The following examples are useful queries for a specific version of iTop.
Team members
Purpose: retrieve all the members of a given Team (where the Team is specified by its name).
Compatibility: iTop 2.0
SELECT Person AS p JOIN lnkPersonToTeam AS l1 ON l1.person_id=p.id JOIN Team AS t ON l1.team_id=t.id WHERE t.name = "My team"
Current week
Purpose: Get tickets created within the current week (monday to the current day)
Compatibility: iTop 2.0
SELECT UserRequest WHERE start_date > DATE(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL IF(DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), '%w') = 0, 6, DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), '%w') - 1) DAY))
Previous week
Purpose: Get tickets from the previous week (monday to sunday)
Compatibility: iTop 2.0
SELECT Ticket WHERE start_date < DATE(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL IF(DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), '%w') = 0, 6, DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), '%w') - 1) DAY)) AND start_date > DATE(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL IF(DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), '%w') = 0, 6, DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), '%w') - 1) + 7 DAY))
Previous month
Purpose: Get tickets from the previous month
Compatibility: iTop 2.0
SELECT Ticket WHERE start_date < DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y-%m-01 00:00:00') AND start_date > DATE_FORMAT(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH),'%Y-%m-01 00:00:00')
Organization hierarchies and locations
Purpose: Find out locations within a hierarchy of organizations
Compatibility: iTop 2.0
SELECT s FROM Organization AS child JOIN Organization AS root ON child.parent_id BELOW root.id JOIN Location AS s ON s.org_id=root.id WHERE child.name = 'TheWorldCompany'
Opened tickets
Purpose: Find out all opened Tickets. This is not feasible in one simple SELECT because the attribute “status” is not defined in the class Ticket, but in each derived class. Solution: use an UNION query.
Compatibility: iTop 2.2.0
SELECT UserRequest WHERE status NOT IN ('rejected', 'resolved', 'closed') UNION SELECT Change WHERE status NOT IN ('rejected', 'closed')
In a UNION query, iTop
determines automatically the lowest common ancestor for the
selected classes amongst all the queries.
Thus, in the above query, the results will be displayed as objects of the class Ticket.
Contacts of a ticket
Purpose: Find out the contacts of the provider (hierarchy) and the persons of the customer (top level only)
Compatibility: iTop 2.2.0
SELECT c FROM Contact AS c JOIN Organization AS child ON c.org_id = child.id JOIN Organization AS root ON child.parent_id BELOW root.id WHERE root.friendlyname = 'TheProvider' UNION SELECT p FROM Person AS p JOIN Organization AS o ON p.org_id = o.id WHERE o.friendlyname = 'TheCustomer' AND p.phone != ''
2_3_0/oql/oql_examples.txt · Last
modified: 2018/12/19 11:40 (external edit)