Install iTop
Before installing...
Carefully follow requirements :
iTop install procedure
Specific iTop configurations :
If you want to connect to your DB Server using TLS, a specific iTop configuration should be used ! Before installing check this page : Connect to MySQL using TLS
To use iTop behind a reverse proxy, check iTop and reverse proxies
Launch installation : Installation wizard
After installation :
Check the multiple User Authentication Options: integration with LDAP/Active Directory, single sign-on,…
Understand the possible profiles and manage user accounts
Schedule background tasks. Mandatory for asynchronous email, scheduled backups, SLA computation…
Configure iTop
Your first connection to iTop: Ensure the application is accessible and discover the user interface.
Follow the Implementation Guide to create the minimum set of objects for the iTop application to be usable by your users.
3_0_0/install/installing_itop.txt ·
Last modified: 2022/01/21 16:52 (external edit)