Install and Upgrade your iTop
Intended Audience
This document is targeted towards system administrators in charge of installing, upgrading the iTop application.
Upgrading iTop version
Install your iTop
This document assumes that you have at least a basic knowledge about:
configuring your web server (either Apache, IIS or nginx),
the PHP language,
MySQL and the SQL language in general.
In order to install and configure iTop you need the following:
a server following this Server recommendation
a web server configured to execute PHP files (See here for version required)
access to the files on the web server (an access via FTP or SCP is Ok).
a MySQL server (See here for version required)
Provide a MySQL account with
enough privileges:
SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE for daily use of iTop
CREATE (table), ALTER, CREATE VIEW for Setup and datamodel modification
CREATE (database) if you ask the Setup to create you database and for the ITSM Designer for Test database creation (DROP in this case is needed also)
SHOW VIEW, LOCK TABLES are used for backups
DROP and TRIGGER are used by DataSynchro
SUPER need is uncertain
Step by step
Install PHP, MySQL and other required software. Check below tips for special environments:
Install iTop: The Setup wizard defines the iTop features and the database schema to use. Most choices can't be changed later unless using a fresh new database.
Your first connection to iTop: Ensure the application is accessible and discover the user interface.
Schedule background tasks. Mandatory for asynchronous email, scheduled backups, SLA computation…
Eventually, Protect access to iTop setup
Add some users:
Check the multiple User Authentication Options: Integration with LDAP/Active Directory, single sign-on,…
Understand the possible profiles and manage User Accounts.
Follow the Implementation Guide to create the
minimum set of objects for the iTop application to be
usable by your users.
If you want to move the iTop
application under a different url, follow the tip: Changing iTop location
2_6_0/install/start.txt · Last
modified: 2020/02/05 11:42 (external edit)