
Using iTop

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:: Version 3.2.0 ::

Add entry in ''other actions'' popup menu

Prerequisite: You are expected to be a developer with PHP and Javascript competencies

Add entry in ''other actions'' popup menu
PHP, Presentation
EnumItems, URLPopupMenuItem, GetAbsoluteUrlModulesRoot, JSPopupMenuItem
min version:

Starting with iTop 2.0.0, the framework supports adding new menu items in all the popup menus present in iTop: on lists (in both the “Other Actions…” and “Toolkit” menus), in the “Other Actions…” on the details of an object, in the “Log Off” menu, etc.

New popup menus items are added by providing a PHP class that implements the iPopupMenuExtension interface.

To insert new entries in the main menu on the left of the iTop pages, refer to the XML reference about menus.

This sample demonstrates the following:

  1. On any list of objects in iTop, this extension adds a new menu item (in the “Other actions…” popup menu) that just calls a custom javascript function and does an “alert(…)” with the number of elements in the list Custom Javascript Action on a List
  2. On the “details” page of any object in iTop, the extension add an extra menu item “Google this…” that opens the Google search page (in a new tab/window), with the search text filled with the name of the selected itop object Hyperlink action on an object
  3. On the “details” page of Contacts (i.e. Teams or Persons), two extra menu items are added:
    • A separator line (works only with iTop 2.0.1-beta or newer)
    • A menu items that calls a custom JS function… just to popup an alert(…) with the name of the object Separator and cutom Javasctip action on an object

The interesting part of the PHP code is located in the file main.sample-add-menu.php The custom JS functions are located in the file js/sample.js

Feel free to modify this sample to adjust it to your needs… and make something useful out of it.

implementing the iPopupMenuExtension interface

In order to add new popup menu items into iTop, one must provide a class that implements the iPopupMenuExtension interface. This new class must be included somewhere in the include chain of the iTop files. The location of the file is not important. The easiest way to ensure that the file getst properly included in iTop is to add it to the list of “datamodel” files declared in an iTop module definition file.

In our example we will put the code in the PHP file named main.sample-add-menu.php. Make sure that this file gets included by adding its name to the list of the datamodel files into module.sample-add-menu.php:

// iTop module definition file
        __FILE__, // Path to the current file, 
                  // all other file names are relative to the directory containing this file
                // Identification
                'label' => 'Add Menu Sample',
                'category' => 'business',
                // Setup
                'dependencies' => array(
                'mandatory' => false,
                'visible' => true,
                // Components
                'datamodel' => array(
                'webservice' => array(
                'data.struct' => array(
                        // add your 'structure' definition XML files here,
                'data.sample' => array(
                        // add your sample data XML files here,
                // Documentation
                'doc.manual_setup' => '', // hyperlink to manual setup documentation, if any
                'doc.more_information' => '', // hyperlink to more information, if any 
                // Default settings
                'settings' => array(
                        // Module specific settings go here, if any

Then let's create a class implementing the iPopupMenuExtension interface:

 * Sample extension to show how adding menu items in iTop
 * This extension does nothing really useful but shows how to use the three possible
 * types of menu items:
 * - An URL to any web page
 * - A Javascript function call
 * - A separator (horizontal line in the menu)
class AddMenuSampleExtension implements iPopupMenuExtension
  * Get the list of items to be added to a menu.
  * This method is called by the framework for each menu.
  * The items will be inserted in the menu in the order of the returned array.
  * @param int $iMenuId The identifier of the type of menu, as listed by the constants MENU_xxx
  * @param mixed $param Depends on $iMenuId, see the constants defined above
  * @return object[] An array of ApplicationPopupMenuItem or an empty array if no action is to be added to the menu
  public static function EnumItems($iMenuId, $param)
    $aResult = array();
    switch($iMenuId) // type of menu in which to add menu items
      * Insert an item into the Actions menu of a list
      * $param is a DBObjectSet containing the list of objects  
     case iPopupMenuExtension::MENU_OBJLIST_ACTIONS:
        // Add a new menu item that triggers a custom JS function defined in our own javascript file: js/sample.js
        $sModuleDir = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
        $sJSFileUrl = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlModulesRoot().$sModuleDir.'/js/sample.js';
        $iCount = $param->Count(); // number of objects in the set
        $aResult[] = new JSPopupMenuItem('_Custom_JS_', 'Custom JS Function On List...', "MyCustomJSListFunction($iCount)", array($sJSFileUrl));
      * Insert an item into the Toolkit menu of a list
      * $param is a DBObjectSet containing the list of objects
     case iPopupMenuExtension::MENU_OBJLIST_TOOLKIT:
      * Insert an item into the Actions menu on an object's details page
      * $param is a DBObject instance: the object currently displayed
     case iPopupMenuExtension::MENU_OBJDETAILS_ACTIONS:
        // For any object, add a menu "Google this..." that opens google search in another window
        // with the name of the object as the text to search
        $aResult[] = new URLPopupMenuItem('_Google_this_', 'Google this...', "".$param->GetName(), '_blank');
        // Only for Contact: (i.e. Teams and Persons)
        if ($param instanceof Contact)
           // add a separator
           $aResult[] = new SeparatorPopupMenuItem();
           // Add a new menu item that triggers a custom JS function defined in our own javascript file: js/sample.js
           $sModuleDir = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
           $sJSFileUrl = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlModulesRoot().$sModuleDir.'/js/sample.js';
           $aResult[] = new JSPopupMenuItem('_Custom_JS_', 'Custom JS Function...', "MyCustomJSFunction('".addslashes($param->GetName())."')", array($sJSFileUrl));
      * Insert an item into the Dashboard menu
      * The dashboad menu is shown on the top right corner of the page when
      * a dashboard is being displayed.
      * $param is a Dashboard instance: the dashboard currently displayed
     case iPopupMenuExtension::MENU_DASHBOARD_ACTIONS:
      * Insert an item into the User menu (upper right corner of the page)
      * $param is null
     case iPopupMenuExtension::MENU_USER_ACTIONS:
    return $aResult;

The two custom Javascript functions referenced in the code above are implemented in the file js/sample.js:

// Sample JS function to be called from a custom menu item
function MyCustomJSFunction(sName)
        // nothing fancy here, just popup an alert
// Sample JS function to be called from a custom menu item
// on a list of objects
function MyCustomJSListFunction(iCount)
        alert('There are '+iCount+' element(s) in this list.');

Putting it altogether

Download the following file to get the complete sample extension:

Installing the extension

As any other iTop extension:

  1. Expand the content of the zip file into the extensions folder at the root of iTop (create the extensions folder if needed)
  2. Make sure that the web server has enough rights to read all files in the extensions folder
  3. Remove the read-only flag on the configuration file (located in conf/production/config-itop.php)
  4. Launch the iTop setup again by pointing your browser to the http://<itop-root>/setup
  5. Pick the “Add Menu Sample” from the list of extensions during the last step of the installation wizard
3_2_0/customization/add-menu-sample.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/10 10:25 by
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