Browsing the Data Model

Depending on the modules installed during the setup, the data model of iTop (also called the objects schema) can vary. You can view the current data model used by iTop by clicking on the link “Data Model” in the “Admin Tools” menu.

iTop Data Model viewer structure

Use the middle handle to resize left/right panes, or to close left pane.

Selecting a class

On the right explorer tree-view allows you to navigate through the hierarchy of classes (in alphabetical order). Each entry contains, according to the display granularity parameter, the display name of the class (label parameter) and its internal OQL/PHP name (code parameter) in parenthesis.

To quickly find the link to a specific class in the data model, use the autocomplete filter above classes list and press enter in the filter or click on a class name to display the details for this class.

Class details

Once a class has been selected, you'll be able to see details about this class in different tabs (Attributes, Related classes, Child classes, Lifecycle and Triggers).

Attributes tab

On the Attributes tab, multiple informations about this class attributes are available (also depends on the display granularity parameter), and more information can be displayed by hovering cells.

Attributes tab definition:

Tab Description Hover description
Attribute code Attribute internal code used to idenfiy this class attribute Attribute definition/link to other class
Type Data type of this attribute Type definition`
Allowed values Restriction on the possible values for this attribute If this field is a filter, display the raw OQL to get these values
More info More information about the field defined in the database If a default null is provided, display this information
Origin The base class in which this attribute is defined (This information is also shown in the first column with a color code)

Data Model Viewer Class Details

On the Related classes tab you'll be able to see the curent classes attributes that are external key (single arrow pointing another class), n-1 key (single arrow pointing to current class attribute), 1-n & n-n (double arrow with dot in the middle) and other classes external key pointing to our current class (single arrow pointing to current class). The origin of each attributes is shown with a color code (same one as Attribute tabs' first column) on the left of each attribute

Data Model viewer class relations

This graphical view allows to click on different class names in order to navigate through the datamodel and to see when the current class is linked to another class through a linkset (1-n or n-n). To get more details about this linkset, hover the dot between 2 classes.

iTop Data Model viewer class relations n:n

On classes with one (or more) hierarical key attribute, you can find a bowed arrow on top of the class rectangle and also a bowed arrow next to each hierarical key attribute.

iTop Data Model viewer class relations hiearchy

Lifecycle tab

On the Lifecycle tab, if a lifecycle has been set up, a graph build with graphviz will be displayed along with related information about different relationship between states, transitions and attributes options (Read-only, mandatory or hidden).

In the States & Transition tree below the graph, you find the event code leading to a state's transition. You might need that for setting triggers in Auto-xxx extensions.


Data Model viewer class lifecycle

Triggers tab

Displays the triggers activated for the current class.

Data Model viewer class triggers

latest/admin/browsing_the_data_model.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/10 10:25 by
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