Login screens customization
Prerequisite: You must be familiar with the Syntax used in Tutorials and have already created an extension.
Starting with version 2.7.0, it is now much easier to customize the login screens of iTop.
The login screens are:
Login form
Logoff form
Change password form
Reset Password form
Forgot password form
In this tutorial we will see:
What is needed to customize the login screens
How to customize the CSS
How to customize the HTML
Customization process
The first step to customize the login screens is to create an extension.
Add a class to this extension implementing
- class CustomLoginExtension
class CustomCSSLoginExtension implements iLoginUIExtension { public function ListSupportedLoginModes() { return array('form'); } public function GetTwigContext() { return null; } }
Use ListSupportedLoginModes()
to specify that your
login extension will be called on form authentication.
The method GetTwigContext()
will be used to
indicate the parts of the login screens you want to customize.
Customizing CSS
If you want to add a new CSS for the login screens, you can:
Provide a CSS file in your extension (in our case it will be under
) -
Create a context to indicate where the CSS file is located
- class CustomLoginExtension
class CustomCSSLoginExtension implements iLoginUIExtension { public function ListSupportedLoginModes() { return null; } public function GetTwigContext() { $oLoginContext = new LoginTwigContext(); $oLoginContext->AddCSSFile(utils::GetAbsoluteUrlModulesRoot().'<your-module>/css/custom.css'); return $oLoginContext; } }
Use the method AddCSSFile()
of the class
to declare all the CSS files you want to provide. The
parameter is the URL
of the CSS file.
Use the iTop file css/login.css
as an example to
know the ids and classes used in the login screens.
The common ids used in every login screens are:
Customizing HTML
The login screens use Twig to generate the HTML. If you are not familiar
with Twig, here is the documentation. The templates are located
in templates/login
All the login screens extends the same template:
Redefining existing files
You can overwrite existing login templates by providing a file with the same name in your extension.
For example if you want to redefine the template
, you can provide the file
. Within this file you can refer to the
standard template provided by iTop by starting your file with:
- base.html.twig
{% extends '@ItopCore/base.html.twig' %}
now you can redefine any block defined in
and even refer to the standard
implementation of this block like this:
- base.html.twig
{% extends '@ItopCore/base.html.twig' %} {% block login_content_outer %} <div id="login-content-container"> {{ parent() }} </div> {% endblock login_content_outer %}
Here the notation {{ parent() }} refers to the content of the parent template.
Adding HTML to existing login screen
The login screen (login.html.twig
) provides a way
to add HTML to the
current screen.
You can define additional content in a Twig template and insert it at various places in the screen. The following blocks can be extended:
In order to extend one block, you have to provide a template
like this (the example is taken from
- cas_sso_button.html.twig
<div class="sso-button" title="{{ aData.sTooltip }}" onclick="$('#login_mode').val('{{ aData.sLoginMode }}'); $('#login_form').submit(); return false;"> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 336.82 167.83" class="logo sso-image" style="max-height: 20px;"> ... </svg> {{ aData.sLabel }} </div>
Then you have to indicate which block to extend in the login screen:
- CASLoginExtension.php
public function GetTwigContext() { // Create the context $oLoginContext = new LoginTwigContext(); // Indicate that templates are in view directory $oLoginContext->SetLoaderPath(utils::GetAbsoluteModulePath('authent-cas').'view'); // Prepare some variables for the template $aData = array( 'sLoginMode' => 'cas', 'sLabel' => Dict::S('CAS:Login:SignIn'), 'sTooltip' => Dict::S('CAS:Login:SignInTooltip'), ); // Create an extension block for the template cas_sso_button.html.twig $oBlockExtension = new LoginBlockExtension('cas_sso_button.html.twig', $aData); // Attach the extension to the block named 'login_sso_buttons' $oLoginContext->AddBlockExtension('login_sso_buttons', $oBlockExtension); return $oLoginContext; }
When you create an extension block, you can provide variables
computed in PHP. The variables are passed to the template in the
array named aData