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Class for adding an item into a popup menu that triggers some Javascript code



since 2.0

API synthesis

List of the public API methods. When manipulating JSPopupMenuItem, You can call those methods:

  • __construct() — Class for adding an item that triggers some Javascript code

Public methods


api public

Class for adding an item that triggers some Javascript code
public __construct($sUID, $sLabel, $sJSCode, $aIncludeJSFiles = array())


types name default description
string $sUID The unique identifier of this menu in iTop… make sure you pass something unique enough
string $sLabel The display label of the menu (must be localized)
string $sJSCode In case the menu consists in executing some havascript code inside the page, pass it here. If supplied $sURL ans $sTarget will be ignored
array $aIncludeJSFiles array() An array of file URLs to be included (once) to provide some JS libraries for the page.

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2_7_0/customization/api/extensions/jspopupmenuitem.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/15 15:23 (external edit)
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