Datacenter Management Module
An Enclosure is a
cabinet generally fitted with doors and side panels. Enclosures may
contain baffles, fans, and other features. Then can be mounted
inside a Rack or directly fitted on the wall.
Enclosure Properties
Name | Type | Mandatory? |
Name | Alphanumeric string | Yes |
Organization | Foreign key to a(n) Organization | Yes |
Status | Possible values: implementation, obsolete, production, stock | No |
Business criticity | Possible values: high, low, medium | No |
Location | Foreign key to a(n) Location | No |
Rack | Foreign key to a(n) Rack | Yes |
Brand | Foreign key to a(n) Brand | No |
Model | Foreign key to a(n) Model | No |
NB U | Numeric value (could be negative) | No |
Serial number | Alphanumeric string | No |
Asset number | Alphanumeric string | No |
Move to production date | Date (year-month-day) | No |
Purchase date | Date (year-month-day) | No |
End of warranty | Date (year-month-day) | No |
Description | Multiline character string | No |
Tab | Description |
Contacts | All the contracts for this configuration item |
Documents | All the documents linked to this configuration item |
Tickets | All the tickets for this configuration item |
Devices | All the devices in this enclosure |
Provider contracts | All the provider contracts for this configuration item |
Creating a new Enclosure
Type the Class name in the Quick create area to
create a new object, then fill the form and press the
Impacts: an Enclosure is considered as impacting all the devices (Network Devices, Servers, Storage Systems, etc.) that are located in the Enclosure, the Application Solutions that this Enclosure is part of, as well as the contacts (Persons, Teams) directly linked to the Enclosure.
Depends on: an Enclosure has no dependencies.
A PDU (Power Distribution
Unit) is a device fitted with multiple outputs designed to
distribute electric power, especially to racks of computers and
networking equipment located within the data center.
PDU Properties
Name | Type | Mandatory? |
Name | Alphanumeric string | Yes |
Organization | Foreign key to a(n) Organization | Yes |
Status | Possible values: implementation, obsolete, production, stock | No |
Business criticity | Possible values: high, low, medium | No |
Location | Foreign key to a(n) Location | No |
Rack | Foreign key to a(n) Rack | Yes |
Power start | Foreign key to a(n) Power Connection | No |
Brand | Foreign key to a(n) Brand | No |
Model | Foreign key to a(n) Model | No |
Serial number | Alphanumeric string | No |
Asset number | Alphanumeric string | No |
Move to production date | Date (year-month-day) | No |
Purchase date | Date (year-month-day) | No |
End of warranty | Date (year-month-day) | No |
Description | Multiline character string | No |
Tab | Description |
Contacts | All the contracts for this configuration item |
Documents | All the documents linked to this configuration item |
Tickets | All the tickets for this configuration item |
Provider contracts | All the provider contracts for this configuration item |
Creating a new PDU
Type the Class name in the Quick create area to
create a new object, then fill the form and press the
Impacts: an PDU is considered as impacting all the devices (Network Devices, Servers, Storage Systems, etc.) that are connected to the PDU, other PDUs connected to this one, the Application Solutions that this PDU is part of, as well as the contacts (Persons, Teams) directly linked to the Enclosure.
Depends on: a PDU has no dependencies.
Power Source
A Power Source is used
to document in iTop any kind of power source (main power inlet,
breaker…) that is not a PDU.
Power Source Properties
Name | Type | Mandatory? |
Name | Alphanumeric string | Yes |
Organization | Foreign key to a(n) Organization | Yes |
Status | Possible values: implementation, obsolete, production, stock | No |
Business criticity | Possible values: high, low, medium | No |
Location | Foreign key to a(n) Location | No |
Brand | Foreign key to a(n) Brand | No |
Model | Foreign key to a(n) Model | No |
Serial number | Alphanumeric string | No |
Asset number | Alphanumeric string | No |
Move to production date | Date (year-month-day) | No |
Purchase date | Date (year-month-day) | No |
End of warranty | Date (year-month-day) | No |
Description | Multiline character string | No |
Tab | Description |
PDUs | All the PDUs using this power source |
Contacts | All the contracts for this configuration item |
Documents | All the documents linked to this configuration item |
Tickets | All the tickets for this configuration item |
Provider contracts | All the provider contracts for this configuration item |
Creating a new Power Source
Type the Class name in the Quick create area to
create a new object, then fill the form and press the
Impacts: an Power Source is considered as impacting all the devices (PDUs, Network Devices, Servers, Storage Systems, etc.) that are connected to the Power Source, the Application Solutions that this Power Source is part of, as well as the contacts (Persons, Teams) directly linked to the Power Source.
Depends on: a Power Source has no dependencies.
A computer Rack is a
metal frame used to hold various hardware devices such as servers,
hard disk drives, other electronic equipment. The available space
inside a Rack is mesured the unit “U” (One U corresponds to 1.75
inches of space between each hole on the metal strips on the sides
for screwing the devices in place)
Rack Properties
Name | Type | Mandatory? |
Name | Alphanumeric string | Yes |
Organization | Foreign key to a(n) Organization | Yes |
Status | Possible values: implementation, obsolete, production, stock | No |
Business criticity | Possible values: high, low, medium | No |
Location | Foreign key to a(n) Location | No |
Brand | Foreign key to a(n) Brand | No |
Model | Foreign key to a(n) Model | No |
NB U | Numeric value (could be negative) | No |
Serial number | Alphanumeric string | No |
Asset number | Alphanumeric string | No |
Move to production date | Date (year-month-day) | No |
Purchase date | Date (year-month-day) | No |
End of warranty | Date (year-month-day) | No |
Description | Multiline character string | No |
Tab | Description |
Contacts | All the contracts for this configuration item |
Documents | All the documents linked to this configuration item |
Tickets | All the tickets for this configuration item |
Enclosures | All the enclosures in this rack |
Devices | All the physical devices racked into this rack |
Provider contracts | All the provider contracts for this configuration item |
Creating a new Rack
Type the Class name in the Quick create area to
create a new object, then fill the form and press the
Impacts: an Rack is considered as impacting the Application Solutions that this Rack is part of and the contacts (Persons, Teams) directly linked to the Rack.
Depends on: a Rack has no dependencies.