3.1.x to 3.2.0 Migration Notes

This document highlights issues which can occur while migrating your iTop to this version.

This document highlights issues which can occur while migrating your iTop to this version.

3.2.1 specifics

This version changes the way mandatory Date and DateTime attributes are handled when no values are provided.

  • Before: the current date time (now) was automatically set into such field (leading to user overlooking the date and leaving an invalid one)
  • From iTop 3.2.1 version, if no value is provided, the object creation/update will fail. But it is now possible in XML to define a relative default_value for such attribute:
    • NOW() → the current date (time) when the object is created
    • DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) → the current date (time) + 7 days
    • or any OQL supported syntax to compute a date

When does it matter?

  • If those fields are requested to the user, this iTop change has no impact.
  • If those fields where automatically fed through an overwrite of an OnInsert or OnUpdate method, again this iTop change has no impact.
  • If those fields where not proposed to the user and not set by any code, then you need to set NOW() for those fields in the XML tag default_value to restore the previous behavior.

How to fix it?

  • This can be done quickly in the Designer or by an iTop extension.
  • This can be done before upgrading, even on old iTop version such as 2.7.x, the default value on Date and DateTime attributes being ignored silently before 3.2.1.

Impact on Users

Apart from new stuff described in the What's new, there is no disrupting changes on existing iTop behaviors compare to iTop versions 3.1.x

To check before upgrading


There is a new folder “resources” and a new file “app.php” under the iTop root folder. Mind to update your migration / backup scripts if necessary.

PHP version

  • New PHP min version: 8.1.0
  • New PHP max version: 8.3.x

PHP extensions

PHP extension APCu is now strongly recommended, otherwise performances could be slightly degraded.

MySQL / Maria DB version

  • MariaDB min version remains the same: 10.3.7
  • MySQL min version remains the same: 5.7


Database update operations

N°6619 - Attachment : Make contact_id an AttributeExternalKey instead of AttributeExternalField

ALTER TABLE `attachment` ADD `contact_id` INT(11) DEFAULT 0
ALTER TABLE `attachment` ADD INDEX `contact_id` (`contact_id`)
Since MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 10.3.7 this operation should be quick, unless you overwrote “ALGORITHM” config parameter.

Extension / Custom code

As usual some extensions must be upgraded at the same time as your iTop, or after for 4 of them.

If you have developed custom extensions with XML and custom code, check: Developer check-list

Extensions to upgrade

Check for each of your Combodo extensions the 3.2 compatible version that you need to install, before upgrading.

Portal themes

If you created a custom theme for the end-user portal that replaces bootstrap-theme-combodo.scss, you'll need to re-generate it. Otherwise some elements might not display correctly (HTML editor)

Included in iTop

Ensure that all your TriggerOnMention do have a filter defined.
Otherwise upgrading to iTop 3.2.0-2 will fail

XML Datamodel

Profile 117

A new profile “Super User” with id 117 has been added to iTop Community 3.2.1.

  • This profile allows to delegate most iTop Administrator tasks, except the system aspects.
  • Extensions should consider this profile when defining the access rights to the objects/features that they brings.

User Request

The field “Solution” of classes User Request and Incident, now supports HTML.
To revert this datamodel change, add this XML into an extension or ask Combodo to inject it in the Designer for you

    <class id="UserRequest" _delta="if_exists">
        <field id="solution" xsi:type="AttributeText" _delta="if_exists">
          <format  _delta="delete_if_exists"/>
        <class id="Incident" _delta="if_exists">
        <field id="solution" xsi:type="AttributeText" _delta="if_exists">
          <format  _delta="delete_if_exists"/>


Configuration file

To check / do after upgrading

Rename your Triggers

Because of the new unsubscribe mecanism, Trigger “Description” field will be visible to console users as the identifier of a notification that they have received, so that description should explain them, when this trigger is generated (also the might guess based on the trigger type, an explicit text might be easier to catch) and who receives them.

It might be useful to duplicate some of your Triggers and Actions, to separate notification to the ticket agent (1) and notification to people of their team or people linked to the ticket (2)
Thus a user can keep the first trigger and unsubscribe to the second. Otherwise, it's all or nothing…

Connect News

iTop 3.2.0 comes with 3 new actions “Notification by Newsroom”

  • One Notification to persons mentioned in logs automatically linked to all your existing “Trigger (on object mention)” searching for “Person” in the filed “Mentioned filter”

  • One Notification to agent when ticket assigned to be linked with a “Trigger (on entering a state)” on class “User Request” on “state:” assigned

  • One Notification on public log update through the portal to be linked with a “Trigger (when updated from the portal)” and a “Trigger (when updated by mail)” both on class “User Request”

All your “Trigger (on object mention)” triggers have their “Subscription policy” field (field added in 3.2.0), set to the value Force at least one channel (News or Email), because by default we don't want iTop Users to unsubscribe from all channels when their name is mentioned somewhere in an object log.

Remove search Brick

If you don't want the new search brick in the standard portal, remove it by adding those lines in the Designer (for Combodo's customers), or create an iTop extension which does this.

    <module_design id="itop-portal" xsi:type="portal">
        <brick id="manage-all-tickets-for-portal-user" xsi:type="Combodo\iTop\Portal\Brick\ManageBrick" _delta="delete"/>
        <brick id="search-within-tickets-for-portal-user" xsi:type="Combodo\iTop\Portal\Brick\FilterBrick" _delta="delete"/>

X-Content-Type-Options HTTP header and CORB protection

Since iTop 2.7.10 / 3.0.4 / 3.1.2 / 3.2.0, the X-Content-Type-Options HTTP header is sent with the nosniff value. This could trigger CORB protection for certain resources, preventing them from loading (see https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/services/network/cross_origin_read_blocking_explainer.md#determining-whether-a-response-is-corb_protected).

To mitigate the issue, sending this HTTP header is disabled on corresponding resources in iTop core.
As some extensions can be impacted, the security.enable_header_xcontent_type_options config parameter can be set to false to prevent the header to be sent.


🚧 Work in progress

Le champ solution contient de l'HTML pour les tickets mis à jour post migration 3.2

Rendering des inline image différent pour les tickets mis à jour post migration 3.2

Erreur d'intégrité pour les actions NewsRoom

latest/install/migration_notes.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/03 11:35 by
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