Known Issues in 3.1.0 version
As with every STS version, some stuff are not yet finalized and we are aware (see the list below) and for some we are not aware, and in that case don't hesitate to tell us in the SourceForge Forum or to our support team (for Combodo customers).
N°6218 - Counter on tab not refreshed after links creation/edition/removal in read mode. → click on refresh button of the parent object
N°6531 - Trigger on Update on n-n fields not working when object updated in pop-up. → create 3 triggers on linked object (creation, update, deletion)fixed in iTop 3.1.1 -
N°6310 - Create/edit in pop-up, manage n:n links → create or edit the object in full screen
N°6257 - n:n - Pop-up edition, Search on ExtKey : loose focus on link host tab, back to properties
N°6229 - External Key frozen in Pop-up creation: special case of field dependency
N°6547 - n-n linked updatable though it is readonly in a lifecycle statefixed in iTop 3.1.1 -
N°537 - Creation in pop-up of objects with mandatory blob, fails
N°6651 - Bulk modify n:n like Tagset: checkbox ignoredfixed in iTop 3.1.1 -
N°6667 - trigger Apply stimilus Ignored when applied in CRUD extensibility when a value used in trigger filter has been updatedfixed in iTop 3.1.1 -
User creation in pop-up does not allow to set the Allowed organizations. The user must be modified in full screen to set them later if needed.
User creation does not allow to specify a reason anymore for adding a Profile. It can be done on the profile side of the relation, also it is a bit cumbersome.
N°6557 - PHP 8.1 : Deprecated Constant when adding a contact to ticket on ticket creation → Add iTop configuration'log_level_min' => array( \DeprecatedCallsLog::ENUM_CHANNEL_PHP_METHOD => LogAPI::LEVEL_WARNING, \DeprecatedCallsLog::ENUM_CHANNEL_PHP_LIBMETHOD => LogAPI::LEVEL_WARNING, \DeprecatedCallsLog::ENUM_CHANNEL_FILE => LogAPI::LEVEL_WARNING, ),
fixed in iTop 3.1.1
N°7024 - opening an object with abstract class indirect linked set in Portal fails
N°6520 - Counter on file attribute / attachment download not working on portal
N°5930 - finalclass used in Complementary Name is not translated
N°6327 - Enum in Complementary Name not labelized
N°6677 - Notification in test status sended to all mail addresses not only test recipientfixed in iTop 3.1.1
* N°6710 - 6716 -
Performance issue and high memory consumption on operation on
Persons and Ticket classes (ex data synchronisation) fixed in
iTop 3.1.0-3
Combodo's customers
N°6554 - loose tab “users” when Person presentation is updated in Designerfixed in Designer
· Last modified: 2023/12/21 09:05 (external edit)