You are browsing the documentation for iTop 2.6 which is not the current version.

Consider browsing to iTop 3.2 documentation

Requirements & Installation

Minimum Hardware requirement

Your needs Our recommendation
Ticket created per month Console Users CMDB: CIs Servers CPU Memory Disk for MySQL
< 200 < 20 < 50k An all in one server 2vCPU 4Gb 10Gb
< 5000 < 50 < 200k Two servers: Web + MySQL 4vCPU 8Gb 20Gb
> 5000 > 50 > 200k Two servers: Web + MySQL 8vCPU 16Gb 50Gb

The minimum screen size for using iTop is 1024*768 pixels, but the higher resolution the better.

We recommend to use virtual machines running Debian 9 or Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Software requirements

iTop is based on MySQL and PHP.

  • Plus of-course a web server: Apache, IIS or any web server supporting PHP.
  • Graphviz is needed to display the impact analysis graph.
  • php-gd is optionnal but required to be able to add images with CKEditor and resize automatically images within HTML fields.
  • Check Encrypted data for what to install to managed EncryptedString attribute
  • To select a database version, check MariaDB release notes by version and MySQL release notes 5.7
Version requirement are:
  • Minimum PHP 5.6, recommended PHP 7.x (7.0, 7.1 or 7.2)
  • Only the version 2.6.1 and above are compatible with PHP 7.3
  • Minimum MySQL 5.6 (or MariaDB 10.1), recommended MySQL 5.7 or MariaDB 10.2
iTop does not work on MySQL 8, this is planned for 2.7 version

Recommended configuration

Optional requirements:

  • For LDAP authentication iTop requires the PHP LDAP module. If this PHP module is not present iTop will not support LDAP or Active Directory identification.

Downloading iTop

You can download iTop from SourceForge:

Installing the Prerequisites on Debian or Ubuntu 16.04 and above

To install the required software on Ubuntu, run the following commands (as root):

apt-get install apache2
apt-get install mysql-server
apt-get install php php-mysql php-ldap php-cli php-soap php-json graphviz
apt-get install php-xml php-gd php-zip libapache2-mod-php php-mbstring
Starting with MySQL 5.7, the root user has no explicit password in MySQL, so you will have to create a user account with a password for installing iTop. The commands below create a user iTop with all privileges. This is useful for testing but is not the best configuration for use in production (because security matters):
sudo mysql

Once logged in MySQL, execute the following commands:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'iTop'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'some_password';

Installing the Prerequisites on Redhat, CentOS or Fedora

To install the required software on Redhat / CentOS / Fedora, run the following commands (as root):

yum install httpd
yum install mysql mysql-server
yum install php php-mysql php-xml php-cli php-soap php-ldap php-gd php-zip php-json php-mbstring graphviz

Installing the Prerequisites on Windows

ITop Installation on Windows using IIS

Before running iTop on Windows using IIS, you need to setup IIS to run PHP pages.

Installing Fast-GCI for IIS 6

IIS 6 is the version of IIS that comes with Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. The process is quite similar for IIS7 (see the Useful Links & References below)

  1. Download IIS's Fast-CGI installer from: Pick the version (32 or 64-bit) suitable for your system.
  2. Start the installation by launching the .msi installer

Installing and configuring PHP

  1. Download PHP from Select the appropriate version for your system (32 or 64-bit), and pick the Non Thread Safe version. If you don't know between VC6 and VC9, pick the VC6 version.

Select the IIS Fast-CGI interface:

Make sure that you select the “SOAP” extension which is not enabled by default. Also In the “Extras” section, check the “PEAR Install”.

Then register the FastCGI extension for the whole web site:

cd %windir%\system32\inetsrv
cscript fcgiconfig.js -add -section:\"PHP\" -extension:php -path:\"C:\Program Files\PHP\php-cgi.exe\"

Open the Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager (either from the start menu “Administrative Tools/Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager” or right-click on “My Computer” then “Manage” and “Services And Applications/Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager”) and right-click on the “Default Web Site”. Then choose “Properties”.

Then click on the tab “Home directory” and click on the “Configuration…” button:

Check in the “Mappings” tab that there is an entry for the “.php” extension.

If not, press the “Add…” button and fill the form as below (adjust the path to the correct location of fcgiext.dll)

Go back to the “Documents” tab and check that “index.php” is present, at the top of the list. if it's not there, add an entry for it using the “Add…” button.

Installing MySQL

If you do not already have a MySQL database server, you can install it on the same system as the rest of the application.

  1. Go to MySQL's download site:
  2. Download the installer suitable for your system: select package named “MSI Installer” either the 32 or 64-bit version.
  3. Launch the installation, by opening the downloaded .msi file.
  4. Follow the instructions of the installation wizard

Other dependency: graphviz

iTop relies on Graphviz to produce graphical representations of the object's life-cycle as well as the impact analysis graph.

On Linux, graphviz is already part of the prerequisites defined above, so there is nothing additionnal to do.

On Windows: download Graphviz from the web site and install it.

You will be prompted to supply the exact path to Graphviz during the setup. The expected value is the the full path to the dot executable (named dot.exe on Windows). For example /user/bin/dot on Linux and C:\Program files (x86)\Graphviz 2.68\bin\dot.exe on Windows.
2_6_0/install/installing_itop.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/15 11:31 (external edit)
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