N°5375 - Fix XML custo on Semantic field with hierarchy, breaking at compilation
N°5343 - Menu displayed under an user hidden parent menu, are hidden without crash
N°5143 - Fix FunctionExpression for DATE_FORMAT and formats %j, %k and %l
N°5033 - Add model file to 'itop-bridge-virtualization-storage' module to avoid compilation crash when lnkVirtualDeviceToVolume class is removed
N°4910 - Removed format control of old value of AttributeURL (new value must still be compliant to default URL pattern)
N°4715 - Remove deprecated legacy SQL build
N°5009 - Move empty “icon” tag under “class/properties/style” tag in XML 3.0 datamodel of all standard classes
N°4903 - Fix dynamic “app_root_url” conf. param. not used properly for the app. icon
N°5101 - Add an explicit message on setup when the state attribute, declared in semantic field property, referred to a non existing field.
3.0.1-1: Fix regression introduced by 3.0.0:
N°5229: Caselog inline images lost after changing app-root url in 3.0.x
For users
N°4448 - Allow to easily unselect an Organization (top left menu)
N°4741 - Fix On mention trigger not working on object creation
N°4312 - Activity panel: Keep selected tab when switching between object details and edit
N°4479 - Impact analysis : Display and apply filter before display impact analysis graphical
N°4913 - Avoid object initials to overflow in medallions, by limiting them to 3 characters
N°4777 - UserRequest: fix selecting organization through hierarchy tree
N°4740 - Restore support of Dashboard attribute on abstract class
N°4705 - Fix newsroom messages not formatted correctly
N°4696 - Improve spacing between a fieldset and fields without fieldset
N°4694 - Fix wrong icon path for ServiceSubcategory in XML definition
N°4674 - CKEditor : fix different colors for PHP Snippet in edit and view
N°4671 - Dark Theme : fix additional tabs color
N°4619 - Fix line selection in tables
N°4582 - Improve look of Widget ExternalKey in drop-down mode with value selected
N°4576 - Fix search date widget wrongly displayed on the right, when entering directly a date
N°4977 - Fix search widget on ExternalField pointing to an ExternalKey, returning wrong values.
N°4570 - Harmonize inputs font size/weight
N°4564 - Refresh Tooltip for switching from standard dashboard to custo dashboard
N°4553 - Fix label size for “Greater/equals” in search for numeric attributes
N°4550 - Fix scroll bar in search for date attribute
N°4482 - Polishing : Export page
N°4311 - Bubble caselog: align console and portal for user name
N°4849 - Improve email notifications reading comfort (better flagging of conversation)
N°4814 - Improve image attribute placeholder when no default image
N°4787 - Object details: hide field tooltip when identical to the field label
N°4565 - Add a message indicator to caselog tabs toggler
N°3541 - Button: Improve user feedback during execution of the pressed button
N°2643 - Dropdown menu unusable in new SLA/customer contract
N°4513 - Prevent Portal User to apply a transition on an object not in his scope
N°4806 - Add text for dictionary entry UI:WelcomeMenu:Text
N°4934 - Improve German translations
N°4397 - update Turkish dictionnaries
For Admins
N°4766 - DataSynchro: Supports files and images data in the synchro_import.php
N°4515 - AttributeURL default validation pattern handles Sharepoint and Alfresco URL
N°4654 - Add license information in About iTop for non admin users
N°4525 - Fix french translation of extension source (Data or Hub) in System information and About iTop
N°4664 - Core Update : block zip file upload until files check returns OK
N°4642 - Core Update : limit the usage of this function to version which do not bring any new module
N°2884 - Core update: Fix Database version display
N°4764 - Remove iTop version from webservices/status.php
N°4665 - Fix notice in logs when uploading an SVG image in an AttributeImage
N°4652 - When XML compilation fails on a node which already exist, it specifies where it exist
For developers
N°4999 - Align internal saving process of new caselog entries to UI to fix CaseExchange inline images
N°4905 - Fix usage of ITOP_APPLICATION constant in dictionaries
N°4856 - Add backward compatibility parameters for extension developers
N°4836 - Fix dashlet editor if any implementation of iBackofficeDictEntriesExtension exists
N°4771 - Fix .make/composer/rmDeniedTestDir.php script issues
N°4761 - Fix license.xml content not displayed in setup with multi modules extensions
N°4725 - Fix DeprecatedCallsLog::NotifyDeprecatedFile doesn't handle ConfigException
N°4667 - Remove call to tooltip function
N°4578 - Dict::CloneString no more overwrite an existing entry
N°4541 - Allow exit code capture in CLI for CSV import script
N°4438 - Disable (temporarly) copy of precompiled stylesheets after setup
N°4433 - Fix “date_format” TWIG filter not working for date without time
N°4558 - Fix PHP notice in startTansaction and commit functions
N°4488 - Remove cmdbAbstractObject::GetSetAsHTMLSpreadsheet() from usable API methods
N°4760 - TwigBase : add possibility to control BreadCrumb
New behaviors
For users
N°2847: Redesign iTop Console look and feel
N°2844: Redesign of Ticket Pages with Logs and Details
N°994: Integrated view of private and public caselogs
N°2836: Introduce bubbles conversation as default caselog rendering
N°3208: Add a Quick create feature (except for attachment and n:n relations)
N°3207: Global search now remembers past searches
N°3560: New object display mode “all tabs in one page”
N°1957: Add a filter box for quick retrieval of a menu
N°3294: Introduce counters in OQL menu entries
N°3198: Simplify edition of n:n relations (less clicks)
N°2875: Add possibility to mention people in caselogs
N°580: Autocomplete in case of namesake, displays other (configurable) information
N°923: Add user id to history
N°3712: Activity panel “edits” entries now show an icon to explain their origin (csv import, webservices, …) when not done by the user in the GUI
N°988: Object display hide automatically empty fieldsets
N°1004: View and Edit display of n:n relations are now identical
N°2508: Include Obsolescence icon within list and autocomplete
N°2390: Auto-complete “starting with” are displayed first
N°2907: Keep read-only tabs visible in object edit mode
N°1731: Allow Transitions without unnecessary confirmation
N°1836: On cancel, console user is redirected to the current class search page
N°2629: Allow user to choose default expanded/collapsed toolbar for richtext editors
N°3495: WorkOrder fields 'ticket' and 'end date' optionals
N°3837: Add missing title to standard datamodel dashboards
N°2639: Increase fields tooltip visibility and pertinence
N°2224: Portal: Enable tooltips for object's attributes description
N°3583: Change default max items per list from 10 to 20
N°3524: Add keyboard shortcuts to main actions
N°3274: Add “Service family” menu in 'Service Management for Providers' installation option, as it exists in other mode.
For administrators
N°463: Queries from Phrasebook usable in Notifications
N°3287: Notifications: Set sender (from) display name / label in action email
N°3455: Add option to pass json_data as file to REST API
N°3381: A healthpage is now available that returns a json status without any authentication required: https://iTOP_URL/webservices/status.php”
N°4096: In case of error when sending emails in the background, iTop can be configured to try again sending.
N°4261: Portal: in case of uncatched Exceptions, iTop can now write logs into the EventIssue class on an opt-in basis.
N°4354: Administrator accounts can be hidden with configuration parameter “security.hide_administrators”
N°4095: Add one time password user, which can only connect once into iTop
N°4036: An iTop user with a contact and Allowed organizations, must be allowed on his contact's organization. No-one can disable his own user, nor remove contact from its user, nor remove the profile which allow him to edit users, nor add a profile which would prevent him from editing users (such as 'Portal User' which deny access to the Console).
N°2699: Profile SynchroData Manager can see SynchroReplica
N°2713: Allow read access to synchro errors for non-administrator users
N°2330: Upgrade minimum PHP/MySQL version supported/required for iTop
N°3253: Disallow setup if PHP version not compatible
N°4332: include multi-LDAP into iTop Community
N°2527: Add Hierarchy key restoration as a DBTools
N°3625: Remove n:n classes from the “quick create” autocomplete based on the “is_link” tag of the XML
N°3575: Add curl as optional PHP module (required for Impact analyses)
N°3724: synchro_exec.php : now outputs the processed datasource
N°3185: Datamodel adds compact logo in branding
N°3182: Datamodel allows to redefine MenuGroup icons
N°3203: Datamodel: Add semantic for image & state attributes
N°2677: Datamodel: Add style definition for class & enum
N°3018: Add possibility for an object to have a specific image instead of the generic class icon
N°3822: Allow caselog ordering within datamodel XML
N°3245: Trigger OnObjectUpdate filters objects after their update
N°3217: Change iTop internal modules, add: itop-structure, itop-bridge-cmdb-tickets, itop-faq-light, itop-knownerror-light, remove: itop-knownerror-mgmt
N°2370: remove MySQL views in iTop, moved to an extension
N°1447: Setup screens have fixed height, so the Next button remains under user's mouse
N°3722: Hide field description tooltip if it has the same content as field label
N°4336: When a tooltip of an action is identical to the label, do not display the tooltip (on console).
N°4078: Display in console object details, for custom shortcut actions, the icon (without label) if there is an icon specified.
N°4178: Stay on the same page when logging again from the “Login again” prompt
N°4082: Update German translations thanks to Itomig
N°3640: Update Spanish translations thanks to Miguel Turrubiates
N°3887: Max. number of displayed results now uses the 'max_autocomplete_results' configuration parameter.
N°3620: Add config. parameter “quick_create.show_history”
N°3621: Add config. parameter to disable “global search” history
N°3649: Add config. parameters: activity_panel.lock_watcher_period & activity_panel.entry_form_opened_by_default
N°3662: Add config. parameter to choose OneWayPassword hash algorithm
N°3894: Add config. parameter “activity_panel.prefilter_only_current_log”
N°3896: Add CKeditor icon for enhance WikiText URLs syntax, in console only.
N°3936: Add user preference to choose backoffice theme + “user_preferences.allow_backoffice_theme_override” config. param. to disable it
Bug fixes
N°1964: Fix: Focus stays on current tab when switching to edit mode
N°2560: Ignore double form submission, remove error “invalid stimuli in current state”
N°4050: Fix: When adding only an inline image to the caselog, the notification is triggered
N°331: Fix sort order of list during auto reloading in dashlet and menu
N°891: Make Ticket printing independent of browser
N°3821: UserRequest:OnInsert in full ITIL call the parent's method
N°3325: new version of CKEditor to fix display bugs
N°2950: Fix syntax highlighting (CKEditor) not working on AttributeHTML
N°3810: Avoid syntax highlighting that shouldn't take place
N°2534: Fix dashboard autorefresh to keep filtering on organizations
N°1634: List with “Autorefresh”, sum of items refreshed after object deletion
N°2511: Fix display of class with 2 dashboard attributes
N°3290: Fix attachments filename headers when downloading
N°3785: Fix corrupted attribute file on download
N°3166: Fix crashes if a “name” expression contains a quote
N°2946: Fix name displayed for field from a foreign class
N°2870: Portal: Fix “Notice: Undefined index: UI:PropertiesTab” on object form
N°2841: Prevent user deletion with not enough rights
N°2326: Zoom > 100% - tabs in second row not properly aligned
N°2251: Fix truncated tooltips
N°2225: Fix tooltips containing a quote
N°1397: Tooltip on Datasynchro no more truncated
N°2127: Fix field content overlapping outside of the object details
N°2788: Fix HTML fields/caselogs content overlapping with a big table or unbreakable word
N°3267: Webservices: Fix optional headers not being taken into account
N°3171: Friendly name and obsolescence flag now refreshed
N°4131: Always use the same dialog for this message instead of creating a new one every time we detect the user is logged off.
N°1056: Look: empty field not as high as others in object details
N°1505: Fix “Paste” button in iTop Ckeditor not working in all browsers
N°1745: Prevent malformed caselog entries from breaking activity panel
N°2007: Portal: Tooltips that do not contain text (empty tooltips) are no longer display on BrowseBrick items.
N°2852: Fix autocomplete selector error when selecting an object containing special characters
N°3680: Advanced search: Fix string criterion contains '0' returning all results
N°3944: Prevent a PHP “notice” when the log level is configured per-channel, but not all channels are listed in the config.
N°3987: Fix circular reference failures when creating Configuration items.
N°4029: Fix caching images in Chrome
N°4079: Typo in french dictionary on lnkApplicationSolutionToBusinessProcess
N°4105: Fix decimal number being truncated in GroupBy dashlet
N°4132: Look: Fix sizes being displayed as bits instead of bytes in Setup
N°4327: Fix JS “ReferenceError” in Application Upgrade
N°4385: Fix DBObject→GetRelatedObjectsUp behavior
N°4173: Reduce AttributeBlob memory footprint
N°4362: Security: CVE-2021-41162
N°4129: Security: HTTP header “Content-Security-Policy: sandbox;” is send when displaying an AttributeFile directly in a browser's tab.This can be removed with “security.disable_inline_documents_sandbox” config. parameter.
Those changes can have an impact on extension developers:
MetaModel::GetStateAttributeCode($sClass) now returns the state code of class with states but no transition (eg. Person, Organization, PhysicalDevice, …)
N°3735: New method AddValue on DBObject for ITSM Designer users
N°3721: Toolkit: Restore previous behavior on “iTop update”: Delete all env-production folder
N°3657: Replace deprecate calls to jQuery event listeners (eg. “.click”, “.bind”, …)
N°3184: Upgrade JQuery UI (iTop 3.0)
N°2956: Upgrade jQuery to v3.5.1
N°3199: Add dependencies management system for JS/CSS
N°3010: IE11 not supported anymore
N°3009: PHP Minimum version raised to 7.1
N°2969: Add support for dictionaries folder in modules
N°2957: PHP namespace management through XML
N°2899: Setup: Add mbstring as mandatory PHP extension
N°2214: Add a PHP version check in CLI PHP scripts
N°2284: Replace JQuery Autocompleter plugin by JQuery UI Autocomplete widget
N°3811: UI.php : log stacktrace with debug level
N°2986: Reintegrate application menus from “welcome itil” into application
N°2738: Remove unused dict keys
N°2286: Remove usages of js/jquery.layout.js lib.
N°2737: Migrate table to DataTables plugin to be iso with the end-users portal
N°2766: Optimize columns load when using REST/JSON API core/get
N°2999: Optimize OQL
N°3123: Update the list of required PHP extensions
N°3154: Sample data Contacts : integrate new Combodo employees
N°3215: Internal: Refactor renderer files to be part of the autoloader instead of being load manually
N°3216: Internal: Refactor form files to part of the autoloader instead of being load manually
N°3231: Allow browser access to static resources files in the /lib folder
N°3251: Internal : Automated tests + refactoring for robustness of the code against SQL injection
N°3389: Change XML version from 1.7 to 3.0. From now on, the XML version will be aligned with iTop core version
N°3588: SCSS included/cascaded are used in compilation, on top of those declared in XML.
N°3663: Move exceptions to the same directory
N°3731: Add log of calls to deprecated files / PHP methods
N°3828: Remove MPDF coupling from iTop code
N°4024: Protect \iApplicationUIExtension::EnumAllowedActions uses
N°4158: New developer_mode.enabled config parameter
N°4246: MetaModel::GetPrerequisiteAttributes now provides $sClass parameter when calling AttributeDefinition::GetPrerequisiteAttributes() method
N°1047: “iTop” occurences in the dictionnaries have been replaced with the ITOP_APPLICATION_SHORT constant
N°3433: Remove useless data in DataModel when itop-portal is not present
N°3349: Clean references to the old Flash resources
N°3379: Introduce more modern tooltip lib. in the backoffice
N°4092: New data/.compilation-symlinks compilation flag and setup option
N°4155: Add ability to modify the content of MenuBlocks from outside the class
N°3617: Use user pref instead of localStorage for collapsible elements state saving
N°2393: Font Awesome remove v4 compatibility
N°2573: Remove MetaModel::GetNextKey et CMDBSource::GetNextInsertId
N°2548: Remove deprecated \DBObject::GetRelationQueries
N°2440: API : remove CMDBSource::GetNextInsertId
N°2591: API : deprecate \CMDBObject::CheckUserRights
N°2522: API : Deprecate SetupPage:log*
N°2372: API : remove \MetaModel::EnumLinksClasses and \MetaModel::EnumLinkingClasses
N°2362: API : remove DBInsertTracked / DBUpdateTracked
N°3792: Deprecate “buttons_position” configuration paramter
N°852: Cleanup: remove deprecated impact analysis algorithm
N°3748: Deprecation: old tooltip libs in the backoffice and the portal
N°3233: Remove “display template” feature from MetaModel
N°4176: Portal: Deprecate “AddParameterToUrl” function
N°7219 - Fix broken dashboard having special caracters in their title
N°7770 - CVE-2024-52601 - Secure Direct Object Reference + prevent Mass Data Leak
N°7776 - CVE-2025-24021 - Prevent mass assignement of fields not present in form
N°7810 - CVE-2025-24022 - Prevent Portal code injection
N°4164 - SAML - Hide logoff from portal
N°4314 - Fix Uniqueness rules not working with Silo
N°5775 - Allow configuration of OAuth client on MS Azure with single tenant
N°6968 - Improve audit performance
N°6993 - Fix bulk transition on object containing a blob
N°7075 - Add check for Content Security Policies (CSP) in the setup
N°7085 - Fix infinite loop in login page until fatal error occurs
N°7122 - Portal: Hide log off button when user can't actually log off (eg. SSO using SAML or other providers)
N°7127 - Upgrade handlebars.js to v4.7.8
N°7137 - DataSynchro: Remove “Organization” as default value for SynchroReplica→dest_class
N°7245 - Bettor logs on RunTimeEnvironment::CallInstallerHandlers exceptions
N°7255 - Fix misc. stylesheets not working in portal since N°7047
N°7302 - Fix wrong unit name in \SetupUtils::HumanReadableSize
N°7343 - Better error message when compiling a PHP invalid dict file during setup
N°7344 - rest.php : better message when cannot execute OQL query
N°7448 - Forbid user enumeration through Rest API
N°7455 - Fix SSRF through arbitrary PHP class instantiation
N°7545 - Fix Self XSS in portal picture upload by following owasp recommendations
N°7548 - Fix Stored Self XSS in preferences
N°7062 - Add unit test to ensure that setup SCSS is compiled correctly
N°7056 - Limit unnecessary unsafe-inline content in content-security-policy http header
N°7042 - Fix check to write error when setting a ext. key programmatically on the end-users portal
N°7023 - Fix check to write error when adding an item on a n:n relation (eg. contact) on a new object (eg. user request) on the end-users portal
N°7005 - Fix portal stylesheets not being re-compiled when outdated
N°6989 - CVE-2023-48710 Limit pages/exec.php script to PHP files
N°6951 - CVE-2023-48709 Fix CSV injection in Excel from an iTop CSV export file
N°6889 - Cannot backup on localhost with MariaDB >= 10.6.1 since iTop 2.7.9 as iTop is now forcing tcp connection instead of socket
N°6887 - Fix excessive OQL requests to display user's grant matrix
N°6886 - Add OAuth tests folder to removable directories list
N°6791 - Remove setup/install directory from iTop package
N°6777 - Fix XSS vulnerability in dashboard title
N°6754 - PHP unit tests: Add local PHPUnit XML files to .gitignore
N°6738 - UI:RunQuery:Error uses inconsistencies with Dict::Format
N°6606 - CVE-2023-44396 XSS vulnerabilities in dashlet ajax operations
N°6600 - Portal attachment download : whole SQL query displayed on non existing attachment id error
N°6560 - CVE-2023-43790 XSS in friendlyname in object details
N°6458 - CVE-2023-45808 Prevent objects creation in non allowed org by forging http query in both Console and Portal
N°6097 - Enable PHP unit tests on a custom DataModel
N°5621 - Add not managed JS dependencies to NPM to get updates on vulnerabilities
N°5491 - Fix UI crash due to missing placeholders in dictionaries entries
N°5136 - Fix “Select All objects” adding obsolete objects even if “show obsolete data” param. not activated
N°4368 - Send X-Content-Type-Options in HTTP headers
N°3715 - Fix export above 1000 entries with obsolete data
N°2909 - Fix search on Enum, Date, TagSet,… with index
N°938 - Improve print of portal object page and portal dashboard page
New behaviors
N°541 - Dashlets: Improve readability when to much labels (pie chart) or too long labels (bar chart)
N°6039 - OAuth: Adapt internal mechanism to support Microsoft Graph instead of Azure AD Graph
N°6019 - Increase PHP min version to 7.1.3 to enable dependencies update
N°6247 - Add accessibility meta data for title on “Actions” and “Toolkit” menus
N°6217 - Add accessibility meta data for title on “Power menu”
N°6436 - Integrate Performance Audit pre requisite in iTop Pro 2.7.9
N°5893 - Implement error handling on triggers part I (minor version branches)
Bug fixes
N°6098 - updateLicenses.php : check requirements before launch
N°4698 - setup/phpinfo.php : handle iTop not yet installed
N°6427 - PHPMail can misfunction in function of SMTP software used
N°6340 - Fix permission refused when sending an email and renewing Auth token in synchronous mode
N°6173 - \HTMLSanitizer::Sanitize : Fix handling only svg_sanitizer
N°6123 - Warnings when launching a backup on MariaDB > v10.6.1 with localhost
N°6112 - Dashboard: Improve robustness by trimming dashlet ID returned by server
N°5797 - Use LoadConfig method in all Email children classes
N°5865 - DoCheckToWrite does not have the same behaviour in the console and the portal
N°5729 - Fix disabled button in bulk update/transition when picking a value in a drop-down list
N°5765 - Setup: Never cache folder permissions test response
N°6548 - Hide DBHost and DBUser in log
N°6396 - CVE-2023-34443 CSRF vulnerability in the run_query.php page
N°6359 - Cross-site Scripting (XSS) - DOM XSS in activity panel
N°6358 - CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery) on API Rest
N°6351 - CVE-2023-34444 XSS vulnerability on pages/ajax.searchform.php
N°6350 - CVE-2023-34445 XSS vulnerability on pages/ajax.render.php
N°6238 - guzzlehttp/psr7 vulnerability
N°6017 - CVE-2021-46743: Firebase PHP-JWT key/algorithm type confusion
New behaviors
N°5758 - Change setup test for GDPR consent
N°5523 - Setup wizard : use the ITOP_APPLICATION constant instead of hardcoded “iTop” string
N°5235 - Setup : check temp dir permissions
N°5553 - OAuth authentication : Hide Client Secret
N°5430/N°5333 - OAuth authentication : add capability to customize redirect landing URL
N°5414 - Improve debug log for invalid notification placeholders
N°5155 - Allow to send email by SMTP with self-signed certificate
N°5685 - Upgrade apereo/phpcas lib to fix vulnerability
Bug fixes
N°5431 - OAuth authentication : fix dict key missing in redirect page
N°5611 - OAuth authentication : Fix missing composer files
N°5216 - Fix Error “Invalid ID given” when sending ActionEmail using cron on a system with french locale
N°4947 - Fix Email always picking “production” env config file
N°5356 - Fix “fieldForm is null” JS error when modifying Server.location
N°2244 - Fix image attributes not being visible in PDF exports
N°5724 - CVE-2022-31403 : XSS vulnerability via /itop/pages/ajax.render.php
N°5741 - Portal security improvement
N°5725 - Portal security improvement
N°4449 - Export security fix
New behaviors
N°5102 - Allow to send emails (eg. notifications) using GSuite SMTP and Office365 SMTP with OAuth2
N°5129 - Disable buttons in transition form while loading AttributeExternalFields
N°4479 - Impact analysis : Display and apply filter before display impact analysis graphical
N°5114 - Increase file access protection in iTop packages
N°5037 - Setup: Request user agreement at installation for personal data collection.
N°5035 - Setup: Remove tracking image at the end of the setup
N°5090 - Setup: Improve missing dependencies message
N°4666 - Core update now install new mandatory modules (specified in install.xml)
N°4642 - Core Update : limit the usage of this function to minor version upgrade
N°5109 - PHP min version jumped from 5.6 to 7.0.8 for iTop 2.7.7
Bug fixes
N°4530 - Fix regression with multi-classes OQL, working for admin only.
N°4284 - Fix regression: Object modification: Attribute value lost if not allowed to be seen
N°4057 - Fix regression: Custom Translation for Custom Tab is not inherited by instanciable Classes
N°4898 - Reflected XSS on enums modification
N°4867 - Fix “Twig content not allowed” error with “extkey search icon” in user portal
N°5215 - Portal security improvement
N°5211 - Application upgrade install new modules in datamodel/2.x
N°5168 - Portal security hardening for self profil modification
N°5002 - Fix memory leak after object creation in popup
N°4998 - Fix display of AttributeDuration in transition forms
N°4976 - Add CSRF token in the csv import page
N°4920 - Fix “undefined index” notice in user rights
N°4900 - Sanitize dashlets to prevent XSS injection
N°4899 - Reflected XSS on revert_dashboard operation
N°4872 - Fix ticket creation in resolved status, loosing its Inline images
N°4558 - Remove PHP notice in \CMDBSource::StartTransaction
N°4538 - Fix display on dashlet Groupby an ExternalKey with special character
N°4488 - Remove cmdbAbstractObject::GetSetAsHTMLSpreadsheet() from usable API methods
N°4714 - New ITOP_CORE_VERSION constant
N°4486: Fix DataSynchro replica errors due to CMDBChange not found
N°4213: EnumSet can be displayed in read mode in user portal
N°2510: Fix expand Log entry in list view in console
N°4463: Enable trigger even on objects that the user cannot see
N°4399: Fix memory error on setup when lots of attachments in DB
N°4335: Fix export crashing on PHP < 7.0
N°4298: Fix .maintenance file isn't removed anymore by setup
N°4286: Can download again backup at the end of the setup
N°4162: Portal exception page : restore exception message
N°4202: Setup memory_limit check : clearer message
N°4126: Improve `max_allowed_packet` checks messages
N°4125: When apcu cache does not return what is expected, an error is added to the error_log in a dedicated channel. The cache is not emptied, the error is user visible on purpose as the administrator must fix the wrong APCU version.
N°4231: CVE-2021-32610 Update pear/archive_tar lib to 1.4.14
N°4289: CVE-2021-41245 : CSRF tokens aren't locked to one session
N°4304: Can browse all of the server InlineImage
N°4356: Portal : attachment downloads are opened in the browser
N°4359: Dashboard export : can load multiple files and URL
N°4360: XSS by uploading malicious SVG file as user portal profile picture
N°4363: RCSS in ajax.render.php?operation=save_dashboard
N°4365: RCSS in the dashboard editor
N°4367: RCSS in /pages/ajax.render.php?operation=objectSearchForm
N°4384: CVE-2022-24780 - “Twig content not allowed” error when use the extkey widget search icon in the user portal
N°4414: Security issue with Database Error
N°4478: Update dataTables lib. to 1.11.3 in iTop 2.7
N°4491: XSS in “Header with statistics” dashlet
N°4492: XSS in Advanced search locked criteria
N°4493: XSS in tagset spreadsheet export
N°4495: XSS in Advanced search external key criteria
N°4499: XSS in export-v2 on OQL error
N°4501: XSS in attachment list on uploader name
2.7.5-2 : Fix setup wizard when DB connection is using TLS
2.7.5-1 : official release number, 2.7.5 was not published.
Increase nb of supported UNION in OQL query from ~40 to more than 450
Add ability to skip the rebuild of hierarchical key during setup
An echo command present in the code, has been removed.
Loader is now displayed immediately before building the items for the tree/mosaic modes, to ensure it is displayed.
Fix mutex being silently released after connection timeout, it's no more released.
During setup, separate “modify fields” and “create index” in db request.
Add \utils::SetMinMemoryLimit
Portal database transaction removed.
Portal: fix the Notice “Undefined index: max_display_limit” (bug introduced in 2.7.1)
Specific traces added (option) on cmdbsource log channel. UserId added in the error.log file.
New error messages added in case of failure of object creation or update“
Add test if ajax call is canceled
Portal : fix modification of field in order to hide another one
Better formatting of the details and reports (1 line requests)
Add new logs for object lists in portal (debug level, 'portal' channel)
List order : add a log when data are invalid
CVE-2021-32664 - Reflected XSS with Administrator credentials]]
Update pear/archive_tar lib to 1.4.13
The file index.php is now protected with a token that prevent accessing the setup in an uncontrolled way.
Mask the Password database in the setup process
Prevent the mysql password to appear on misconfigured servers
Reverse Proxy
Products only: explicit message in case of misconfigured proxies for ITSM Designer connection.
Fix improper redirection to the homepage when iTop is behind a reverse proxy:
Check the reverse proxy recommended settings for iTop compatibility
Set the new configuration parameter 'behind_reverse_proxy' ⇒ 'true' if you have reverse proxies.
app_root_url: now handle reverse proxies during the setup and preserve existing configuration during an upgrade,
Setup & performance
Setup: Prevent usage of “Application upgrade” if a file integrity problem is detected
Setup: support for 'auto_select' and extension.xml has been fixed,
Setup performance: clean orphan CMDBChange records limited to 100K,
Setup performance: orphan attachments deletion is limited to 30s max,
Garbage collection of used transaction id, done less often (new config parameter: transactions_gc_threshold)
Restore Portal headers labels on CSV export (regression introduced in 2.7.2)
Support parenthesis in enumeration codes,
OQL: Fix join on another class than the corresponding external key target,
OQL: Fix count on union with conditions on multi-column attributes,
Customization: Fix HTML displayed in Login window
Dictionary: missing translation when initial_state_path is used
Dictionary: missing translation for background tasks status and errors on asynchronous tasks
Security: fix validation of CSRF token in the portal
Security: fix command injection vulnerability in the Setup Wizard
Security: Fixed a bug preventing deletion of used token on windows servers,
Security on “group by” dashlets : access right is controlled and password attributes are not usable
2.7.3-1 Portal: fix the Notice “Undefined index: max_display_limit” (bug introduced in 2.7.1)
Regressions fixes
Restore support of
in OQL queries (bug introduced in 2.7.2) -
Restore preview of Document file (bug introduced in 2.7.2)
Restore UI behavior: first tab is selected when mandatory field is missing (bug introduced in 2.7.0)
Fix setup with Chrome v87 (bug generated by a Chrome upgrade)
Fix modal created without an ID in the Portal (bug introduced in 2.7.0)
Fix crash when login on with a admin user in admin only mode
2.7.2-1 Fix 2.7.2 regression: console exports failing with “missing token” error.
New behaviors
Enable CSV import of iTop Users by non admin users (as long as they are allowed by Admin Tools Delegation)
Background task: fix issue with tasks not always executed (Notify on Expiration for eg.)
Add Trigger information to the error log when an Action fails
Fix creation of objects containing AttributeImage on PHP 7.4 with warnings activated
Avoid PHP notices on DBObject core code, during transitions
PHP notice has been removed when creating a new FULLTEXT index in the database (TagSet attribute)
Removed default admin phone number which was invalid for mysql in strict mode
Changing Color of Brick Search on Portail with extension Custom is now easier
Fix alias problem in portal scopes. Warning: If you have duplicate
, BrowseBrickController.php code must be updated, cf commit on Git.
Fixes two typos in German translations
Fix spelling typo on iTop welcome page
Spelling mistakes fixed
Fix use of application constants in Dutch translations
Security fixes
Fix session fixation issue - CVE-2020-15220
Sanitize breadcrumb entries - CVE-2020-15221
Don't display error details (error details remain logged) - CVE-2020-15219
HTTP headers have been added - CVE-2020-15218
Better control of the transaction_id parameter - CVE-2020-16842
Portal user could export more datas than his portal scope (CVE-2020-4079)
Hide MySQL Password from error.log in case of MySQL connection error
Regressions fixes
import csv : Fix display, previousely showning confusing html tags
Fixed OQL: Fix malformed UNION queries in portal scopes
Fix standard Global Search feature which was only searching on last word
Fix bug on mass update: blocking message “Please wait while updating fields”
Fix regression in notification when using placeholder like
Fix internal regexp no more compatible starting from PHP 7.3
Restore log KPI calls in Portal
Fix notifications on threshold not sent when trigger is created on iTop 2.7.1
Portal: fix incompatibility between
and nested query in scopes -
Portal: Multi-word search has been fixed for ManageBrick in lazy mode.
Portal Filters is now executed on visible values and not on html code of cells
Fix empty tabs being displayed (misuse of the API or user rights)
Fix rendering of an ExternalField on a Text with XML content
Configure this list : missing sort icon, replaced by fontawesome character
Fix backup download: Stop capturing output before sending backup file (avoid memory problem)
Fix corrupted backups when a file has a size which is a multiple of 512 bytes
Dashlet: fix invalid filter parameter, when using & (ampersand) in the query
Fix cron.php creating a new CMDBChange for every BackgroundProcess
Login screen support HTML for dictionary entry: 'UI:Login:About'
DataModel - LifeCycle visualization: fix open and close buttons no more working
Fix wrong count of related objects due to Obsolete & Archived
Fix variable evaluation in ListExpression to avoid double parenthesis.
New behaviors
Portal: Total count on Managed Brick is now accurate even when objects are in multiple tabs.
An attribute File can now be emptied by the user.
Auto-complete on external key takes into account obsolescence user preference
Search on Text containing “_” now possible without being used as a wildcard.
End user Wiki explains how to search for ”%“ character using “\%”, otherwise ”%“ matches any string
Dashlet Header statistic on ExternalKey, now displays friendlynames and no more ids
All Dashlet Title uses now Left alignment.
“Configure this list” shows obsolete data only if required by user preferences.
Providing an empty file as attachment is no more allowed (it was crashing iTop)
Improve user feedback on invalid transition: Silent or simple warning -yellow banner-, rather than error. A double click on a transition, or a browser back and force, no more generates any fatal error.
Limit searchable classes in a tree, to those allowed to the user, in a SearchMenuNode
Files integrity is controlled in the first screen of “Application upgrade” and a warning is displayed when the install is not conform
Align creation and update message on portal to console message
Allow to set return-path with \EMail::AddToHeader
Bug fixes
Fix “cron” case in labels
Fix Export of html fields such as in Notification Actions
Portal : autocomplete keep selected value and use 'max_display_limit' instead of 'max_combo_length'.
Prevent object form submission while a filter on depending field is under computation (to prevent saving of incoherent object)
Fix search on external key, when using the magnifier and a filter in the pop-up
Export of EventIssue object is now possible
History of AttributeEncryptedString no more interprets HTML tags
Fix OQL scopes generating malformed SQL query (corner case with UNION)
Add TLs Options on database restore command
Add mbstring as optional extension in setup
Fix infinite loops when logging with a Contact having a non empty TagSet field
Copy characters after a ”<“ character in a Copy operation on a Transition
dbClick to exit the “description” field when creating an incident on the portal
Fatal errors now log into error.log instead of setup.log
Backoffice theme: Add variable for menu group background color
ApplyStimulus: Rollback the object values when an action fails
GetAttributeFlag taken into account on form refresh with dependent field
Fix: GetTrackOrigin() now returns 'csv-interactive' value during csvimport
Fix error in file light-gray.scss
Clearer messages when an object update fails
Provisioning for hybrid auth fails
Fix “Undefined index: login_mode” Notice
Added support for REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION in basic authentication.
Security Fixes
Compatibility IE11
Third dashlet added in the same dashboard cell under IE was crashing
Portal Filter Brick input was ignored under IE11
Applying a transition no more ends with blank page under IE
Fix regressions
Portal can again display more 10 attachments
OQL syntax error displayed in place of the widget (no more fatal error)
Fix syntax error with PHP 5.6 and TCPDF 6.3.4
Fix missing fulltext index for all AttributeSet on table creation (i.e. install from scratch) and update (migration).
Fix setup crash when having enum with values containing parenthesis
Fix filtering of unions with parent class
Fix backup not executed anymore
The AttributeDefinition::IsSearchable() method has been fixed to check complex attributes like External Fields.
Fix unsaved dashlet added on a dashboard
Fix alias renaming when already exists in one OQL of an UNION
“Printer Friendly Version” screen: Tabs now display labels instead of codes
Fix deletion of a single replica within a list
2.7.0-2: Fix regressions introduced by 2.7.0:
RenameAlias: alias 'L-1-1' already used
in one OQL of an UNION -
Fix: Dashlet added on a dashboard are gone when coming back to the dashboard
Fix: Provisioning for hybrid auth fails, fixed by changing the Tracked Origin
Fix: Can't send attachment added before saving using “Send updates by email”
Fix: Global Search doesn't search in external fields
Fix: Backup triggered by cron were not executed anymore
2.7.0-1: Fix regressions introduced by 2.7.0:
Fix: iTop not working with MYSQL 5.6
Fix: Fix DataModel Viewer not supporting special chars in class name (eg. ”)
New behaviors
During Setup, Move to production, Hub installation… iTop is set in ACCESS_READONLY
After Setup, the configuration parameter access_mode is set to ACCESS_FULL
Debug OQL for search is accessible directly for the administrators
Replaced first name by last name in default person list view
Don't display organization name in menu bar if it's the only one
Prevent trigger creation without friendlyname
Add applicable contexts on Trigger
Track field Comment in core/delete - API REST
Authentication & security
Authentication extensibility: Allow login, logoff screens customization through an extension
Security extensibility: Add hooks for iTop login security hardening
Security extensibility: New fields on UserLocal for an extension to handle password expiration
Security: Add a user password complexity constrains on new users and password change
Security: Every OQL selected classes are checked against allowed organizations.
Security: Fix issue with user creation by a non administrator
Security: Prevent search to retrieve users belonging to not allowed Org
Security: Global search now ignore fields of type “AttributePassword”
Security: Prevent Password Autocomplete in Browser. But most browsers ignore this tag.
Security: Restrict access to assets into env-*, extensions and datamodels
Security: config.php access rights have been forced to 0440 in creation instead of 0444.
Security: Fix CVE-2019-19821
Password policy: change password page: add feedback during the password typing
Password policy: Enable password expiry
Look & Feel
Markup extensibility: Add meta informations and hooks
Markup extensibility: Introduce custom themes for iTop's console
Markup extensibility: Add markup hooks on BrowseBrick and ManageBrick tables
Markup extensibility: Add support for both code AND title in admin. console tabs
Markup extensibility: Add password attributes to exclude list in metadata
Markup extensibility: Rework some SCSS variables
Markup extensibility: Add one additional theme for the backoffice, for test instances
Change breadcrumb icons color to black instead of Combodo's orange
Fix style for input's feedback on “change password” page
Login page : add autofocus attribute to the id field
Attachments: Update MS Office and OpenOffice file icons with more modern versions
OQL: Supports nested queries such as: SELECT Team WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT…)
OQL: Supports: ISNULL(NULL) OR (`ServiceSubcategory`.`request_type` = NULL)
OQL: Enhance performance of Count() by ignoring external keys
OQL: Improve OQL performance
OQL: Optimize generation of SQL from OQL, removing useless JOIN.
OQL: Spread the finalclass column on all the DB tables except finalclass table it-self. Migration done automatically at Setup.
OQL: Transactions added to fix deadlock during concurrent access and guarantee Database integrity
OQL: Transactions used for creation of object with class hierarchy, as it generate entries in multiple tables.
OQL: Export DBSearch to JSON (for a future OQL graphical editor)
ORM: Allow to force a WebPageMenu to open its url in a new window
ORM: Access to object modifications in \iApplicationObjectExtension::OnDBUpdate and in \DBObject::AfterUpdate
ORM: Delegate definition of the ticket reference format to each sub-classes
ORM: Change visibility of \DBObject::GetReferencingObjects internal method from public to protected
Allow params “limit” and “page” in REST-API (Dennis Lassiter)
Updated wiki for \DBBackup::CreateZip removal
Portal: Show confirmation dialog when closing forms with unsaved data
Portal: Add an icon to copy object name and url next to the form title
Portal: Add support for abstract classes creation in browse brick
Portal: Add support for columns sorting in ManageBrick's “lazy” mode
Portal: Hide silently sub-bricks not allowed to the user, when displaying an Aggregate Brick .
Portal: External keys in form allow to open the associated object if user scopes allows it.
Portal: Introduce navigation rules in Portal, to specify where to go on closing a form
Portal: action_rules query without filter will now throw an exception
Portal: Add option to display ManageBrick's current tab description as the brick subtitle.
Portal: Every brick can display a subtitle if they populate the sBrickSubtitle variable in the template.
Portal: Add option to show/hide linkedsets out of user's scopes in portal
Portal: Add parameter to set default list length in ManageBrick and BrowseBrick
Portal: Allow n:n links for Browse Brick's levels
Portal: Browse brick actions are now ordered following a rank tag
Portal: Filter linkedsets on remote object scopes
Portal: Form submission do NOT include hidden fields anymore, unless they have a dependency to an editable field.
Portal: Enable use of a dedicated end-users portal without having to install the standard portal
Portal: Make portal denial based on user profiles work again
Portal: Manage and Browse brick filters apply on subclasses fields in lazy mode
Portal: Migrate end-users portal framework from Silex to Symfony 3.4 🚀 .
Portal: Fix filter on external key when coming from filter brick
Portal: Increase navigation rules checks robustness
Portal: Display attachments count in section title, updated on each add/delete
Portal: Fix origin modal not closing when switching to editing of an object
Portal: Better display of success messages on form validation
Portal: Support for AttributeEnumSet
Improve modal backdrop UX
Introduce “CombodoPortalToolbox”, helpers to ease JS manipulations especially through the iPopupMenuExtension
Increase blur effect on portal modal backdrop
Warning: Remove legacy end-user portal
Warning: All your portal extensions needs to be migrated, see migration notes
Setup & system
Setup: New feature to allow micro versions update, as long as the module list does not change.
Setup: New file .maintenance in data directory to prevent iTop or cron to interfer with an application upgrade
Setup: hide table prefix option by default.
Setup: php-gd is now mandatory on setup
Setup: Remove useless alter table queries generated by setup & Toolkit on MariaDB >= 10.2
Setup: Add real autoloader for framework files in /core and /application
Setup: iTop classes are now loaded with an autoloader
Supportability: Maintenance mode (Better setup, CRON, REST and export message)
Backup: archive creation errors are now displayed
Backup during Setup are stored in data/backups/manual/setup-YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm.tar.gz (thanks to Hipska - PR #61)
System: Change cron.cmd to use arguments instead of fixed paths
System: Generic method to check path validity
System: New log level “debug” and logs filterable
System: PHP dependencies managed by a composer.json
User interface
UI: Reorganize admin console menus
UI: Attachments are displayed as table with their meta data
UI: Add code snippets with syntax highlighting to CaseLog/HTML fields
UI: Autocomplete: Harmonize accents handling for better robustness
UI: New DroidSansFallback font and 'export_pdf_font' config param for PDF export
UI: Trigger description is now required because it is used as friendlyname
UI: Center tag is back in default sanitizer white list
Code upgrade
Upgrade Archive_Tar lib from 1.4.4 custom to 1.4.7
Upgrade bootstrap to v3.4.1
Upgrade CKEditor to v4.11.4
Upgrade Font Awesome from v4 to v5.12.0
Upgrade jQuery to v3.4.1
Upgrade ScssPHP to v1.0.6
Upgrade SwiftMailer to v5.4.12
Upgrade ArchiveTar to v1.4.9
Update cron.cmd to have better defaults and remove references to old php version
Make setup backup location and name similar as other backups (Thomas Casteleyn)
Add status.php for getting iTop's status (Guy Couronné)
Add support to optionally mention username in password reset mail (Thomas Casteleyn)
Make ticket reference generation working with new sub-classes
Add KPI on API Rest (Guy Couronné)
Only set Ticket ref if not yet present via import or synchro (Thomas Casteleyn)
Move expression cache files in a dedicated directory
Add bootstrap.inc.php
Handle nested transactions
apc_clear_cache & opcache_reset are both called when resetting the cache
database integrity
NL Dictionaries and messages (Thomas Casteleyn)
CN @purplegrape
SK Martin Kincel
Chinese translations
Spanish translations
Bug fixes
UI: Fix blank page when displaying a synchronized object. Simple quote not escaped before giving content to qTip lib.
UI: Fix dashlet edition due to duplicate ids of dashlets, by renumbering them when building in iTop pages.
UI: Fix 'G', 'd', 'j' DateTime format in regexp generation
UI: Fix GroupBy dashlet on classes with ExternalField to ExternalField
UI: Fix missing scroll bar in DataModel Viewer for class with large number of attributs
UI: Fix missing scroll bar missing in modal window “Create a new field” from Request Template
UI: Fix non editable dashboard when wrong attribute code used in its definition
UI: Fix regression on mandatory external field with only 1 possible value
UI: Fix regression when creating ticket in “resolved” with lnk objects
UI: Fix search equals 0 for integer
UI: Fix truncated caselog entry with large HTML table or word
Portal: Fix column sorting on date attributes (eg. french format)
Portal: Fix crash in object form having empty AttributeBlob field
Portal: Fix crash when having comments in some parts of the XML
Portal: Fix error on form submit “Attempting to set the value on the read-only attribute”
Portal: Fix hyperlink placeholder not working in notifications for other portals
Portal: Fix list tabs and on charts click when a Manage brick has a chart as default display mode
Portal: Fix missing scrollbar in tall form modals
Portal: Fix wrong “apply stimulus” form being used in a branch of classes
Portal: Correctly display external fields targeting an enum field
Setup: Fix MySQL8 incompatibilities in setup and backup
Setup: Fix setup crash when class has an empty zlist tag
Setup: fix typo in warning due to non-matching products.
Setup: Fix graphiz detection feedback message on Windows systems
Setup: Fix extremely slow page load for first user after setup
Setup: Fix MySQL TLS wiki URL
ORM: Fix “invalid numeric value” when inserting/updating AttributeDecimal
REST/JSON fix must_exists flag for remote object of indirect linkedset
Fix support of expressions (friendlyname) in different language contexts
Fix apc-emulation
Fix datepicker locale not set correctly for ZH CN and PT BR (@annProg)
Fix cron crash when MySQL connection lost (Thomas Casteleyn)
Fix images being too large in icon selector (dashboards and Designer)
Fix ticket ref uniqueness rule declaration (@jbostoen)
Fix count with Archive mode
Fix compiler crashing on setup due to comment in XML
Support Microsoft Outlook encoding of non breaking line in UTF-8
Fix DBSearch::Intersect (de-duplicate aliases)
Fix error when no cache is configured
Add more logs
Fix run_query error handling incompatible with PHP < 7.3.0
Fix some more PHP 7.4 incompatibilities
Fix AdminTools DataSynchro creation
Fix apply stimulus returning true when stimuli is not applicable
Fix ticket ref sometimes being a duplicate
Filterable logs using log_level_min optionally per channels
Improve unit tests
Security hardening
Change AttributeImage methods visibility to allow overrides
Setup wizard backup path : larger input widget
Many small UI improvements
autoload rework for application and core directories
Export a DBSearch as an array/JSON structure
Abstract implementation for iScheduledProcess
Add Alexandre, Anne-Catherine, Olivier, Marie-Annette and Dimitri to the sample data to welcome them! 👋
Remove Config deprecated
methods -
Deprecated stopwatch extensivity
Deprecated DBObject::DB*Tracked methods (DBInsertTracked, DBInsertTrackedNoReload, DBUpdateTracked, DBDeleteTracked)
Removed \DBObject::RegisterCallback
Removed DB Config getters and charset/collation config params
Removed DBBackup::CreateZip
ORM: Deprecate \MetaModel::EnumLinksClasses and \MetaModel::EnumLinkingClasses
ORM: Deprecate all Config::GetDB* methods, that need to be replaced by Config::Get() calls
ORM: MetaModel::GetNextKey($sClass) is now deprecated in favor of ItopCounter::IncClass($sClass)
FontAwesome: FontAwesome v4 is deprecated, use FontAwesome v5 CSS classes instead
3_2_0/release/change_log.txt · Last
modified: 2025/02/06 12:18 by