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Creating a new dashlet for console dashboards: iFrame

Add a new type of dashlet
PHP, Presentation
min version:

This document explains, step by step, how to create your own iTop module in order to add a new dashlet to the console dashboards: an iFrame.

Goals of this tutorial

In this step-by-step tutorial you will learn to:

  • create your own extension module for iTop 2.5
  • create a new class of dashlet
  • add a new entry into an existing dashboard

For the purpose of this tutorial we will create a new class of Dashlet, called IFrameDashlet, that will be very simple and embed a external webpage.

What you will need

  • iTop installed on a development machine, on which you can easily access/edit the files.
  • A text editor capable of editing PHP and XML file and supporting UTF-8. On Windows you can use Wordpad (Notepad does not like Unix line endings) or one of the excellent free development IDEs like PSPad or Notepad++.

Customization process

The customization process is the following:

  1. Install a development instance of iTop. It is always better not to experiment in production !!
  2. Install the toolkit to assist you in the customization
  3. Create a new (empty) module using the module creation wizard
  4. Copy this new module to the extensions folder on iTop and run the setup again to install the empty module
  5. Modify the module in extensions and use the toolkit to check your customizations

Repeat the last point until you are satisfied with your customization. When you are done, your new module is ready to be deployed. Copy the module folder in the extension directory on your production iTop instance and run the setup to install it.

Step by step tutorial

Create your customization module

Use the module creation wizard. Fill the form with the following values:

Label Value Remarks
Module name sample-add-dashlet Names starting with itop- and combodo- are reserved for use by Combodo. It is recommended not to put spaces or accentuated characters in the name of the module. Two modules with the same name cannot co-exist in the same iTop instance.
Module Label Add Dashlet Sample This label will be displayed in the setup wizard. Localized characters and spaces are allowed
Module Version 1.0.0 The convention is to use a 3 digits numbering scheme: X.Y.Z
Category business Modules that provide modifications to the data model should be in the category 'business'

Click Generate ! to download the empty module as a zip file.

Install the empty module

Expand the content of the zip into the extensions folder of your development iTop instance. You should now have a folder named sample-add-dashlet inside the extensions folder. this folder contains the following files:

  • datamodel.sample-add-dashlet.xml
  • module.sample-add-dashlet.php
  • en.dict.sample-add-dashlet.php
  • model.sample-add-dashlet.php

Make sure that the file conf/production/config-itop.php is writable for the web server (on Windows: right click to display the file properties and uncheck the read-only flag; on Linux change the rights of the file), then launch the iTop installation by pointing your browser to http://your_itop/setup/

Launching the re-install

Click “Continue »” to start the re-installation.

Make sure that “Update an existing instance” is selected before clicking “Next »”.

Continue to the next steps of the wizard…

Select the new extension

Your custom module should appear in the list of “Extensions”. If it's not the case, check that the module files were copied in the proper location and that the web server has enough rights to read them.

Select your custom module before clicking “Next »” and complete the installation.

Add the IFrameDashlet class

Using you favorite text editor, create the file in your extension folder.

Add the following piece of code:

class DashletIFrame extends Dashlet
        public function __construct($oModelReflection, $sId)
                parent::__construct($oModelReflection, $sId);
        static public function GetInfo()
        public function GetPropertiesFields(DesignerForm $oForm)
        public function Render($oPage, $bEditMode = false, $aExtraParams = array())

This is the base code to create a dashlet. As you can see, the methods are empty for now, we will have to implement them, but first let see what their purposes are.

  • “GetInfo” is used to retrieve basic informations on the dashlet such as its label, description and icon. This is mainly used in the dashboard un der the “Available dashlets” menu.
  • “GetPropertiesFields” is used to build the configuration form fo the dashlet. It is where we will have to put the parameters the user will fill to set the dashlet up.
  • “Render” is used to make the HTML rendering of the dashlet, which is where most of the logic happen.

Let's start with the GetInfo method. Replace the empty method with the following piece of code:

  • “label” will be used as a tooltip in the dashlet palet when editing a dashboard.
  • “icon” will also be used in the dashlet palet. The path must be relative to the application root folder.
  • “description” is not displayed for now, but should be soon.
        static public function GetInfo()
                return array(
                                'label' => Dict::S('UI:DashletIframe:Label'),
                                'icon' => 'env-'.utils::GetCurrentEnvironment().'/sample-add-dashlet/images/iframe.png',
                                'description' => Dict::S('UI:DashletIframe:Description'),

Then replace the GetPropertiesFields method with the following:

        public function GetPropertiesFields(DesignerForm $oForm)
                $oField = new DesignerLongTextField('url', Dict::S('UI:DashletIframe:Prop-Url'), $this->aProperties['url']);
                $oField = new DesignerIntegerField('width', Dict::S('UI:DashletIframe:Prop-Width'), $this->aProperties['width']);
                $oField = new DesignerIntegerField('height', Dict::S('UI:DashletIframe:Prop-Height'), $this->aProperties['height']);

As you can see, we add one DesignerXXXField for each parameter we need the user to fill and that is it. iTop will handle the form processing and interactions with the dashboard.

Unfortunately there is no documentation of the available field classes. To find what's available, check the DesignerFormField class and its derivated classes in application/

Finally replace the Render method with the following code:

        public function Render($oPage, $bEditMode = false, $aExtraParams = array())
                $sUrl = $this->aProperties['url'];
                $iWidth = (int) $this->aProperties['width'];
                $iHeight = (int) $this->aProperties['height'];
                $oPage->add('<div class="dashlet-content">');
                $sId = utils::GetSafeId('dashlet_iframe_'.($bEditMode? 'edit_' : '').$this->sId);
                $oPage->add('<iframe id="'.$sId.'" width="'.$iWidth.'" height="'.$iHeight.'" frameborder="0" src="'.$sUrl.'"></iframe>');
            $oPage->add('<div style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; cursor: not-allowed;"></div>');

In this case, the code is pretty simple as we just want to display an iframe tag pointing to an URL. But this is where you should do your dashlet's logic, retrieving objects through OQL, computing stuff and all. As you have access to the $oPage element, you can even bring CSS or JS files/snippets. Sky is the limit!

Now, your file should look like this:

class DashletIFrame extends Dashlet
        public function __construct($oModelReflection, $sId)
                parent::__construct($oModelReflection, $sId);
                $this->aProperties['url'] = '';
                $this->aProperties['width'] = 600;
                $this->aProperties['height'] = 650;
                $this->aCSSClasses[] = 'dashlet-inline';
        public function Render($oPage, $bEditMode = false, $aExtraParams = array())
                $sUrl = $this->aProperties['url'];
                $iWidth = (int) $this->aProperties['width'];
                $iHeight = (int) $this->aProperties['height'];
                $oPage->add('<div class="dashlet-content">');
                $sId = utils::GetSafeId('dashlet_iframe_'.($bEditMode? 'edit_' : '').$this->sId);
                $oPage->add('<iframe id="'.$sId.'" width="'.$iWidth.'" height="'.$iHeight.'" frameborder="0" src="'.$sUrl.'"></iframe>');
            $oPage->add('<div style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; cursor: not-allowed;"></div>');
        public function GetPropertiesFields(DesignerForm $oForm)
                $oField = new DesignerLongTextField('url', Dict::S('UI:DashletIframe:Prop-Url'), $this->aProperties['url']);
                $oField = new DesignerIntegerField('width', Dict::S('UI:DashletIframe:Prop-Width'), $this->aProperties['width']);
                $oField = new DesignerIntegerField('height', Dict::S('UI:DashletIframe:Prop-Height'), $this->aProperties['height']);
        static public function GetInfo()
                return array(
                                'label' => Dict::S('UI:DashletIframe:Label'),
                                'icon' => 'env-'.utils::GetCurrentEnvironment().'/itop-iframe-dashlet/images/iframe.png',
                                'description' => Dict::S('UI:DashletIframe:Description'),

Check your modification by running the toolkit. Point your browser to http://your_itop/toolkit.

Checking the modifications with the toolkit

If any error is reported at this stage, fix it by editing the XML file and check again your modifications by clicking on the “Refresh” button in the toolkit page.

Once all the errors have been fixed, you can apply the modifications to iTop by using the second tab of the toolkit. Click on the button Update iTop Code and Database! to:

  1. Compile the XML data model to PHP classes
  2. Update the database schema (creation of the monitor table).

At this point, if you navigate in iTop and click on the “Edit this page” in the “Welcome page”, you can see that “iFrame” is available in the dashlet list:

The following form gets displayed when you drag & drop the dashlet to the dashboard:

Fill the parameters, save and you will see your dashlet in the dashboard!

Add meta informations

Meta informations are useful when you want to use your dashlet with the ITSM Designer as they will enable it to be used for configuring dashboards.

To do so, edit the datamodel.sample-add-dashlet.xml file of your extension and create a tag /itop_design/meta/dashlets/dashlet[@id=“IFrameDashlet”]. Note that the dashlet tag id MUST be the class name of your dashlet. You should have the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<itop_design xmlns:xsi="" version="1.0">
          <dashlet id="DashletIFrame" _delta="define">

Now, put the dashlet meta information within the dashlet tag:

  • “label”, the label of your dashlet.
  • “icon”, the icon to appear in the “Available dashlets” menu. Note that the path is relative to the extension folder and not the app root!
  • “description”, the description of the dashlet.
  • “configuration”, this is the main difference with the Dashlet::GetInfo method. It should contain a sample XML configuration of the dashlet to help the user know what is to be configured. This is necessary as the ITSM Designer will not be able to render the properties form due to security reasons.

You should now have the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<itop_design xmlns:xsi="" version="1.0">
          <dashlet id="DashletIFrame" _delta="define">
                <description>Embed external web page as a dashlet.</description>

Next Steps

To deploy your customization to another iTop server, simply copy the folder “sample-add-dashlet” to the extensions folder of iTop and run the setup again.

2_7_0/customization/add-dashlet-sample.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/15 15:23 (external edit)
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