Obsolete object
Introduced by iTop 2.4, the Data Model now includes an obsolescence notion defined per class of object, to improve user experience by highlighting / hiding obsolete objects.
Highlight obsolete objects
Object defined as obsolete are flagged in the console to make this aspect obvious, by graphical icon and tag.
Improved Impact Analysis
Hide obsolete objects
Based on user preference, objects which are defined as obsolete, are removed from displayed lists in the iTop console.
An obsolete object details is displayed
regardless of user preference.
Be cautious with this user
preference, it does hide existing objects:
modify mode
In details screen, on a drop-down list: obsolete objects will not be proposed.
In a relation tab, obsolete objects will not be displayed, so cannot be removed.
In a relation tab, obsolete objects cannot be added.
other display difference
Search menu and Shortcuts display a list without obsolete objects
Dashlets do not include obsolete objects
Global Search do not return obsolete objects
Bulk modify will not modify obsolete objects
Audit does not report audit errors on obsolete objects
Run Query does not return obsolete objects
CSV Export should return a list without obsolete objects
CSV import of
obsolete objects is still possible in this mode
latest/user/obsolescence.txt · Last
modified: 2024/09/10 10:25 by