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Creating new Profiles

This document explains, step by step, how to create your own iTop module in order to create new profiles to grant access to the iTop application.

Goals of this tutorial

In this step-by-step tutorial you will learn to:

  • create your own extension module for iTop
  • define new profiles for iTop
  • on-board the new profiles by running the setup again

For the purpose of this tutorial we will create two new profiles:

  • A complete read-only profile, which grants the users the rights to browse through the application, but not to change anything in iTop
  • A read-only profile similar to the “Portal user” profile which grants the users enough rights to browse through the normal iTop application in read-only mode for most classes but also to use the Portal for submitting User Requests.

Existing Profiles

with the Designer

Prerequisite: You must be a Combodo's customer

New Profile

Managing Profiles

Create a New Profile

To create a new profile, click on the Add Profile button in the toolbar. The following dialog is displayed:

Add Profile

The name and description of the profile will appear in iTop exactly as typed here. In the current version of iTop this information cannot be localized.

Add Groups to this new Profile

To add a group into the profile, click on the Add Group button at the bottom of the lists of groups. A dialog, prompting for the group to add, is then displayed:

Pick the group to add

The special group All Classes (*) is available to grant access rights (for example Read) on any class. The content of this group cannot be edited and the group itself cannot be deleted.

To remove a group from the profile, click on the Remove button on the same line as the name of the group. This brings up the following confirmation dialog:

Remove group confirmation

Define the rights for each group

To edit the rights associated with a given group, click on the Edit button on the same line as the name of the group. The following dialog is displayed:

The events listed in the dialog box depends on the classes constituting the group. When none of the classes has a lifecycle, there are no events and only the six basic operations (read, write, delete and their bulk counterparts) are available.

Edit Grants

For each type of grant select if the operation will be “Allow(ed)”, “Undefined” (i.e. not allowed by this profile) or definitely“Denied”.

Be aware that “Deny” has precedence over all other “grants”. If a profile denies the rights to a particular action, all users having this profile will be denied the rights to perform this action, even if they have another profile which explicitly allows them to perform the same action.

New Group

Create a new group if none of the existing fits your need. Then add it to the profile as described above.

To create a new group, click on the Add Group button in the toolbar. The following dialog is displayed:

Add Group

Once the group is created, use the check-boxes in the tree-view of the center pane to add classes into the group.

Selecting a class in the tree automatically selects all its descendants
Be aware that splitting a branch between different groups, can have side effect.
If you give access to a child class but not to its parents classes, then users won't be able to see relationship defined at the parent level
If you give access to the parent class and not all sub-classes, users will be able to see all fields of the parent classes for all sub-classes, even those they are not allowed to see
Users having the Power user profile can even put in Group, classes which are not proposed in the tree structure, they must enter the class name coma separated in the white input zone at the bottom

Check the User rights Designer user guide, for more details.

with an iTop Extension

Prerequisite: You must have already created an iTop extension.

What you will need

  • iTop installed on a development machine, on which you can easily access/edit the files.
  • A text editor capable of editing PHP and XML file and supporting UTF-8. On Windows you can use Wordpad (Notepad does not like Unix line endings) or one of the excellent free development IDEs like PSPad or Notepad++.

Customization process

The customization process is the following:

  1. Install a development instance of iTop. It is always better not to experiment in production !!
  2. Install the toolkit to assist you in the customization
  3. Create a new (empty) module using the module creation wizard
  4. Copy this new module to the extensions folder on iTop and run the setup again to install the empty module
  5. Modify the module in extensions and use the toolkit to check your customizations
  6. Run the setup again to create the new profile(s)

Repeat the last two points until you are satisfied with your customization. When you are done, your new module is ready to be deployed. Copy the module folder in the extensions directory on your production iTop instance and run the setup to install it.

Step by step tutorial

Create your Module

Use the module creation wizard. Fill the form with the following values:

Label Value Remarks
Module name sample-add-profile Names starting with itop- and combodo- are reserved for use by Combodo. It is recommended not to put spaces or accentuated characters in the name of the module. Two modules with the same name cannot co-exist in the same iTop instance.
Module Label Add Profile Sample This label will be displayed in the setup wizard. Localized characters and spaces are allowed
Module Version 1.0.0 The convention is to use a 3 digits numbering scheme: X.Y.Z
Category business Modules that provide modifications to the data model should be in the category 'business'
Dependencies itop-profiles-itil/1.0.0 Our customization module depends on the modules: iTop Profiles ITIL since we will be using the groups defined in this module. Note that this module retained the version 1.0.0 even in iTop 2.0 !!

Click Generate ! to download the empty module as a zip file.

Install the empty module

Expand the content of the zip into the extensions folder of your development iTop instance. You should now have a folder named sample-profile-class inside the extensions folder. this folder contains the following files:

  • datamodel.sample-add-profile.xml
  • module.sample-add-profile.php
  • en.dict.sample-add-profile.php
  • model.sample-add-profile.php

Make sure that the file conf/production/config-itop.php is writable for the web server (on Windows: right click to display the file properties and uncheck the read-only flag; on Linux change the rights of the file), then launch the iTop installation by pointing your browser to http://your_itop/setup/

Launching the re-install

Click “Continue »” to start the re-installation.

Make sure that “Update an existing instance” is selected before clicking “Next »”.

Continue to the next steps of the wizard…

Select the new extension

Your custom module should appear in the list of “Extensions”. If this is not the case, check that the module files have been copied in the proper location and that the web server has enough rights to read them.

Select your custom module before clicking “Next »” and complete the installation.

Declare the new Profiles

Using you favorite text editor, open the file datamodel.sample-add-profile.xml.

Inside the user_rights tag, add the following piece of XML:

    <profile id="50" _delta="define">
        <name>Read-Only Except Requests</name>
        <description>Users with this profile are allowed to browse through all objects in the application and to create/modify user requests (either through the portal or in the normal application)</description>
            <group id="Portal">
                    <action id="write">allow</action>
                    <action id="delete">allow</action>
            <group id="UserRequest">
                    <action id="action:write">allow</action>
                    <action id="stimulus:ev_close" xsi:type="stimulus">allow</action>
                    <action id="stimulus:ev_reopen" xsi:type="stimulus">allow</action>
            <group id="*">
                    <action id="action:read">allow</action>
                    <action id="action:bulk read">allow</action>
    <profile id="51" _delta="define">
        <name>Read-Only No Portal Access</name>
        <description>Users with this profile are allowed to browse through all objects in the application but not to modify anything (event through the portal)</description>
            <group id="*">
                    <action id="action:read">allow</action>
                    <action id="action:bulk read">allow</action>

This instructs iTop to define two new profiles.

  • The first profile (numbered id=“50”) is actually a clone of the “Portal User” profile. The only difference is that “Portal User” is a conventional name for a profile. Any user which has the “Portal User” profile is automatically directed to the portal interface of iTop. Since our new profile is named “Read-Only Except Requests”, users with this profile are allowed to navigate through the standard user interface of iTop.
  • The second profile (numbered id=“51”) is a pure read-only profile: it allows only to browse through iTop but not to change anything.

The profiles are defined by accumulating rights on a given set of classes - listed in “groups”. By convention the group with id=“*” means “any class”. The other groups used in this example are the groups already defined in the module “itop-profiles-itil” (you can see their definition in the file datamodel.itop-profiles-itil.xml).

For example the group “Portal user - write” is defined as follows:

      <group id="Portal user - write" _delta="define">
          <class id="FileDoc"/>
          <class id="lnkTicketToDoc"/>
          <class id="UserRequest"/>

This group is used to grant rights on the classes: FileDoc (a file document), UserRequest (a user request ticket) and also lnkTicketToDoc (the n:n relation between a Document and a Ticket). In order to let the end-user create a User Request ticket (and attach/detach documents to the ticket), the profile “Read-Only Except Requests” must grant write access to all classes in this group (The read access is granted by the rule on the “*” group).

Refer to the XML reference documentation for more information about the XML syntax for groups and profiles.

Since we don't need to redefine any group of classes, the datamodel.add-profile-sample.xml file should contain only the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<itop_design xmlns:xsi="" version="1.0">
            <profile id="50" _delta="define">
                <name>Read-Only Except Requests</name>
                <description>Users with this profile are allowed to browse through all objects in the application and to create/modify user requests (either through the portal or in the normal application)</description>
                    <group id="Portal">
                            <action id="write">allow</action>
                            <action id="delete">allow</action>
                    <group id="UserRequest">
                            <action id="action:write">allow</action>
                            <action id="ev_close" xsi:type="stimulus">allow</action>
                            <action id="ev_reopen" xsi:type="stimulus">allow</action>
                    <group id="*">
                            <action id="read">allow</action>
                            <action id="bulk read">allow</action>
            <profile id="51" _delta="define">
                <name>Read-Only No Portal Access</name>
                <description>Users with this profile are allowed to browse through all objects in the application but not to modify anything (event through the portal)</description>
                    <group id="*">
                            <action id="read">allow</action>
                            <action id="bulk read">allow</action>

Check your modification by running the toolkit. Point your browser to http://your_itop/toolkit.

Checking the modifications with the toolkit

If any error is reported at this stage, fix it by editing the XML file and check again your modifications by clicking on the “Refresh” button in the toolkit page.

On-board the new Profiles

When you are done with the modifications, you need to run the setup again in order to onboard the new profiles.

Make sure that the file conf/production/config-itop.php is writable for the web server (on Windows: right click to display the file properties and uncheck the read-only flag; on Linux change the rights of the file), then launch the iTop installation by pointing your browser to http://your_itop/setup/

Launching the re-install

Click “Continue »” to start the re-installation.

Make sure that “Update an existing instance” is selected before clicking “Next »”.

Continue to the next steps of the wizard…

Select the new extension

Your custom module should appear in the list of “Extensions”, it should already be checked and greyed out (meaning that you cannot deinstall it). Just press “Next »” and complete the installation.

The profiles are defined in the XML but are actually stored in the database. The on-boarding operation that loads them into the database is currently performed only by the setup, so you need to run the setup again each time a new profile is defined (or if a profile definition is modified).

Final Customization Module

You can download the complete customization module by clicking on the link below:

Next Steps

To deploy your customization to another iTop server, simply copy the folder “sample-add-profile” to the extensions folder of iTop and run the setup again.

3_0_0/customization/add-profile-sample.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/17 18:31 (external edit)
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