You are browsing the documentation for iTop 3.0 which is not the current version.

Consider browsing to iTop 3.2 documentation

Migrate an Extension to 3.0

XML datamodel

Removed file

The setup documentation (doc.manual_setup module key) for the itop-tickets module was replaced from a html page (/documentation/itop-tickets.htm) to a wiki link (Background tasks).

Dictionnary removed entries

Entry code Replaced by
'UI:YourSearch' 'UI:Component:GlobalSearch:Input:Placeholder'
'UI:Dashboard:Edit' 'UI:Dashboard:EditCustom'
'UI:Dashboard:Revert' 'UI:Dashboard:DeleteCustom'
'PageTitle:ClassProjections' Not replaced
'UI:UserManagement:Profile' Not replaced
'UI-ChangeManagementMenu-ChangesByWorkgroup' Not replaced
'UserLDAP/Attribute:password' Not replaced

Module dependencies

As the 3.0 has moved some classes and menus under new modules (itop-structure and itop-bridge-cmdb-ticket), you may need to change your extension dependencies. Otherwise, it will break at setup!

The new module itop-bridge-cmdb-ticket contains:

  • The following classes definitions:
    • lnkFunctionalCIToTicket
    • lnkFunctionalCIToProviderContract
    • lnkFunctionalCIToService
  • Definition for 3 new fields in the FunctionalCI class:
    • providercontracts_list
    • services_list
    • tickets_list

If your extension modify those classes or one of the 3 fields of FunctionalCI, you must add a dependency to itop-bridge-cmdb-ticket/3.0 to be sure that the module is loaded before your extension.

The module itop-welcome-itil contains only the menu group welcome, the rest was moved in itop-structure, it was only internal iTop classes which are never overloaded.


If your iTop is in Request Management Full ITIL mode, and you have created a Ticket:OnInsert() method, it was by mistake not called for UserRequest creation. It is now !

So if your customization has an implementation for it, check for any adverse impact due to this correction !


The DBObject::GetRelationQueries method (deprecated since 2.2) has been removed. If you find this tag <method id=“GetRelationQueries”> in your XML, you have to replace this method by a itop_design/classes/class/relations tag.

Search in the XML:
Tag Usage Description
<class id="name"> mandatory Declaration of class
<relations> optional Relations between the object of the current class and objects of other classes. Supported only since iTop 2.2.0.
<relation id="impacts"> zero or more A given relation. Today "impacts" is the only value supported by iTop, but a module could use other values
<neighbours> mandatory Neighbour classes
<neighbour id="name"> zero or more Name is usually the neighbour class name. Either an attribute must be specified, or a pair of queries (downward and upward)
<query_down>SELECT SoftwareInstance AS s WHERE s.system_id = :this->id</query_down> optional The OQL query that defines the related objects, following the relation flow (downstream)
<query_up>SELECT System AS s JOIN SoftwareInstance AS si ON si.system_id = WHERE = :this->id</query_up> optional The OQL query that defines the related objects, going backward in the relation flow (upstream)
<attribute>something_list</attribute> optional An alternative to the OQL query is to specify an attribute (an external key or a link set)
<direction>both</direction> optional Set to "down" to restrict the browsing. Defaults to "both"

iTop 2.7 custom themes

If you have customized iTop themes in 2.7, be aware that the format has totally changed and so you will have to rework your customization using rewrite theme.


New APIs

UiBlock and panels

Most of the components seen in iTop screens are now available as UiBlock children implementation. Getting same components in customizations is made much simplier !

To ease getting instances of those objects, some factories are available : see in the /sources/application/UI/Base/Component directory.

Example : display a title, an object list in a tab

In 2.7 you could have a similar code in a DisplayBareRelations override :

// Create a new tab
// Add manually a title with class icon
// Add object list
$oKnownErrorSet = new CMDBObjectSet(DBObjectSearch::FromOQL("SELECT KnownError ..."));
self::DisplaySet($oPage, $oKnownErrorSet, array ('menu' => false));

Now as cmdbAbstractObject::DisplaySet is a wrapper to DataTableUIBlockFactory::MakeForResult, a whole panel (icon, title, object list) can be returned.

In consequence in 3.0.* the above code can be replaced by :

$oKnownErrorSet = new CMDBObjectSet(DBObjectSearch::FromOQL("SELECT KnownError ..."));
self::DisplaySet($oPage, $oKnownErrorSet, [
        'menu' => false,
        'panel_title' => Dict::S('Class:UserRequest:KnownErrorList')),
        'panel_icon' => MetaModel::GetClassIcon('KnownError'),
        'panel_title_tooltip' => Dict::S('Class:UserRequest:KnownErrorList+'),

Keep compatibility

Because There are lots of breaking changes in iTop 3.0.0, you may want to add a test in your code to detect the iTop version in which the module is running. To do so, you can use the ITOP_DESIGN_LATEST_VERSION constant : it will contain the iTop Datamodel XML version, updated on each iTop major version.
For example :

  • 1.7 for iTop 2.7.
  • 3.0 for iTop 3.0.
  • 3.1 for iTop 3.1.*

Usage example :

if (version_compare(ITOP_DESIGN_LATEST_VERSION , 3.0) < 0) {
   // Before iTop 3.0.0, we were writing directly to the page object
   // ...
} else { 
   // Since iTop 3.0.0 we need to use UIBlock instead !
   $oBlock = new HtmlBlock();
   return $oBlock;

This constant can't be used to target an iTop minor version (for example 3.0.1).

To be able to target a specific iTop core version, we introduced the ITOP_CORE_VERSION constant… but this won't be usable in extension module before next iTop LTS version.

Note the ITOP_VERSION can't be used at all as it will contain the version of the application built on top of iTop Core (for example TeemIP standalone).

Breaking changes

Automatic history generation

At the very beginning of iTop API, it was the developper job to fill the history by creating CMDBChange objects. Then the API was modified so that the history objects are created automatically (CMDBChange and CMDBChangeOp* objects). The old methods were kept for existing code, but renamed with the suffix “Tracked” : DBObject::DBInsertTracked, DBObject::DBInsertTrackedNoReload, DBObject::DBUpdateTracked, DBObject::DBDeleteTracked.

In 2.7.0 those DB*Tracked methods were deprecated, and are now removed in 3.0.0.

In consequence, you must replace your old code with the new one !

Example of old code pattern :

$oMyChange = MetaModel::NewObject('CMDBChange');
$oMyChange->Set('date', time());
$oMyChange->Set('userinfo', CMDBChange::GetCurrentUserName());

If you don't need to have your own CMDBChange object, then you can simply replace this code by :


The API will automatically create a CMDBChange object and persist it.
All the subsequent modifications done in objects (DBInsert, DBUpdate, DBDelete) will use the same CMDBChange.
By default the fields will be initialized to :

  • date : current time
  • userinfo : current user login (get by calling CMDBChange::GetCurrentUserName())
  • origin : interactive

For reference, this is done in \CMDBObject::CreateChange.

The values can be modified by calling, before doing any CRUD operation (DBInsert, DBUpdate, DBDelete) :

  • \CMDBObject::SetTrackInfo
  • \CMDBObject::SetTrackOrigin

At any moment the current change can be replaced by calling \CMDBObject::SetCurrentChange. This could be necessary for example in a background process class : you could need to have a CMDBChange for every object the task is processing. But beware that this CMDBChange must be persisted before : indeed it will be used by the API when creating new CMDBChangeOp (change attribute), so the current change MUST has a valid key attribute (> 0).
Note that since 2.7.2 the change can be reset by passing null, so that a new change will automatically be created by the API.

MetaModel::GetStateAttributeCode($sClass) and DBObject::GetState()

When invoking those methods for classes not having a lifecycle, the behavior has changed:

Method 2.7 3.0
MetaModel::GetStateAttributeCode($sClass) <empty string> The semantic status attribute if any, an empty string otherwise
DBObject::GetState() <empty string> The semantic status attribute value if any, an empty string otherwise

This change has an effect in particular for CMDB classes that have a status attribute but no transition like Person, Team, PhysicalDevice, …

What to check:

  • OK If you use these methods to only get the state attribute code, it's fine there is nothing to do.
  • KO If you use these methods to check if a class has a lifecycle or transitions, you might face issues and should use the new MetaModel::HasLifecycle($sClass) method instead.

A new optional parameter $sDecorationClasses has been introduced in third position, before other existing ones. This parameter allows you to define which CSS classes will be used to decorate the menu group in the backoffice, typically some FontAwesome classes to show an icon, but you could also use your own CSS classes to display something totally custom.

Why did we put that new parameter in third position instead of the last one to keep backward compatiblity?

  • When auditing the code base of iTop and its extensions, it appear that other optional parameters where almost never used, whereas this one is on almost every call. It seemed easier / cleaner (in the long term) to migrate a few entries than to fill every optional parameters with a dummy value on all the existing calls.
  • If not migrated, the application does not crash, the menu group only disappears which seemed acceptable as it should be seen on the staging environment when testing migration to 3.0.0
iTop 2.7 and older
// Menu group without optional parameters
$oMenuGroup = new MenuGroup('DataAdministration', 10 /* fRank */);
// Menu group with optional parameters
$oMenuGroup = new MenuGroup('DataAdministration', 10 /* fRank */,
                            'SomeClass' /* sEnableClass*/, 
                            UR_ACTION_READ /*iActionCode */);
iTop 3.0
// Menu group without optional parameters
$oMenuGroup = new MenuGroup('DataAdministration', 
                             10 /* fRank */, 
                             'fas fa-folder' /* sDecorationClasses */);
// Menu group with optional parameters
// Mind that the 'fas fa-folder' has been inserted in third position
$oMenuGroup = new MenuGroup('DataAdministration', 
                             10 /* fRank */, 
                             'fas fa-folder' /* sDecorationClasses */, 
                             'SomeClass' /* sEnableClass*/,
                              UR_ACTION_READ /*iActionCode */);


Since iTop 3.0, JS snippets added to the page using this method are now put at the end of the <body> tag instead of the <head> tag of the page. This aims at improving the drawing time but can have a drawback depending on what you are trying to do.

Those snippets are now executed after the DOM generation whereas they where executed before the DOM generation. This can be a problem if you want to redirect the page for example as the page will now be visible to the user before the redirection happens, giving a flickering sensation.

For such scripts that needs to executed BEFORE the DOM generation, use the new WebPage::add_early_scripts($s_script) that will put the snippet in the <head> tag.

IMPORTANT: As no external JS files will be loaded yet, you can't use libs such as jQuery there.

Persistence VS ormLinkset

The ormLinkSet class was giving wrong results when a module was calling DBUpdate() inside a iApplicationObjectExtension::OnDBInsert override (N°4519).

Since 3.0.0 the ormLinkset are modified by DBObject::DBWriteLinks. They are updated to have:

  • $bHasDelta to false
  • all elements in the aPreserved attribute (no elements in aAdded / aModified / aRemoved)

This way calls to DBUpdate won't be fooled by values not reflecting what is persisted ($bHasDelta===true while everything is already persisted).

By the way : do not rely on ListChanges() within an object creation: in the OnDBInsert() call stack, the result are unpredictable. Do rather use $this->Get('xxx') to check if a given field was set or not.

MPDF library

It was possible to manually add a /mpdf folder to iTop so one could export any page of the backoffice to PDF. As it was not used anymore, this was not migrated in 3.0 and therefore is no longer supported.


\cmdbAbstractObject::DisplayBareHeader : previously the header content was written directly in the $oPage parameter. The $bEditMode parameter could be used to determine if the object is in edit mode.

Since 3.0.0 there are different changes in this method :

  • the content added in the header must be returned in an array containing UIBlock instances under two keys : subtitle and toolbar
  • writing to the $oPage parameter is still possible, but this will output corresponding content above the real header of the panel
  • the $bEditMode parameter is deprecated, you should use instead $this→GetDisplayMode() === ENUM_DISPLAY_MODE_EDIT (mind you can now use other ENUM_DISPLAY_MODE_* constants)

Here are the three ways content will be rendered now :

That means you would need to change your existing overrides of this method :

  • return parent::DisplayBareHeader() to get standard header
  • test how your specific content is rendered, and if needed add it to the returned array using UIBlock instances
  • replace $bEditMode uses

Changes in internal methods

Some internal methods (not meant to be used in customizations) have been removed or renamed in iTop 3.0.0, they should not be present in your customizations (snippets, extensions, …) but you should check to be sure !
As a reference check the CRUD methods sequentiallity : only methods in bold are meant to be overrided in customizations.

In the table below we described each of those changes. For each, search for the string in the “What to search for”“ column in your customizations and proceed as described in the “What to do if found” column.

Mind that for some strings to search, there is no ending parenthesis. This is not a mistake, it's because we cannot anticipate the parameters name.
What changed Why was it removed What to search for What to do if found
Since the removal of the “display_template” property in classes, the corresponding method in the MetaModel has been removed as well MetaModel::
No alternative, you cannot use those template anymore
Deprecated since 2.7 MetaModel::
Use ItopCounter::IncClass( instead and remove any Mutex if you put one
Deprecated since 2.7 CMDBSource::
use method in ItopCounter instead
Refactored in the new NavigationMenu component iTopWebPage::
Use iTopWebPage:: GetNavigationMenuLayout()->IsExpanded() instead
Refactored in the new NavigationMenu component iTopWebPage::
No alternative, you cannot add content to the menu yet
Refactored in the new ActivityPanel component ->DisplayCaseLog( No alternative, you cannot overload the activity panel yet
Refactored in the new ActivityPanel component ->DisplayBareHistory( No alternative, you cannot overload the activity panel yet
Refactored due to the new UIBlock system ::GetDisplaySet( ::GetDisplaySetBlock(
Refactored due to the new UIBlock system ::GetDisplayExtendedSet( No alternative yet
DisplayMenu($oPage, $aExtraParams)
Refactored due to the new backoffice UI ApplicationMenu::
Use ApplicationMenu::GetMenuGroups() instead and refactor your code to use the new returned structure
DisplaySubMenu($oPage, $aMenus, $aExtraParams, $iActiveMenu)
Refactored due to the new backoffice UI ApplicationMenu::
Use ApplicationMenu::GetSubMenuNodes() instead and refactor your code to use the new returned structure
Deprecated since 2.4 ->GetRelatedObjects( Use MetaModel::GetRelatedObjectsUp or MetaModel::GetRelatedObjectsDown instead
Deprecated since 2.4 ->GetRelatedObjects( Use MetaModel::GetRelatedObjectsUp or MetaModel::GetRelatedObjectsDown instead

X-Content-Type-Options HTTP header and CORB protection

Since iTop 2.7.10 / 3.0.4 / 3.1.2 / 3.2.0, the X-Content-Type-Options HTTP header is sent with the nosniff value. This could trigger CORB protection for certain resources, preventing them from loading (see

To mitigate the issue, sending this HTTP header is disabled in AjaxPage, JsonPage and XMLPage.

Make sure that every JSON, XML, HTML and text/plain content you're sending is either output directly or using one of those WebPage implementation !
If you developed a newsroom provider, beware to use the application/javascript MIME type to send your JSONP content, as application/jsonp will trigger CORB protection.
Note a JsonPPage was introduced in iTop 3.1.0


Setup log

All SetupPage::log* methods are deprecated. Replace them by same methods in the SetupLog class (those exists since iTop 2.4.0):

What changed Why was it removed What to search for What to do if found
SetupPage::log_error Deprecated since 2.4 SetupPage::log_error( Use SetupLog::Error( instead
SetupPage::log_warning Deprecated since 2.4 SetupPage::log_warning( Use SetupLog::Warning( instead
SetupPage::log_info Deprecated since 2.4 SetupPage::log_info( Use SetupLog::Info( instead
SetupPage::log_ok Deprecated since 2.4 SetupPage::log_ok( Use SetupLog::Ok( instead
SetupPage::log Deprecated since 2.4 SetupPage::log( Use SetupLog::Ok( instead


This legacy method was used prior to the friendlyname introduction to provide a way to change the object name dynamically. For performance reasons this will no longer be permitted in iTop 3.1 as the method will become “final” meaning that you won't be able to overload it in a DataModel class anymore.

To change how the object name is displayed through the application, customize the class friendlyname and its corresponding dictionary entry in the XML. More information in the XML reference, check the /itop_design/classes/class/properties/naming XML node.

Custom exports

The BulkExport::DisplayFormPart() has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. You should rather use the new BulkExport::GetFormPart() method. The migration is pretty easy, all you have to do is return a UIBlock instead of:

  1. Returning a string
  2. Adding HTML directly into the page using the $oP parameter
iTop 2.7
class CustomExport extends BulkExport {
        public function DisplayFormPart(WebPage $oP, $sPartId) {
                switch($sPartId) {
                        case 'interactive_fields_zip':
                                $this->GetInteractiveFieldsWidget($oP, 'interactive_fields_zip');
                        case 'zip_options':
                                $sHtml = <<<HTML
        Some options for the exporter
                                return parent::DisplayFormPart($oP, $sPartId);
iTop 3.0
use Combodo\iTop\Application\UI\Base\Component\Html\Html;
class CustomExport extends BulkExport {
        public function GetFormPart(WebPage $oP, $sPartId) {
                switch($sPartId) {
                        case 'interactive_fields_zip':
                                return $this->GetInteractiveFieldsWidget($oP, 'interactive_fields_zip');
                        case 'zip_options':
                                $sHtml = <<<HTML
        Some options for the exporter
                                return new Html($sHtml);
                                return parent::DisplayFormPart($oP, $sPartId);

If you want your exporter to be compatible with both iTop 2.7 and iTop 3.0+, you can keep the 2 methods (and refactor the code in protected methods to avoid maintaining it twice).

iTop 3.0 with backward compatiblity with iTop 2.7
// Will work with iTop 2.7 even if the class does not exists
use Combodo\iTop\Application\UI\Base\Component\Html\Html;
class CustomExport extends BulkExport
        // Called by iTop 2.7 and less, never used in iTop 3.0
        public function DisplayFormPart(WebPage $oP, $sPartId)   {
                switch($sPartId) {
                        case 'interactive_fields_zip':
                                $this->GetInteractiveFieldsWidget($oP, 'interactive_fields_zip');
                        case 'zip_options':
                                return parent::DisplayFormPart($oP, $sPartId);
        // Called starting from iTop 3.0.0, never used in iTop 2.7 and less
        public function GetFormPart(WebPage $oP, $sPartId) {
                switch($sPartId) {
                        case 'interactive_fields_zip':
                                return $this->GetInteractiveFieldsWidget($oP, 'interactive_fields_zip');
                        case 'zip_options':
                                return new Html($this->GetZipOptionsAsHtml());
                                return parent::DisplayFormPart($oP, $sPartId);
        protected function GetZipOptionsAsHtml() {
                $sHtml = <<<HTML
        Some options for the exporter
                return $sHtml;

History tab methods

All of the “old” history APIs are deprecated due to the introduction of the “activity panel”, they will be removed in iTop 3.1:

  • cmdbAbstractObject::DisplayBareHistory()
  • HistoryBlock class
  • 'history' operation of the ajax.render.php endpoint
  • 'history_from_filter' operation of the ajax.render.php endpoint

Others deprecations

Other deprecated methods :

  • CMDBObject::CheckUserRights: legacy method that wasn't used anymore
  • skip_strong_security config parameter
  • require or include of the /core/ file : CoreException class was moved to application/exceptions, and is now loaded using the autoloader (see commit b85b4d00)
  • portal methods to forward to a route : in \Combodo\iTop\Portal\Controller\AbstractController the methods ForwardFromRoute and GetControllerNameFromRoute. Use the ForwardToRoute method in the same class instead.


New APIs

UIBlock tags

For extension made with twig, you can use iTop tag in order to use new UIBlock system.

Example :

iTop 3.0 not compatible with iTop 2.7
{% UIAlert ForFailure {sId:'setup_error_outer', sContent:'', IsCollapsible:false, IsClosable:false, IsHidden:true} %}

Explanations :

  • UIAlert is the name of the block
  • ForFailure is the name of function in the factory of the block (you don’t have to repeat the “Make”)
  • sId and sContent are the params of the MakeForFailure method
  • IsCollapsible, IsClosable, IsHidden are calling the corresponding setter (Set… or Add…)


Breaking changes

Moved JS files

The following files are no longer loaded systematically in the iTop pages (iTopWebPage class), but only in necessary pages:

  • js/jquery.positionBy.js
  • js/jquery.popupmenu.js
  • js/search/search_form_handler.js
  • js/search/search_form_handler_history.js
  • js/search/search_form_criteria.js
  • js/search/search_form_criteria_raw.js
  • js/search/search_form_criteria_string.js
  • js/search/search_form_criteria_external_field.js
  • js/search/search_form_criteria_numeric.js
  • js/search/search_form_criteria_enum.js
  • js/search/search_form_criteria_tag_set.js
  • js/search/search_form_criteria_external_key.js
  • js/search/search_form_criteria_hierarchical_key.js
  • js/search/search_form_criteria_date_abstract.js
  • js/search/search_form_criteria_date.js
  • js/search/search_form_criteria_date_time.js
  • js/field_sorter.js
  • js/table-selectable-lines.js
  • js/clipboard.min.js
  • js/clipboardwidget.js
  • js/searchformforeignkeys.js
  • js/
  • js/d3.js
  • js/c3.js
  • js/raphael-min.js
  • js/jquery.mousewheel.js

Those files were only meant for internal usage.

You have two options to recover quickly the previous behavior:

  • Include the file by the mean of the iBackofficeLinkedScriptsExtension API
  • Set the configuration entry compatibility.include_moved_js_files to true

Deprecated JS files

The following files are no longer loaded in the iTop pages (iTopWebPage) and will be removed later:

  • js/hovertip.js
  • js/datatable.js
  • js/jquery.tablesorter.js
  • js/jquery.tablesorter.pager.js
  • js/jquery.tablehover.js
  • js/date.js
  • js/jquery.layout.min.js
  • js/jquery.qtip-1.0.min.js

Those files were only meant for internal usage.

As long as those files are kept in iTop, you have two options to recover quickly the previous behavior:

  • Include the file by the mean of the iBackofficeLinkedScriptsExtension API
  • Set the configuration entry compatibility.include_deprecated_js_files to true

If you developed an extension that hooked the global search field in the backoffice, you might need to adjust your code as its HTML markup has changed in iTop 3.0.

To hook up with the global search input, you should now target the following JS selector


Other breaking changes

  • Call to $('.object-details') no longer works in the backoffice, use $('.ibo-object-details') instead.
  • When using the selectize.js lib, you must also use the selectize-plugin-a11y.js.
  • Backoffice: Old table libs have been removed and replaced by the dataTables library like in the portal (N°2737)
  • Portal: dataTables has been updated, when using it, mind 2 things:
    • For the checkbox columns, the data option is now mandatory.
    • If you are using a selector with an role attribute, you need to change it because it no longer exists.


Tooltips libs

Up until iTop 2.7, several tooltip libs were used (qTip 1.0 and jQuery tooltip in the backoffice, Bootstrap's tooltip in the portal). with iTop 3.0 they are now deprecated as we decided to switch to a more modern one; they will be completely removed in a future version.

The new tooltip lib is now Tippy which allows the tooltips to be placed perfectly especially when near the screen limits. It is used in both the backoffice and the portal.

For a better DX, we decided to make an abstraction layer to manipulate the tooltips so the code is the same no matter the third-party lib used as it is most likely to be changed (again) in the future.

Deprecated calls in the backoffice
// Call to qTip 1.0
// Call to jQuery tooltip
Deprecated calls in the portal
// Call to Bootstrap tooltip

There is no replacement to qtip() and tooltip(). Instead, you will have to either:

Method 1: Add the attribute data-tooltip-content to your HTML markup, tooltip will then be created automatically.

<button data-tooltip-content="Click to go to the next step of the installation wizard">Move forward</button>

Method 2: Call the CombodoTooltip.InitTooltipFromMarkup method on a DOM element to manually instantiate tooltips on elements that have the required meta-data. Example:

CombodoTooltip.InitTooltipFromMarkup($('.ibo-has-description'), true);

is apply on:

<span class="ibo-has-description" data-tooltip-content="ZIP/Postal code" data-tooltip-max-width="600px"> Postal code</span>

Method 3: For tooltip() used in the console only. Set the configuration parameter compatibility.include_deprecated_js_files to true. This is temporary: while the option will remain valid, the file hovertip.js will be removed at some point in time.

   'compatibility.include_deprecated_js_files' => true,

Other deprecated methods

What changed Why was it removed What to search for What to do if found
Portal: AddParameterToUrl() Refactored to the new CombodoGlobalToolbox class AddParameterToUrl( Replace with CombodoGlobalToolbox.AddParameterToUrl(
DisplayHistory (utils.js) Deprecated since history is now part of the activity panel N.A. Adjust code to not use it anymore.
EncodeHtml (utils.js) Moved to CombodoSanitizer.EscapeHtml EncodeHtml( Replace by CombodoSanitizer.EscapeHtml( / hide() Prefer using methods of the new UI framework Use jQuery.removeClass('ibo-is-hidden') / addClass('ibo-is-hidden')


Breaking changes

SCSS compiler changed

Since iTop 3.0.2-1

// This syntax is no more supported:
fadein($popover-border-color, 5%);
// It must be replaced by:
fade-in($popover-border-color, 0.05);

Moved CSS files

The following files are no longer loaded systematically in the iTop pages (iTopWebPage class), but only in necessary pages:

  • css/c3.min.css

Those files were only meant for internal usage.

You have two options to recover quickly the previous behavior:

  • Include the file by the mean of the iBackofficeLinkedStylesheetsExtension API
  • Set the configuration entry compatibility.include_moved_css_files to true

Raw HTML content

If your module contains HTML sent directly to the browser, without using the new iTop 3.0.0 UI components or CSS classes, then you will see that all styling are removed. This is caused by the CSS reset that was added in iTop (Bulma minireset).

To prevent this, if you can't neither use iTop components nor CSS classes, you could still add a new container around your content with the ibo-is-html-content css class. Something like :

<div class="ibo-is-html-content">
My <strong>Content</strong> with a lot of <span style="color:red;">style</span> !

Font awesome icons

In 3.0, we have removed the Font Awesome v4 compatibility bridge, therefore only Font Awesome v5 icons are available now. As some names have changed since v4, check if the ones you used are concerned here.

iTop 2.7 highlight status / enum colors

If you have customized your itop 2.7, adding custom colors on enum with specific CSS, be aware that it has been simplified and integrated in XML 3.0

3_0_0/release/developer.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/05 12:13 by
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