Advanced Storage Management Module
Fiber Channel Interface
A Fibre Channel
Interface, is a network interface to a high-speed network
technology primarily used for connecting shared storage devices
(Storage Systems in iTop).
Fiber Channel Interface Properties
Name | Type | Mandatory? |
Name | Alphanumeric string | Yes |
Device | Foreign key to a(n) Datacenter Device | Yes |
Speed | Decimal value (could be negative) | No |
Topology | Alphanumeric string | No |
WWN | Alphanumeric string | No |
Creating a new Fiber Channel Interface
Type the Class name in the Quick create area to
create a new object, then fill the form and press the
Logical Volume
Logical Volume Properties
Name | Type | Mandatory? |
Name | Alphanumeric string | Yes |
LUN ID | Alphanumeric string | Yes |
Description | Multiline character string | No |
Storage system | Foreign key to a(n) Storage System | Yes |
Raid level | Alphanumeric string | No |
Size | Alphanumeric string | No |
Tab | Description |
Servers | All the servers using this volume |
Virtual devices | All the virtual devices using this volume |
Creating a new Logical Volume
Type the Class name in the Quick create area to
create a new object, then fill the form and press the
Impacts: a Logical Volume impacts the systems that use it (Servers, Hypervisors, Farms,Virtual Machines).
Depends on: a Logical Volume depends on its Storage System.
A Network-Attached Storage system (in
short: NAS) is a specialized file server appliance that connects to
the network. In iTop a NAS is linked to NAS File Systems.
NAS Properties
Name | Type | Mandatory? |
Name | Alphanumeric string | Yes |
Organization | Foreign key to a(n) Organization | Yes |
Status | Possible values: implementation, obsolete, production, stock | No |
Business criticity | Possible values: high, low, medium | No |
Location | Foreign key to a(n) Location | No |
Rack | Foreign key to a(n) Rack | No |
Enclosure | Foreign key to a(n) Enclosure | No |
Brand | Foreign key to a(n) Brand | No |
Model | Foreign key to a(n) Model | No |
NB U | Numeric value (could be negative) | No |
Serial number | Alphanumeric string | No |
Asset number | Alphanumeric string | No |
Move to production date | Date (year-month-day) | No |
Purchase date | Date (year-month-day) | No |
End of warranty | Date (year-month-day) | No |
PowerA source | Foreign key to a(n) Power Connection | No |
PowerB source | Foreign key to a(n) Power Connection | No |
Description | Multiline character string | No |
Tab | Description |
Contacts | All the contracts for this configuration item |
Documents | All the documents linked to this configuration item |
Tickets | All the tickets for this configuration item |
Network interfaces | All the physical network interfaces |
FC ports | All the fiber channel interfaces for this device |
Network devices | All network devices connected to this device |
Filesystems | All the file systems in this NAS |
Provider contracts | All the provider contracts for this configuration item |
Creating a new NAS
Type the Class name in the Quick create area to
create a new object, then fill the form and press the
Impacts: a NAS impacts its NAS File Systems, the Application Solutions that this NAS is part of and all the contacts (Persons, Teams) directly linked to the NAS.
Depends on: A NAS depends on the Network Devices and SAN Swtiches to which it is connected and the Enclosure in which the NAS is installed (if any).
NAS File System
A NAS File System is
the object that represents in iTop a shared file system hosted
inside a given NAS.
NAS File System Properties
Name | Type | Mandatory? |
Name | Alphanumeric string | Yes |
Description | Multiline character string | No |
NAS | Foreign key to a(n) NAS | Yes |
Raid level | Alphanumeric string | No |
Size | Alphanumeric string | No |
Creating a new NAS File System
Type the Class name in the Quick create area to
create a new object, then fill the form and press the
Impacts: none.
Depends on: a NAS File System depends on its NAS.
SAN Switch
A SAN Switch is a
network switch compatible with the Fibre Channel protocol used by
storage networks.
SAN Switch Properties
Name | Type | Mandatory? |
Name | Alphanumeric string | Yes |
Organization | Foreign key to a(n) Organization | Yes |
Status | Possible values: implementation, obsolete, production, stock | No |
Business criticity | Possible values: high, low, medium | No |
Location | Foreign key to a(n) Location | No |
Rack | Foreign key to a(n) Rack | No |
Enclosure | Foreign key to a(n) Enclosure | No |
Brand | Foreign key to a(n) Brand | No |
Model | Foreign key to a(n) Model | No |
NB U | Numeric value (could be negative) | No |
Serial number | Alphanumeric string | No |
Asset number | Alphanumeric string | No |
Move to production date | Date (year-month-day) | No |
Purchase date | Date (year-month-day) | No |
End of warranty | Date (year-month-day) | No |
PowerA source | Foreign key to a(n) Power Connection | No |
PowerB source | Foreign key to a(n) Power Connection | No |
Description | Multiline character string | No |
Tab | Description |
Contacts | All the contracts for this configuration item |
Documents | All the documents linked to this configuration item |
Tickets | All the tickets for this configuration item |
Network interfaces | All the physical network interfaces |
FC ports | All the fiber channel interfaces for this device |
Network devices | All network devices connected to this device |
Devices | All the devices connected to this SAN switch |
Provider contracts | All the provider contracts for this configuration item |
Creating a new SAN Switch
Type the Class name in the Quick create area to
create a new object, then fill the form and press the
Impacts: a SAN Switch impacts the devices connected to it (Network Devices, other SAN Switches, Servers, Tape Libraries, NAS, etc.) the Application Solutions that this SAN Switch is part of and all the contacts (Persons, Teams) directly linked to the SAN Switch.
Depends on: a SAN Switch depends on the other devices it is connected to (Network Devices and SAN Switches) and the Enclosure in which the SAN Switch is installed (if any).
Storage System
A Storage System is
used in iTop to describe any storage system that can be attached
either to a SAN or to an Ethernet network. The logical unit of
storage managed by a Storage System is a Logical Volume.
Storage System Properties
Name | Type | Mandatory? |
Name | Alphanumeric string | Yes |
Organization | Foreign key to a(n) Organization | Yes |
Status | Possible values: implementation, obsolete, production, stock | No |
Business criticity | Possible values: high, low, medium | No |
Location | Foreign key to a(n) Location | No |
Rack | Foreign key to a(n) Rack | No |
Enclosure | Foreign key to a(n) Enclosure | No |
Brand | Foreign key to a(n) Brand | No |
Model | Foreign key to a(n) Model | No |
NB U | Numeric value (could be negative) | No |
Serial number | Alphanumeric string | No |
Asset number | Alphanumeric string | No |
Move to production date | Date (year-month-day) | No |
Purchase date | Date (year-month-day) | No |
End of warranty | Date (year-month-day) | No |
PowerA source | Foreign key to a(n) Power Connection | No |
PowerB source | Foreign key to a(n) Power Connection | No |
Description | Multiline character string | No |
Tab | Description |
Contacts | All the contracts for this configuration item |
Documents | All the documents linked to this configuration item |
Tickets | All the tickets for this configuration item |
Network interfaces | All the physical network interfaces |
FC ports | All the fiber channel interfaces for this device |
Network devices | All network devices connected to this device |
Logical volumes | All the logical volumes in this storage system |
SANs | All the SAN switches connected to this device |
Provider contracts | All the provider contracts for this configuration item |
Creating a new Storage System
Type the Class name in the Quick create area to
create a new object, then fill the form and press the
Impacts: a Storage System impacts the Logival Volumes hosted on it, the Application Solutions that this Storage System is part of and all the contacts (Persons, Teams) directly linked to the Storage System.
Depends on: a Storage System depends on the network devices it is connected to (Network Devices and SAN Switches) and the Enclosure in which the Storage System is installed (if any).
Tape Properties
Name | Type | Mandatory? |
Name | Alphanumeric string | Yes |
Description | Multiline character string | No |
Tape library | Foreign key to a(n) Tape Library | Yes |
Size | Alphanumeric string | No |
Creating a new Tape
Type the Class name in the Quick create area to
create a new object, then fill the form and press the
Impacts: none.
Depends on: the Tape Library in which this Tape is stored.
Tape Library
A Tape Library is a
storage device which contains one or more tape drives, a number of
slots to hold tape cartridges and an automated method for loading
tapes. Tape Libraries are used for data backup or archiving.
Tape Library Properties
Name | Type | Mandatory? |
Name | Alphanumeric string | Yes |
Organization | Foreign key to a(n) Organization | Yes |
Status | Possible values: implementation, obsolete, production, stock | No |
Business criticity | Possible values: high, low, medium | No |
Location | Foreign key to a(n) Location | No |
Rack | Foreign key to a(n) Rack | No |
Enclosure | Foreign key to a(n) Enclosure | No |
Brand | Foreign key to a(n) Brand | No |
Model | Foreign key to a(n) Model | No |
NB U | Numeric value (could be negative) | No |
Serial number | Alphanumeric string | No |
Asset number | Alphanumeric string | No |
Move to production date | Date (year-month-day) | No |
Purchase date | Date (year-month-day) | No |
End of warranty | Date (year-month-day) | No |
PowerA source | Foreign key to a(n) Power Connection | No |
PowerB source | Foreign key to a(n) Power Connection | No |
Description | Multiline character string | No |
Tab | Description |
Tapes | All the tapes in the tape library |
Contacts | All the contracts for this configuration item |
Documents | All the documents linked to this configuration item |
Tickets | All the tickets for this configuration item |
Network interfaces | All the physical network interfaces |
FC ports | All the fiber channel interfaces for this device |
Network devices | All network devices connected to this device |
Provider contracts | All the provider contracts for this configuration item |
Creating a new Tape Library
Type the Class name in the Quick create area to
create a new object, then fill the form and press the
Impacts: a Tape Library impacts the Tapes stored in it, the Application Solutions that this Tape Library is part of and all the contacts (Persons, Teams) directly linked to the Tape Library.
Depends on: a Tape Library depends on the SAN Switches it is connected to and the Enclosure in which the Tape Library is installed (if any).