What's New in iTop 2.3
Version 2.3.0 released in July 2016, lastest version 2.3.4 released in June 2017
Lastest: Download iTop-2.3.4-3302.zip
Read before upgrading: Migration notes
Formatted CaseLog
From version 2.3.0, CaseLog are supporting HTML formatting:
rich text
bullets and ordered list
inclusion of images.
Enhanced Customer Portal
A complete New portal, based on a responsive technology, usable on any screen size.
Expendable through customization:
To align Portal style to your company colors and logo
To search, display, edit other type of objects than Ticket
To create different portals for different users
2_3_0/release/whats_new.txt · Last
modified: 2021/04/07 15:10 (external edit)